Chapter 32.) Vibez

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Everyone hopes for a perfect relationship or marriage, but nobody ever takes the time to understand that you have to be able to love a person through every season. Not just the good. Without the proper support, communication, or boundaries, any form of relationship will fail. That goes for, friendships, work friendships, relationships with family, and romantic relationships.  If we fail to have a good standing on any of those, how can we expect to have the perfect romantic relationship?

Having a connection of any sort is very important in life, but outside of casual or what's expected, everyone needs love. Finding love and having love has always been something that people yearned for. Love and trust are two of the considerable emotions that a person can acquire or give. There are four attributes that a person should focus on within a relationship or when pursuing one: communication, trust, respect, and love. Having great communication is important when it is time to voice problems and find a solution for them.

But without communication, doubts brew, mistrust, worry, second-guessing, and that'll cause the relationship to fail. Outside of communication, trust is the foundation of any and every relationship, but if that is broken or not reciprocated, then that bond is bound to fail or go no further.

For Lucky, communication was something that he was big on. He was 29, soon to be married, and would be a father soon, he had no time for mind games or being expected to read minds. Say what you felt and mean it, that's what he wanted. He and Ava weren't big on that or he'd say that that wasn't her strong suit but after recent events, he could only hope that she'd meet him halfway.


Lifting his head from the water, Lucky stepped back and opened the shower curtain, "Did I wake you?"

Shaking her head, Ava leaned against the wall, and rubbed her eye, "What's tha' matter? You usually ask," she nodded towards the shower.

"I ain't wanna wake you... I'm good tho," he turned the water off and grabbed his towel, "You're supposed to be in bed," he reminded.

"Sorry," she smiled softly, "Bad habit," she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Closing the towel, he walked towards her and towered over her, "I'm not leaving you."

"I know..." she pressed her hand against his chest, "I'm trying."

"Wassup?" He tilted her chin up, "You didn't say much at dinner."

"I'm ok, one of those moments again," she chuckled, "I'm fine, really," she smiled.

"Are you?"

"Yes," she smiled bigger, "Are you ok?"

"Just thinking... and dat led to me thinking dirty," he chuckled.

"Sounds like you," she smirked then laughed when he pinched her.

"Get yo lil self back in bed."

"So bossy," she pouted.


"Ok," she snickered, dipping under his arm and headed back into the room.

Taking some time for himself, Lucky emerged into the bedroom thirty minutes later. Ava was laying on his side of the bed helping herself to a partially frozen container of cool whip while watching the Angel series. Amused, Lucky climbed in behind her and slid her over. She knew he liked to sleep close to the door for her safety but his side always felt better than hers for some reason.

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