Chapter 22

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Angelina's pov

I woke up hearing murmuring sounds around me.

I didn't open my eyes as I listened.

"What happened to her" I heard Alice voice.

"It's because of stress. There is nothing to worry about. She is completely fine. And her ribs looks little damaged and I suggest her a bed rest for a day or two" I heard new voice.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked to my right where they were speaking. A person back was facing me as he spoke with Kai and Alice.

"Mommy" I turned to my left as I heard Luna voice. She was sitting on the bed beside me with cross legs looking at me. I tried to sit up and Kai was immediately beside me helping me sit. When I was comfortable on the bed, Luna snuggles to my side. I smoothened her hair with my hand.

"What happened" I asked looking at Kai.

"You fell unconscious" Alice said. I nod my head still looking at Kai. His hair was messed up as it looked like he ran his hand many times. His face looked worried.

"I am a doctor, I was staying in the hotel when they asked for a emergency help. Nothing is wrong with you. Just take rest and be careful with your ribs" the man said. I looked at the man. He looked in late forties.

"Thank you so much" I said nodding my head.

He left after that.

Alice came and sat beside me taking my hand.

"What happened to your ribs" she asked.

"Nothing happened to my ribs. I am fine" I lied looking down.

"Don't tell nothing happened. You flinched in your unconscious state when the doctor checked on you. What happened Char" she asked.

"I fell from the stairs in the apartment"I said.

"Don't lie Charlotte, I know....." she was cut off by Thomas.

"Alice, she is already stressed and fell unconscious. Don't question her now, let her rest" he said.

I am so thankful for him that he interrupted. I know by some how Alice would make me tell the truth.

She looked frustrated and sad at the same time.

"Okay" she sighed and continued "Do you want anything, are you hungry" she asked. I was about to answer when my baby interrupted.

"I want pizza"

Everyone laughed except Kai, his lips only twitched.

"Maybe pizza and orange juice" I said looking at Luna. She was still snuggled to my side refused to look up.

"Well pumpkin" Luna looked at Alice "Today we are going to have pizza party, do you want to come with me" she asked. Luna shook her head.

"Okay then, I will come back in few minutes" she said getting up from the bed walking out.

"I will help her" Thomas said walking out of the room.

The room fell into silence.

Kai is still standing beside the bed looking at me. And Luna is playing with my fingers silent.

"How did you find me here" I asked still looking at my hands.

"Let's say, I just got lucky" he said.

"Why did you leave" he asked. I looked at him and he sat where Alice sat before.

"Why Angelina" he asked with desperation in his voice.

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