The Good Girl

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Suga's POV:

Today, I took the day off so I could spend time with Nika and give Rob and Peaches time to get the things for her birthday together. So, this morning after breakfast, I got her dressed so we could go outside and make a snowman since we got a little bit of snow. It was a 'mini man' and cute but the snowball fight was had after was better. Soon, it got windy and colder so we went inside. Inside, we took off our clothes and I hung up the wet ones in the Florida room and we went upstairs to take a hot bath.

My Bookie didn't want to be in the bath too long but I joined her and made it fun with playing with ducks with her. She was eyeing my breasts and I felt bad watching her redirect herself. I helped her out and we got dried off and changed. I did everything for Nika and loved it. Now I see why Rob did it every morning.

I put her in a cute bunny one piece and long gray knee high socks. I put on just my fuzzy robe and slippers.

 We went into the bedroom and I put on a movie

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 We went into the bedroom and I put on a movie. Nika laid between my legs suckling her pacifier while eyeing my breasts again. I knew she was due for a nap and wanted to suckle herself to sleep but I was trying hard to have a boundary. I didn't want to get turned on and not have a way to release it as Rob and Peaches wouldn't be home for at least 3 hours.

I felt hot wet tears on my chest and saw that Nika was crying. I sat her up and dried her eyes. I remembered quickly what I brought her and asked her if she wanted her 'Milk'. Nika nodded quickly with heavy eyelids.

I told her to wait and went down to the kitchen and got out some of the milk Peaches pumped this morning and put it in bottle. I knew Rob wouldn't like me giving her a bottle but it seemed like the best solution when Peaches wasn't around. Besides, Nika wasn't trying to suck on Rob's bird chest so she wasn't subjected to the boobie monster that Nika had become.

I took the warmed bottle containing the milk back to the bedroom and sat with Nika who was holding Peaches pillow.

"Look at what I got you Bookie."

I lightly shake the bottle in the air earning a confused look from her.

"It's Mommy's milk, let's try it Baby."

I sat on the bed and pulled her into a cradle and removed her pacifier. Nika frowned and it couldn't help but giggle.

"Awww, Don't worry, you'll like it."

I kiss Nika before blowing into her mouth a little to make her open her mouth. I popped the nipple in and she groaned before taking a moment and suckling. She cut her eyes at me angrily suckling and I couldn't help but laugh. She was soo cute when she was angry. She eventually closed her eyes and started to relax.

"There we go, Mama's got it handled. Good girl."

Nika finished her milk and took a nap giving me some free time. I had brought her birthday gift and needed to wrap it up. Down in my office, I locked the door and checked my work emails before wrapping Nika's gift. I had brought her gold ankle bracelet and new belly chain. I also got 'Big' Nika a bubble gum pink Fendi purse. But for Little Nika, I got her two new pacifiers and two 'Little' outfits. I finished wrapping and hid her gifts before leaving the office. I got something to drink and went back to lay down with Nika.

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now