Chapter 22.) Feelings

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When a person thinks about love, it either brings a smile to their face or sadness. But there is nothing sad about love unless heartbreak follows behind it. Love has a lot of meanings. it can be deep-rooted or blossom overnight as a result of feeling devoted towards a person. Love is best when it is reciprocated and given. It resolves almost everything within the world. There are no rules on how to love or when you should love a person because we don't really know what love is until it happens.

Love can come from a flower that you planted and watch grow, it can come from a friend, item, lover, or pet. Songs can be love. A favorite dish can be love. Love is whatever you make it. As long as it's pure and makes you feel good and confident. If you hadn't experienced it don't rush it but always be open to welcome it because we are nothing without love. As they say, life without love is no life at all and that is true. It'll be valuable to none, just a waste, taking up space.

Love is the heart of life. A person may utter those words verbatim, express them, or show it in other ways. Buying gifts, writing notes, staring at you in awe. Some people show that they love you by being there at your every beck and call. A person may not know how to say those three powerful words, but their actions will show it ten times over.

Occasionally a person may show their love when they are quiet and just listening to you. Many times people show it by forgiveness. Love is the foundation for romantic relationships. With love builds trust and when you trust a person, love them, you'll do your best to work out your differences when you aren't seeing eye-to-eye.

Relationships were hard. They weren't meant to be easy but it wasn't meant to be challenging either. They're like learning how to ride a bike for the first time; sometimes you fall, sometimes you hurt yourself, but the key is to keep trying. Keep pushing until you make it through.

That's what Lucky had to keep reminding himself after leaving the hospital late last night. He loved Ava. Heaven knows he did and he empathized with her situation wholeheartedly but if things would have turned out the way that he had feared, things would have been difficult between the pair.

Sitting out on the back patio with his face in his hands, trying to allow the soothing sounds of the waves to quiet his devious thoughts, Lucky just reflected on his life. The death of his mother didn't have him this overwhelmed and exhausted the way that he had been feeling lately.

He had no idea what the hell he was doing wrong. He was trying to do everything right even when there was so much disorder going on. Anger never did him any justice because it always pushed him into catching a body or two.

But Ava... she got to him. Scared him and had him plotting and preparing things if they would have lost the baby. He had no memory of how he even got to the hospital in time. He was certain he blacked out after being consumed by so much rage. Their baby was fine. He had no idea how but took it as a blessing.

"Lu- Lucky?" Ava's voice raspy voice pulled him from his thoughts.

"Ava..." he inhaled slow and held it before releasing, "Why are you up?"

"I can't sleep."

"So you decide to get up after you were told not to?" he looked back at her with knitted brows, "What is up with you and not listening?"

Looking down, she pulled on the bottom of her T-shirt, "Can you come to bed... please?"

"Ava..." he swiped his tongue over his lips and chuckled, returning his gaze to the water, "Go to bed," he spoke slower.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out onto the patio and slowly made her way over.

Lucky lifted his head and stared at her as if she lost her mind, "Yo, why tha' fuck you testing me for?"

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