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Rob's POV:

Sitting at my desk at work, I filled out some paperwork and listened to some piano music. I glanced over at Nika who was lying on my couch buried in a blanket asleep. I bit the end of my pen feeling tired and ready to go home. We had been home from Barbados for a month and were moving into our new dream home. It couldn't have came any sooner, Shadow fucked us over real good, if I could, I would dig him up, bring him to life, and kill him again. He never put himself inside of Nika but seeing him touch and kiss her was sickening enough. At first, we weren't going to tell Nika but my Mom told me that Nika deserved to know.

Sitting her down, once we got back, we told her everything and she even seen a clip before losing her lunch and locking herself in the spare bedroom for the rest of the day. I felt like shit since Shadow being in my house was of my doing but Peaches and Suga gave me some support too telling me that the background check wouldn't have shown that he was an asshole.

Outside of that, Nika seemed to put up a good front of not letting it look like it bothered her but between Diamonte leaving for tour, clips of Nika in the shower popping up on OnlyFans, and her tearful goodbye with her Mom she hadn't been talking much. Dr. Aiko luckily has been calling her everyday to check in and told us what to look out for. For the most part, Nika was just quiet, tearful, and clingy.

Today, since I didn't have any dockets and just a bunch of paperwork I'd been pushing off, I took Nika to work with me so Peaches could have a break and direct the moving crew who was bringing the bulk of our things over to the new house as well as the new things her and Suga had ordered.

I yawned looking at the clock and putting my head down to finish up. After an hour, I was done and my assistant came in to get it all and give my a cup of tea. She left and I walked over and kneeled in front of Nika who still sleeping but groaning in her sleep. I rubbed her head that was warm before getting up. I gently woke her up and she sat up and instantly started to cough. I gave her my tea and she sipped it as I gathered our stuff and we left.

In the truck, I stopped to pick up the grocery order and then headed to the new house. It was an hour drive and I was glad I swung through the drive through and got some chicken tenders from Cane's. I got enough to split it with my Baby but she didn't want any and chose to finish my tea and went back to sleep. At the new house, which we were calling 'Paradise', the movers were leaving and Peaches was outside talking to Suga who was taking pictures of the front door. Parking, I could see the massive crack in bottom of it and rolled my eyes. Guess Peaches was right about the door needing to be replaced. It was supposed to be vintage but apparently it was 'too' vintage and dry rotted inside. Getting out, Suga and Peaches came over and spoke before opening the door for Nika. Peaches woke her up and helped her inside exclaiming that she wanted to take her temperature. Suga helped me bring in our stuff and finished off the chicken strips before going back to dinner. She was making turkey pot pie and Halloween cookies. Suga was so excited for Halloween. She loved the holiday and wanted to have a costume party. I agreed but just told her that we would have it at a hotel party room since I didn't want too many people to know where we lived and in our space.

I got some water and washed my hands before going to check on Nika who was in the bathroom with Peaches. I left out and went to take a long shower before dinner. Dried off and changed into a shirt and lounge pants. I sat on the bed texting Mel when Suga came in.

"Did you get that email from admin?"

"Yes, I was happy because I need a day. Are you working from home?"

"No, but I am going to go out to do a tattoo but that's it. Peaches and I want to go take Nika to look at furniture."

I nod as Suga went to go check on the food and got up to adjust the bedroom air temperature before going to check on Nika. In Nika's room, she was lying next to Peaches, sniffling and talking low. I didn't want to interrupt but I really wanted to know what was going on. I quietly snuck in and sat on the floor at the end of bed. Nika told Peaches that she missed her Mom and that her Dad blamed her for breaking up their marriage which we all knew since he texted us as well before he was blocked. But the stuff with Shadow was the main thing and she said she people had been slut shaming and embarrassing her about it, Lauren spear headed some of it personally and she was trying to be good and not hurt herself. Peaches comforted her and validated her feelings before telling her that we would do whatever to make her feel better but that she needed to rest so her fever would break. Nika started to cry for a moment before Peaches calmed her down and started to put her to sleep. Nika was latched and the room was quiet for a while before I stood and sat next to Peaches. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and laid next to her for a while before we got up to have dinner.

