Chapter 10

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Angelina's pov

I feel warm all around me as I woke up.

I haven't felt like this before.

And I feel sunlight falling on my face.

I opened my eyes but I closed them quickly due to brightness. I lifted my hand to my face squinting my eyes open. I looked around the room and realised I was not in my apartment.

I looked beside me and froze.

Kai is sleeping beside me way to close. I looked down and found his arm wrapped around me as our legs are entangled.

I did one thing that came to my mind.

I screamed.


Hearing my scream, Kai woke up startled. He turned to other side to get up, but his legs stuck in the sheets. He fell on the floor and pulled me along with him because his arms were around wrapped me.

Kai groaned in pain under me as I laid on top of him. Sheets were wrapped around us and we are stuck in that.

"What the hell" he said looking at me.

"I.... I don't know" I said trying to get away from him but the sheets around us is making me difficult.

"Why the hell were you screaming" he asked.

"Because I didn't expect to wake up beside you. Why the hell it's not coming" I said in frustration trying to free my hands from the sheets moving around.

"Will you stop moving just for a second" he said. I didn't stop as I tried to get away from the sheets.

Suddenly I felt something hard on my abdomen making me freeze.

"That's why I said stop moving" he said grinned his teeth as he felt some sort of pain.

My eyes were wide in shock and my hands were on his chest.

"Ho.... how" I asked still in shock because I can still feel it on my abdomen. He groaned.

"Are you asking me how? For fuck sake, you are a woman and you moving around it didn't make any good" he said. We stayed like that for God knows how long.

"Aren't you gonna get up" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"You said not to move" I huffed.

"Not that I am denying, because I can stay as long as I can like this. Because I love being you on top of me" he said smirking at me. And I blushed.

"You pervert" I screamed again and started moving again. I freed my hands and placed beside his head.

All along he was just laying there calmly looking at me in amusement.

Suddenly we heard something drop on the floor. We both turned our head towards the door. Thomas was looking at us in shock with his mouth wide open. He had dropped his cellphone.

"Sorry, I am disturbing you guys. I will come back later" he said running away from the door taking his cellphone.

Then I realised how this must be looking.

"It's not want you think ahh" I screamed in frustration. Kai was smirking enjoying this.

"Do something and get us out of this mess" I said glaring at him.

"I can't do anything until you move above from me" he said.

I tug the sheets from under him with force. And the force was to much because I jerked forward and hit my forehead against Kai's. We both groaned in pain. Balancing my weight with one hand, with another I rubbed my forehead.

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