Chapter 39.) Homesick

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Luck's Philly Lingo:
Jawn -  anything | Irking/irked - annoying
Fraudin' , cap, no bap - lying
Shit bad - that's bad, stop it
Norf or Up Norf - North Philly
Souf/The P - South Philly | Jakes - Police
Dickhead  | Joe/Joe'n - Hype/amped up
Weird/Weirdo | Ever - it's "never"
Ard/A'ight - alright/ok | Melted - mad
Thurl - real one/certified | Niz/Nizzy - No/Nah
Cannon/boul/bol - homeboy, dawg


Down in Virginia, King decided to spend the day with Assyria just to get a read on her energy. She hadn't asked to sleep inside of the room with him and Renae for two days straight, and though he was proud of her, he didn't want her to feel as if she was becoming annoying. He didn't mind her sharing the big bed with them. It always made him feel wholesome whenever his kids wanted to be in his bubble. It was when they wanted space from him that made him feel unneeded.

Moving through the vegan market, placing things into the cart, King examed some black cherries as Assyria told him about a customer that keeps coming into the store and buying the same clothes, just in different colors. It didn't take King long to realize that she was referring to a woman and he honestly felt good to know that she was opening up to him more about her sexuality.

He still tried to wrap his mind around the many labels. He wasn't sure if that was the proper term, orientation, or preference. Hell, he wasn't sure but he was trying, Lord knows he was. Sexuality seemed like the correct term but he wasn't sure if it were, there was a word Renae mentioned to him but he couldn't seem to pull it from his mental locker. If he had to be honest, he wouldn't say he blamed society for lack of knowledge because that's where a lot of the facts came from. He would say it was an environmental thing that made people confused about which was what.

All he knew growing up was hetero and homosexual, but he didn't know about those that didn't prefer a label. He heard Assyria say something about somebody or something being fluid and tried his best to take in the information but he couldn't stay on track with it. This was a work in progress for him and it gave him a deeper look into just how difficult it was for her.

It was so odd how people could have a problem with a little girl saying that she was attracted to a girl, because the words that followed after were always something as: you're a kid, you don't know what you like. Or the famous one that he's sure many have heard, every time I turn around, they're forcing this shit on us. King would admit, that he may have fallen into the category back then and may have made a distasteful or ignorant comment similar to such but he grew from it.

Why was it such an uproar when a young girl or young boy liked the same gender but when they liked the opposite it was deemed normal behavior? Or if a little girl was caught thinking about liking a boy, she was considered fast for experiencing normal human emotions. But it was deemed good when a young boy had a crush or earned a smile from a grown woman? What sense did that make?

So it was bad for a little girl to like another little girl but if she considered herself hetero, that was ok? King was confused and honestly just wanted people to learn to mind their business and let people do what they wanted.


"Hmm?" King snapped out of his thoughts, "What'd you say?"

Assyria chuckled, "I asked what I should do? You think I'll be moving too fast if I talk to her?"

A little confused because he spaced out, King awkwardly smiled, "Um... yeah?"

"Yeah, I'm moving too fast or yeah, you're lost?" she smirked.

"Second one," he laughed, "My bad, I was trying to remember something your mom said."

"What?" she grabbed the bag of grapes.

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