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Nika's POV:

Waking up in bed with Daddy, I missed Mommy and Mama. I laid there for awhile before Daddy woke up and got us ready for the day. She asked me to sit in my room for a while Aunt Mel came in and brought me some pancakes for breakfast. I wasn't really hungry so I just focused on the cards I was making for Mommy and Mama.

I finished after two episodes Barbie and started to take them downstairs. I heard yelling from the kitchen and stopped as I was halfway down. Daddy came over to the stairs and held out her hand and I walked down to take it. She walked me to the table and told Mama to speak.

"Hi Nika, I'm glad you're feeling better. I've missed you. I want to apologize to you for how I acted with you. I just felt bad that I hurt you and I shut myself off from you. It's how I deal with things, I just shut down so I can focus and get through my problems, but Rob and Bey have pointed out that I can't do that with you. I want us to have a stronger relationship and I will work on that."

I nod and Mama and I hug and I sat on her lap. I gave Mommy and Mama their cards and Mommy spoke.

"I want to make a point too Nika, I've also failed in how I handled the situation between us. We have to communicate better for your sake and I'm sorry that I left you during 'Little' day after suggesting it. I also missed our scheduled nursing times and I'm sorry. I know you don't like deviating from the schedule Nika."

Mommy kissed my cheek and they opened their cards and read them before looking at the picture and kissing me. Daddy excused herself and Mama spoke.

"So, what should we do today Nika?"

I shrug and Mama kissed my cheek and asked if I wanted to go with her for an hour or two. I nod and Mama let me go so she could get ready. I climbed into Mommy's lap and pulled her tank top down and quietly latched. She was so full and I was happy, I missed my milk treat.

Daddy came down with my plate and commented on how I barely had any before asking if I wanted cereal with my milk with a laugh. I whined annoyed at her comment and Mommy rubbed my back and told Daddy to leave me alone and let me have my milk in peace.

I had all of my milk and was just idly suckling when Mama came down in a tube top and jeans with Nikes on. She rubbed my cheek and asked if I was ready to go. I nodded and hugged Mommy and Daddy goodbye before leaving with Mama. I was nervous, we never really went anywhere alone. I saw she had her silver suitcase that she used to give people piercings and tats. We rode for a while in her truck before getting out and going into a huge mansion. Inside, I held Mama's hand tight as we got checked by security and let in. Inside, we got escorted to a large room and I saw a pretty woman sitting on a bed.

"Megan, you came! And you brought the Baby! About time."

I slid behind Mama as she lady got up and walked over to us with a big grin on her face. Mama rubbed my arm and spoke softly.

"Nika, this is my oldest friend from college, Summer. It's okay, you can say 'Hi' when you're ready okay?"

"Hi Summer." I reply quietly.

"Aww Megs! She's so cute, tiny compared to your big butt."

"Ha! Let's get started."

Summer got on the bed and Mama gave me a chair to sit in and she got one and made a sterile area for Summer's right foot. Mama quickly put her tattoo machine together and did a stencil of a flower on Summer's foot before getting the final approval. Mama went to wash her hands and came back and put on her gloves and started to tattoo the flower while her and Summer talked. I wanted a closer look so I moved closer. Mama looked up and smiled and told me to go wash my hands and come back.

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now