Another 1?

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Peaches POV:

After taking Rob her lunch, Nika and I went to the Mall. At the Mall, we bumped into Kelly and Normani. I felt Nika wrap her arm around mine tight as we joined Kelly and Normani in shopping. It was so sweet to see Normani fawn over Nika and talk to her. Nika had on her facemask so she could suckle on her pacifier in peace. In a special boutique where they sold 'Little' and 'Sub' items, Normani begged to look around with Nika and have alone time. I told Nika to play nice as Normani pulled her into the next aisle. Kelly and I walked over to some lactation stuff and spoke quietly.

"Normani is so smitten with Nika."

"That's nice, Nika likes her and Ari too."

"So, when are you getting another?"

"Another what?"

"Another Little, Nika seems like she'd benefit from having a 'Sissy'. Especially since she bonded with her Dom more than you."

"What do you mean? The collar?"

"Yes, she wears that for Rob, not you right?"

"Yes but technically we're all Rob's subs. Megan and I just don't feel the need to collar since we have wedding rings."

"Makes sense but talk with Nika and see what she wants. Plus you lactate so much, it's no way she drinks it all."

"Ha! Trust me, she drinks it all."

"Oh, that explains the weight loss."

"Weight loss? She hasn't lost weight."

"I mean it's subtle. In her face and her arms."

"I hadn't noticed."

"Well, she doesn't eat much. I noticed at dinner she hardly had half her plate but when up for nursing time. We have a rule that the girls have to eat at least two full meals a day and a snack along with our nursing time. It's okay to firm with your Little, Beyonce. Does Nika have rules?"


"Which are?"

"Umm, the basic Little rules, don't lie, come to us when somethings wrong, no naughty words, keep her room clean, always let us know where you are and going, use your manners, no touching yourself without permission, keep up on hygiene, take all meds, respect Mommy, Daddy, and Mama's boundaries, use the safe word, 1 glass of alcohol a day – two on special occasions, no drugs except weed or edibles that come directly from Daddy and Aunt Mel and only under their supervision and at home."

"Good base, what are her punishments?"

"Time out, extra chores, no new stuffie for two weeks. Electronics taken away."

"No spankings?"

"We don't use that to punish, only for pleasure."


"But Nika is a good Baby, I've never had to punish her really. A stern talk normally sets her straight."

"Well, that's good. If she's a good as you say, then another Little would only add to that. Just talk about it with your wives. Don't rule it out without a conversation."

I nod picking up some nipple balm.

Kelly and I talked for a good thirty minutes before we checked on the girls. Nika immediately rushed to my side burying her face in it.

"Hey Baby, I missed you too." I say giving her a quick tap on the butt.

"Did you and Nika have fun 'Mani?" Kelly asked kissing her forehead.

"We had a lot of fun!" Normani said smiling at Nika.

"Well, how about we get some lunch before we separate?"

"Lunch would be good Kelly."

We paid for our things and left the store before going over to the burger restaurant at the end of the hall. We got burgers and Normani and Nika had BBQ chicken fingers and fries. Nika actually ate it all and I felt randomly relieved that she had something other than my milk today. I paid for lunch and Kelly gave the tip and we said 'Goodbye'.

In the truck on the ride home, Nika was quiet and didn't want to hold my hand while I was driving for little stents like we normally did. At home, we brushed our teeth and I put things away that I brought.

Nika went into her room for a while before coming out dressed in pajamas. She curled up on the couch for a nap and I went outside to check around the house. I was surprised to find a note tucked in between a drainpipe. I didn't move it knowing it was probably from Coi and just in case it was laced I didn't want to touch it. I walked back to the house and made sure to lock the doors and put the security system on and sent Rob a text. I noticed the officer that was parked in the road get out and start towards the backyard.

I joined Nika in the living room and did some online shopping before she woke up. She went to the bathroom before coming back and sitting on the couch. I smiled and asked her to sit with me. She looked hesitant for a while before she obliged and crawled into my lap. I wrapped us up in one of her favorite blankets and she cuddled into me.

"What's the matter with my Baby?"


"Don't lie Baby, I can tell something is really bothering you."


Nika sighed and pulled the blanket over her head as my phone went off. I looked at it and saw that it was Rob calling me. I answered it and talked quietly with her before letting her talk to Nika. Nika immediately asked Rob when she was coming home. Rob talked to Nika for a bit before Nika gave me the phone back. Rob said she would be home in a few hours and that she wanted to cook dinner and to take the chicken out an hour before hand and turn on the oven to preheat it. We said 'Goodbye' and I hung up as my watch went off. My normally eager Baby didn't help herself and my heart dropped. I pulled my shirt up and felt Nika touch my breasts before taking a moment to reposition and latch on. I pulled the blanket back a little so I could see her face and spoke quietly.

"I love you."


excuse all errors!



4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora