Little Touch

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Nika's POV:

I woke up in a 'Mommy only mood'. I let Daddy help me get ready for the day so but was pretty much in Mommy's skin once I laid eyes on her. I sat her on lap for breakfast, snuggled her during nursing time, and cuddled with her on the couch until Daddy went to the gym and to do errands. Mommy told me she needed to go out to do errands and wanted to check on her Mom. I almost cried because she was leaving me but Mama told me that I could go do something with her. Randomly her and Daddy took a vacation day.

Sulking, I went with Mama. Mama took me to get tacos and then the grocery store. We went to another grocery store and got some stuff before getting me a cotton candy. In the truck, Mama gave me a few kisses and cuddled me for a moment and it made me slightly less cranky. We left the stores and went home. At home, I lay on the couch while she put the food away and put on dinner in the Instapot.

Mama came over and brought me some water but I didn't want any. Mama sat and took off her shirt leaving her just in her bra. I frowned and she spoke.

"Baby, I'm just hot." She chuckled. "I know you miss Mommy. Do you want to cuddle?"

I frown holding my arms out. Mama chuckled grabbing me into an embrace and lying on the couch. Snuggled by her breasts and I sucked my pacifier as she rubbed my back and spoke.

"Bookie, Just relax and take a nap, You'll feel better."

I reached down and started to play with her belly chain and she kissed my forehead. She fell asleep and I just laid there with her and eventually put her nipple in my mouth ditching the pacifier. Mama, Mommy, and Daddy had a rule that they had open consent which each other. Many mornings, they've woken each other up with kissing, oral sex, and even just sex. They told me it extended to me but on their end to keep me comfortable they never did anything without my express consent.

Her nipple was soft and even with her piercing it felt nice. I wished she had some  I was halfway to sleep when Mama moaned in her sleep. I was surprised, Mommy didn't do that when I suckled her. I slid my hand down carefully and pulled up her cotton skirt. No panties, delicately wet as fuck. I don't know how she did it, Mommy and I couldn't go without panties since when got wet it was like a swimming pool.

I circled my thumb around her clit that was hardening and slid two fingers into her wet pussy. I curled up feeling her g-spot and started to stroke my fingers. She wiggled in her sleep and moaned and I went faster. Her pussy was so juicy it was running down my fingers and hand. I decided to wake her up and I went faster and faster soon she was awake moaning and cumming on my fingers. She looked at me with wild smile and slight tear in the eyes. She gave a big kiss and said that she was very pleased and enjoyed it. She helped me up and she took a shower while I washed my hands and used the bathroom. I changed into some black jogging pants and white crop top. I went down to the couch and cleaned it with spray and leather cleaner before sitting on the futon. To my happiness, Mommy came in with a bag from Target.

She put the bag down and sat with me giving me a hug and kiss and saying she missed me. I wasted no time, pulling her tank top down and laying on her. She grinned and turned the TV to some house renovation show. We laid up for a while and Mama came down and kissed us and finished dinner. She gave Mommy a glass of wine and sat with hers while they watched TV. Daddy came home after an hour and gave us all hugs and kisses before going to clean up for dinner. We went to the table and Mama put the smothered chicken, carrots, and garlic mashed potatoes on our plates. Mommy gave me a roll and some apple juice with some Midol. I took the medication, and we said a prayer and Mama and Mommy took turns feeding me making me feel special. Aunt Mel came in and sat with us and began to eat. Daddy and her joked during dinner making us laugh and laugh and it was a good mood booster.

We talked about the dinner and Aunty Mel asked what I wanted for a gift. I shrugged and Daddy whispered something to her and she nodded. After dinner, we went to brush our teeth and I laid in bed half sleep until Aunty Mel came in and laid on the bed with me watching TV. Aunty Mel cuddled with me and I fell asleep.


aww, Nika opening up to Megan. :)

excuse all errors!



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