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Robyn's POV:

I was quietly reading in my office when I heard a small tap on the other side of the door before it was opened. My Baby walked in and closed the door behind her. She came over and sat in my lap with her phone. She tried to video call Megan, but it was rejected. She took my phone and video called Megan and Megan answered it and Nika hung my phone up and threw it at my desk, luckily the rugged case on it make it bounce and land on it's back. Nika started crying as the phone rang again. We both looked at my phone and it wasn't Megan but her Mom's cellphone ringing me again.

Nika's breath hitched and I shook my head, I only needed one catastrophe at a time. She answered it on speaker phone and Carol spoke.


"...Hello?" Nika said softly.

"Nicki! How are you?"


"...You sound sad Nicki, you should tell me where you are so I can come get you. Your Dad misses you and we need to talk to you about getting money from your trust to help pay for some things around that have come up around the house. Or better yet, you can just transfer some money into our account. The won't let me access your account at the bank, you need to put me on it. I know you're not in college since you live with that crooked Judge and her whores. I'm so sorry I let them warp your mind, I should have locked you in this house to keep you safe. They don't love you as much I love you Nicki, please know that."

I was about to speak but I couldn't find the words and I wanted Nicki to have her space to speak. Nicki put the phone down as her Mother went on and on and she clicked into my computer. She went to the bank website and logged in before transferring thirty thousand dollars from her account to her mother's. In her memo line, she typed, 'Last of the trust fund from Grandma.'

Carol was quiet for a moment and before speaking. Her phone getting an alert was audible.

"Such a good daughter, wow, you only had thirty grand left? I thought it was fifty? But I guess paying off your car and mine before you lost your mind, ate that huh? Well, have a good night."

"I love you." Nika said quietly.

The end of the phone clicked off and my heart shattered. I looked at the screen as she went back to the bank home screen and I saw the balance, twenty-five dollars. She logged off and went to another bank site and logged in. Her accounts pulled up and I was shocked. She looked over the account transactions before logging off.

"You have a million dollars in another trust fund?"

"Yes, Grandma knew my Mother would be like this so we put most of it in this and when Grandpa died it doubled. Don't tell anyone you saw this, it's for when I'm an elder."

"I get, I've got three times that in investments and savings with Beyonce and a million with Megan. I've also had something started for you. Speaking of which, I got our approval paperwork from my lawyer so consider yourself, my wife and Beyonce's wife since she's my first wife. Thankfully the new polygamy laws make this possible."

"Really? Onika Knowles-Fenty?"

"Yes, Onika Knowles-Fenty, we'll have a party to celebrate soon."

Nika nodded and started to cry as my phone rang again with Megan on the line. She turned in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck and cried into my shoulder. I hug Nika and felt bad hearing her say that her Mother and 'Mama' didn't love her.

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now