Blue Bag

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(Sorry for the slow update, I had a little writers block on this book.)

Peaches POV:

"Solange, You're looking a little better, how do you feel?"

"So...tired...I'm so tired Sissy. My heart has been feeling like it's racing and when I rest I can't. Sometimes I can sleep and I feel better and Coi makes a special banana smoothie to help soothe my stomach but then in like 30 minutes, I feel like crap again."

"Banana smoothie huh? When's the last time you had on?"

"...Last night. But I didn't finish it all."

Solange weakly pointed to the steel tumbler on the nightstand with a straw in it. I carefully took it as Solange grabbed my hand.

"I love you BB. I'm sorry I've fucked up things for us. Hug Nika for me? I just..."

"Shhh, it's okay. It's going to be alright. Just rest okay?"

Solange nodded closing her eyes. I rubbed her cheek and she fell asleep. I changed the wet compress that was on her head. I was washing my hands in the bathroom when I saw Coi's small travel bag out of the corner of my eye. I quietly walked over and unzipped it. Cash, my Mom's bracelet she'd been looking for a month, pictures of Nika that seemed to be taken when she wasn't looking, pictures of her sucking my breast from that day at Thanksgiving which almost made me retch and two blue baggies of something brown and chopped up. and left the room. I ran into Mel and Rob in the hall and they pulled me into another room.

"Peaches, we think Solange is on psilocybin aka magic mushrooms. They can make you lose your mind if not taken properly."

"I'm way ahead of you, I believe Coi is giving them to Solange in banana smoothies. I found more."

Rob and Mel looked at each other before looking at me.

"How do you want to handle this?" Rob asked.

I bit my lip and thought about my sister and my Nika and pulled out my phone. I called 911. Rob and Mel looked shocked but once I hung up I explained it as we walked down to the front door.

"I'm tired of handling shit on the low. I get the other thing because that was a necessary but call it, me having a piece of compassion for a wayward 'Little'. She's needs help and to go to jail. She could have killed Solange. Besides, I still want to hurt her for sending a knife to my Baby, it took everything out of me this morning not to rip her throat out so she needs to go to jail before I do."

I was deathly calm and serious and I could tell it freaked out Mel and Rob for a moment. Mel finally cleared her throat and spoke.

"Yeah, she's like what...20?"

"Yes Mel. She still out with my Dad?"

"I told him to keep an eye on her and not let run off." Rob answered.

I nod and looked for Suga or Nika but didn't see them.

"Nika is sleeping and Suga is watching anime." Rob said rubbing my arm.

The police soon showed up and Mel took one over to Coi who had started to run and the other came in as the Doctor we called early came back. We broke the whole situation down and the Doctor backed it and checked on Solange giving her an IV and showing me how to change the extra bag he left for the night with instructions for her to come down to the clinic for him to take the IV out tomorrow morning. Coi, on the other hand, was giving the police hell and when she started fighting the female officer, we knew for sure she wasn't going to be granted a bond for sure now. She got restrained and taken to the back of the patrol car.

The Moms came back as everyone was leaving and Rob was good with getting everyone to calm down and come in so we could talk. Inside, Suga came up and made everyone hot chocolate or tea and put the entertaining cookies on the huge coffee table that was by the fireplace that my Dad had filled with wood and lit.

Calmly, we explained the whole situation to the parents. Everyone was shocked and hurt and Rob Mom even cried while comforting my mom who was blaming herself for not seeing it and for her own actions when she wasn't on her medication. I was good at keeping everyone on track and we all went to check on Solange who was looking better with the IV fluids and was resting.

All the parents decided that they wanted to go out to eat at the five star restaurant on the property and Suga and Rob decided to go as well. I was tired and wanted to rest with my Nika and keep an eye out for Solange.

They decided to go have a early dinner and Rob paid the resort patrol to do extra rounds to make sure nothing happened or if I needed help. Down in the basement, Nika was awake watching the Grinch and looked sad until she saw me. I curled up in bed with her and she happily latched on and we began to watch the movie.


excuse all errors!!


Christmas next chptr.


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