Mothers Day Weekend 1

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Waking up to the smell of breakfast, I figured it was just Mama cooking as usual and didn't get up. Mommy was awake and talking to Daddy who was moving around the room. I didn't even open my eyes and just held onto Mommy tighter and started to suckle harder. I had drained her dry but was getting a little bit of milk. Mommy winced and said that we needed to get up. I shook my head and soon felt Daddy arms around me. She pulled me back and I whined not wanting to let go.

"Come on Baby, we all have to get up and I have a surprise for you."

"I'm tired!" I whine.

"I'll let you nap later okay?"

Before I could object Mommy gave me a pacifier and kiss on the forehead. She quickly left the room and Daddy and I took a shower together and got dressed. She put in me a cute white long sleeve shirt, jean skirt, and white fishnet stockings with some stacked black MaryJanes. Thankfully, my ankle didn't hurt too much this morning. She let my hair down and slicked it back with a pink headband. She looked good in a gray long sleeve shirt, jeans, and gray Jordans.

Holding my Laila, she walked me to the front where Mama Mo was sitting at the table with Nana Holly. I ran over and hugged them both excitedly. I was so happy to see them!


Seeing Nika hug my Mom and Suga's, I was happy they were able to come up. I had planned some nice things for all the 'Mom's' in my life. This morning, I woke up early and gave Suga and Peaches their first gifts. I gave Suga and Peaches pearl bracelets, symbolizing their nursing relationships with Nika. Suga was taken aback saying that even though she always rebuffed the idea she did enjoy her nursing relationship with Nika and it did make them closer. Peaches loved hers as well and said she'd thank me properly once she was free of our Baby this morning.

I gave my Mom money in her account since she preferred to buy her own things and I gave Suga's Mother some money and a Gucci purse.

After breakfast, Suga and Peaches went up to get ready and more than likely fuck so I told Nika to take her Grannies to her playhouse while I walked 4oe. I enjoyed a blunt during my walk and 4oe enjoyed running off leash for a while. I recalled 4oe and walked him over to Nika's playhouse. Inside, my Mom was holding Nika in her lap while Nana Holly read her a book. I waited for them to finish and they cleaned up the toys she pulled out and walked with me back to the house. Inside, Suga and Peaches were coming down the stairs. They both were covered in a few hickies each, Nymphos. 

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We all left and I drove us all to the Mall

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We all left and I drove us all to the Mall. In the Mall, Nika wanted to hold my hand as they all shopped. While we were waiting in Chanel, Nika wanted to go to the 'Little' store. I excused us and we went down. Inside, Nika took me into their 'quiet room' and sat on my lap. She cuddled into me and held me tightly. I held her back realizing she had feeling overwhelmed and just wanted to decompress. She told me 'Thank you' for inviting the Grannies and said she was happy. She called her 'Mom' and talked for a bit and I talked to her too before we hung up. Nika was finally ready after a few more minutes and we went back to Chanel. I paid for the Mom's things and we stopped for a snack. Nika wasn't hungry and only had a bite of my pretzel.

We shopped until lunch time and decided on Mexican. Nika again, didn't eat much and knew she was holding out for nursing time with Peaches. To take her mind off it, Suga snuggled her and rubbed her thigh. I was happy she was bonding so much with our Baby and vice versa.

After lunch, we left the Mall and I drove us over to a garden center. My Mom and Holly wanted to get some plants to go around our house. Nika had pinned Peaches to the seat to have her milk so she waved us all out so her and her Baby could have their quiet time. My Mom and Holly were shopping as Suga and I looked at the fountains.

Suga soon, took my hand and spoke quietly.

"Rob, after thinking about what Tems inquired about Nika, I wanted to ask Nika something."


"I know she doesn't want to use diapers but I was wondering if she would let me diaper her? She doesn't have to use them."

"Huh?" I reply stopping in my tracks.

"Okay so...for a while I'd been wanting to ask her. They make the cutest cloth diapers and since I'm not nursing anymore, I wanted to try something else that could be our thing. You and Peaches both have a thing with her, nursing, the collar, and I just wanted something I could do with her."

"Umm...I can't speak for Nika but I...can only need to research and have a solid pitch for that and no expectations of her saying 'Yes'."

"I know."

"You ordered some diapers didn't you?"

"Just cloth ones with cute covers! Again, she doesn't have to use them, she can unsnap and still go to the bathroom on her own."

"Hmm...Suga, you can ask, but please talk to Peaches about it first."

"Peaches and I talked about it, she thinks Nika would be okay with it."

"Well, you two aren't Nika, talk to her okay?"

"Thank you Daddy!" Suga said smiling and hugging me.

"Megan, don't thank me, it's not my decision."

"I know, I just wanted to make sure you would be okay with me asking."

Suga kissed me and we continued walking. We finished up and had an employer put the plants in the trunk for us. Driving home, the Mom's nodded off and Nika was sleeping along with Peaches. Suga talked to me more about how to broch the subject with Nika and she came up with a solid presentation and said she wouldn't be upset if Nika said 'No' but I was getting the feeling that it wasn't true, she wanted it a lot.

At home, the Mom's went to get ready for dinner as Tina and family were coming over and Suga went in the kitchen to start cooking. Peaches took Nika in her room where Nika told her that she wanted her to rearrange her room. I helped Peaches and Nika went down to be with Suga. Peaches and I talked about what Suga said and Peaches was okay with it as long as Nika was. I needed some paper towels so I went downstairs and saw Nika on the counter with Suga who was holding her. Suga saw me and gave me a smile before kissing Nika's cheek.

I left the kitchen as Suga started to talk and as much as I wanted to be nosy, I decided to give them their privacy.



excuse all errors!

(How many chptrs can a story be on here? lol)


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