Sitting for dinner, we ate and talked about Megan's party before having some cookies. Peaches heated up some soup for Nika which exploded in the microwave causing Nika to scream as she was coming around the corner when it happened.

I prompted cleaned it up and explained to Peaches that even though the metal can soup could go in the microwave, she still needed to take off the lid inside so it would vent.

Nika sat in Suga's lap as they sat on the couch and Suga gave her the soft silicone pacifier that she had tucked in her sports bra and cuddled with her. I felt Nika's forehead and felt that she wasn't feverish anymore but still a little warm. We joined them in the living room and put on a scary movie. Nika was sleep so we didn't have to worry about her getting scared and Suga enjoyed her cuddle time and I enjoyed secretly fingering Peaches on the couch under a blanket. It was just like old times sans Suga and Nika.



Rob's POV:

It was movie night and I was at Mama Tina's house. Peaches and I were newly married but living with her Mom while our house was finished. Luckily Tina had space but I hated not being able to buss Peaches pussy down the middle whenever and where ever I wanted. Today was hard as Peaches had been in a bikini all day during a family party and 10 minute quickies weren't doing for me.

I had pulled Peaches into our room and ate her pussy once, into the basement and fucked her behind the water heater, and she sucked my dick in the pantry but I was still horny as fuck and it wasn't going away.

Sitting with everyone in the theatre room, I was in pajamas and Peaches in her night gown with a large blanket over us. We were watching a scary movie and I was annoyed with a hard dick that wanted to buried in Peaches. I asked if we could turn in early but Peaches wanted to watch the movie.

I sighed and slipped my hand up her thigh. I rubbed it and soon found her pussy that was hidden under some silk panties. I growled in her ear and asked why she was hiding my pussy and quickly pushed them aside. Peaches covered her blush and turned her head for a second.

I walked my fingers over her pussy lips, rubbed her slit, and tugged her clit to hardness. I took my time playing in her pussy since she wanted to watch the movie so bad plus the longer the foreplay, the longer the fuck. I loved getting her to the edge and making her pussy soak its self over and over when it squirted. Finally I curled my fingers up and started to slowly fuck her with them all while keeping her a straight face. Peaches was failing poorly at keeping it together but luckily it was dark and the movie was loud so no one could hear my fingers getting sucked up by a wet gorilla grip pussy. Finally after having enough, Peaches got up and dragged me out of the room and into ours. She locked the door and I put her back on the bed and smirked saying we weren't going to sleep tonight.


Snapping out of my flashback, I was head first in Peaches pussy while Suga and Nika had long left the room. Peaches moaned and I felt her sweet nectar pour out of her. I kissed her thigh and told her I loved her before going back to licking, sucking, and soon fucking. Peaches was spent and laid on me in an orgasmic haze as Suga came in with the blunt. I took it as she sat to me and smacked Peaches on her ass before kneeling in front of us. She grabbed Peaches hips and started to move her up and down on my hard. Peaches moaned and Suga kept going until Peaches came again. Peaches finally got off of me collapsing on the white carpet below us and Suga pounced her and started to fucked her while making out with her. It was a sexy sight against the fireplace that was on in the room and nothing else. Brown mounds moving up and down in the faint darkness while I enjoyed a good blunt and stroked myself. Suga was good enough to catch my nut and sucked Peaches nectar off of me before going back to Peaches. They were going to be down there for hours so I just excused myself and went to shower. After putting on pajamas, brushing my teeth, and doing my skin routine, I checked on my Baby who was in bed sleep. I laid next to her and she cuddled me and continued to sleep. I looked up the moon through the sky light and eventually fell asleep. I was knocked out until I felt the bed shift. I opened my eyes and saw that Peaches was in bed with Nika latched on. I kissed her forehead and left to join Suga in bed. In bed, Suga was still up scrolling her phone and eating a Pop-Tart. I rolled my eyes and got in bed and went to sleep.


back from vacation, posting more regularly.

excuse all errors!



4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now