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Angelina's pov

"Thank you for visiting our shop" I said smiling at the customer giving her flowers.

"Your welcome" the old lady smiled at me walking out of my shop. She comes here every week to collect her flowers for her dead husband whom she visits every week.

I cleaned up the desk as the bell rang indicating another customer as entered. I looked up and found my husband coming in with Zoe in his arms and Ryan trailing behind him.

I walked over the desk and went to Kai taking my four year daughter Zoe in my arms kissing her cheeks.

"What are you doing here" I asked Kai.

"Well your lovely son got in trouble with his classmates again and the teacher called me" Kai said sitting on the chair running his hand in his hair.

I looked at my six year old Ryan who is smiling at me giving puppy eyes not to scold him.

"Don't forget he is also your child Kai" I said placing Zoe on the table infront of Kai.

"But I didn't acted like him. He got in more trouble than I did in my teens" he said wrapping his arms around Zoe from not falling.

I kneeled down infront of Ryan and looked at him.

"What did you do champ" I asked.

"I didn't do anything. I was playing by myself when a boy came pushing me so I pushed him back" he said.

"And that led into a fight" Kai said behind me.

"Ryan you should never hit back a person. If he pushed you, you should report it to your teacher. Okay" I said. He nod his head.

He is carbon copy of Kai and Zoe is carbon copy of me. After four years of marriage we had Ryan. It was complicated to get pregnant for me. But lucky me, I got pregnant twice and had these beautiful babies with Kai.

"When did you get Zoe from school" I asked getting up ruffling Ryan's hair.

"After picking Ryan" he said. I turned to him.

"What about Luna" I asked sitting across him. Ryan came and sat on my lap and started playing with my braided hair.

"She messaged that she has dance practice after school. So I came here to pick you up if you are finished" he said.

"Okay then, I will wrap up everything. Also we should prepare surprise party for Luna" I said.

It's sixteenth year birthday of my baby. I can't be more excited to celebrate her birthday.

"Yes" Kai said smiling at me.

Quickly I cleaned up and closed my shop getting into Kai's car with our children in the back seat.

"Mommy when will I give my present to Lulu sister" Zoe asked.

"When she comes home after cutting her cake" I said turning to her.

"Should we blast a balloon of shines when she comes" Ryan asked making Kai snicker.

"No champ. You shouldn't do that to your sister" I said turning to front.

"How did he become such trouble maker at this age" Kai said.

"He is just like his dad" I replied. He looked at me in shock and looked back at the road.

"Me! I was a very good boy. I didn't give trouble to anyone" he said.

"Good boy? I know how you were in middle school" I said.

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