Our Little

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Rob's POV:

The next few days were uneventful at home and work was finally winding down for me. The jury was on a break for two days for a mental health triggering situation when some kids testified and I was happy to be able to have a four day weekend. Beyonce was gone this morning to finally do her spa appointments she kept pushing back and Megan was gone on a business trip for the next three days. Personally, I think she was actually happy to go since seeing Nika made her sad because of the accident. Nika's wound was still healing and she didn't like wearing pants or underwear so sometimes she was in a big t-shirt and nothing else in the house.

Wanting to go out, I persuaded her to put on some black cotton shorts with no undies and a red t-shirt that almost hid them. She put on her red Vanz and I grinned because we matched. I had on a red shirt and black joggers with my red Jordans. Nika was messing with my pixie cut as I was buckling her seat belt. I grinned and pulled her low braided pig tails to the front of her shoulder and closed the door.

Driving us down to the mall, I wanted to see if I could get some more slacks for work and a dress or two for Nika. We were hand in hand going through the stores and Nika was quiet but excited. She loved shopping. I got a new pair of black pants, brown, and some white ones. I picked out a cute sundress for Nika and a cute two-piece blouse and skirts for Bey and Megan.

Stopping at the food court, Nika and I split a pretzel and kept walking. After hitting all the sneaker stores and I decided to leave the Mall. Back at the truck, Nika asked if Bey would be home soon. I said 'Yes' and that she'd be home before she knew it. Puling away from the Mall, I saw Nika sucking her pacifier hard looking out of the window.

I made two more quick stops, grabbing dry cleaning and mail from the post office box. At home, Nika was whining because she was tried and really wanted Beyonce who hadn't come home yet.

Inside, I put everything down and took her upstairs to nap. Taking off her shirt leaving her in her bra, I pulled her blankie over her and rubbed her back as my phone rang. I pulled it out and saw the number and frowned declining it.

"Daddy mad?"

"No, I'm not. Just annoyed."

I kiss Nika's cheek and decline the call. I wasn't answering the phone for Nika's parents and I didn't know why they started to call me again but more than likely they wanted to see Nicki to fake making up with her just to crush her again.



Rob's POV:

It was the last case of the day, family suing family. I read over the complaint and before I heard someone yelling in my court room. I looked up and saw this lil' bit of a girl standing behind the defendant stand while two people who look to her parents were yelling at her. I banged my gavel and told them both to stop screaming which they both did. The lawyer for the parents came up and said a few words before I noticed that Baby girl didn't have a lawyer appointed. I called her over and she looked terrified as she walked over and looked at the floor. On the side of my podium, my assistant brought her some tissues and a bottle of water. She dried her eyes and drank the water quickly and I noticed how small she was. Barely 110 soaking wet. I took a breath and spoke quietly.

"Hey, Onika, Where's your lawyer?"

"My...Dad...threatened him outside if he came in with me so he left. It's the 5th lawyer that's run off on me."

"How old are you?"

"18 as of last week."

"Happy belated birthday. Why are they suing you?"

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now