Underwear Fairy

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Rob's POV:

I was sitting in Nika's room with her trying to get her to relax. She was worked up again after having a nightmare. It was becoming a pattern and I didn't understand it. She normally slept fine but these last few weeks when she would sleep in her room, it was like this. She would wake up and scream and I would come in and Peaches would put her blanket in the dryer to warm it up before we took her in our room for the rest of the night.

Peaches came back with the blanket and wrapped it around Nika and she relaxed. I wrapped it tighter and we left her room and went into ours. Inside, Suga was lying on the bed, sleep, lightly snoring. Peaches and I put Nika between us and Peaches let down her tank top before falling back to sleep. Nika and I looked at each other in the dark and she spoke.


"Yes my Baby."

"I need more underwear...the fairy keeps taking them."

"Ummm...Okay Baby. Anything special?" I ask confused for a second.

"Pink ones and Princess ones." Nika said quietly yawning.

I nod reaching over and giving Nika her pacifier and kissing her forehead. She soon fell asleep, and I laid in bed thinking. I texted Mel a quick paragraph before I went back to the sleep.


A few weeks later, sitting in the safe house, I had my burner phone out texting Mel. I was highly pissed about what happened with Nika and Shadow. Peaches was literally threatening to take Nika until I got it together.

While she was out of it, Nika said something that made me rethink how I was handling the situation.

I lit the blunt on the balcony and took a deep breathe knowing that the situation would get handled.



I set a timer as we left the house. In the truck, I gave Megan the directions and she drove as I sat in the back looking at my phone. I was watching the cameras in the house. I watched Nika's room and saw that she was just lying there looking at the ceiling. I looked at the front door and saw my cousins and one of their friends come into the house. I saw my Mom come over and walked with them to the door. My Mom went into Nika's room and locked the door before sitting with her on the bed and talking. The cameras went dark in certain spots under the guise of 'no motion detected' and soon the only people in my house were my Mom and Nika who was sitting on my Mom's lap being rocked and cuddled.

I clicked over to my house in California and saw Mel's friend in the house taking out computers and the secret camera Shadow put up in Nika's room.

Mel's friend sent me the images and videos that he captured as we were shopping and I literally had to catch a trash can to vomit. Peaches and Suga were concerned and asked what was going on. After getting my bearings, I pulled them over into a secluded section of shops and showed them the video.

Shadow went into Nika's room as she was sleeping and pulled out a pair of 'Little' panties took them a few times over a few weeks before one day he stood in her room and masturbated with them over her. Thankfully she was sleep every time but the act still stood. I showed them the images of all of us having sex, naked, Nika's nursing times, and just random clips of us. I was getting mad seeing our privacy just violated to hell and Peaches mad and crying and Suga was stone faced seething. Some of the videos explained why Nika was having nightmares for the stent of time.  Shadow had went into Nika's room and she woke up while he was rubbing one out and he pulled out his gun. Even though he was talking low, we could hear him threaten Nika and ask her to come suck him off. She shook her head and he smirked saying he was going to get her when she wasn't looking before busting his nut and leaving. He did the act of going into her room one more time before we left for vacation and even threatening Nika that he was making sure to pack extra needles.

Peaches surprisingly fainted and Suga and I caught her and put her on the floor. The shop keeper brought over a wet compress and said that the heat was no joke today and that we needed to drink a lot of water. I nodded. Nika was sucking the water out of Peaches faster before she could replenish and spent most of the flights, in her lap suckling the hours away.

I leaned over and kissed Suga's ear and spoke quietly.

"5 more minutes, it'll be handled."

Suga nodded and Peaches started to come too. I got her some lemonade from the nearby fridge stall and made her drink it all. Suga got her snack and we felt okay letting her up. Soon, I got a text from Mel. I gave Peaches a hug and told her that it's okay.

We grabbed the few things we needed and something for Nika and left back to the compound. Out in the water we could see the coast guard boat docked off our dock. On the pier, a body under a white sheet.


excuse all errors!


ya'll like how they handled Shadow?

still on vacay, but will start posting regularly soon.


4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now