Chapter 2

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Angelina's pov

I ran out blinking my eyes rapidly to make clear vision from the tears gathered in my eyes. I went to the stairs and sat down removing the mask to breathe, clearing my head from the image flashing in my mind.

When the lady slapped me, it bought back all the memories which I have been hiding for years. I tried to make my breathing normal as I was going to get a panic attack soon. I sat there for few minutes calming myself.

I think I lost this job. It's really hard if I am fired. I want more money because, I still have to put Luna to school. I am gathering as much money I can. But it's still not enough. For five years I had managed myself working in dine, here and there. But it's not enough.

I got up and went in search of manager. If I talk to him, he will understand.

I went near receptionist and saw manager speaking with Alice. I called him and started apologizing immediately.

"I am so sorry sir. I will never make this mistake again. Please don't fire me" I said looking down.

"Oh dear" he said making me looking at him "Boss has explained what happened. He wants to apologise for his mistake. And you are not fired. You can come here for your job and here is your pay cheque for today" he said handing me the cheque and I looked at him in shock.

"You are really hardworking girl. Now go home safely dear" he said smiling at me. Even Alice was smiling at us.

"Mommy" Luna said coming to me. Manager looked surprised. I picked her up in my arms.

"Thank you so much sir. I will not repeat my mistake" I said. He smiled at me.

"It's okay dear" he looked at Luna "She is beautiful, hello darling" he said talking to Luna.

"Hi, my name is Luna" she said excitedly. Even it's past her bedtime, still being energetic. Manager chuckled.

"Go home safe" he said going back to his office.

"It's a long day Charlotte, now let's go home. And you have to explain what happened" Alice said coming beside me. Luna hugged my neck placing her head on my shoulder.

Okay now she is tired.

I explained what happened as we went to Alice car. She drove to our apartment.

I looked at the cheque and smiled. It's the pay I get for almost three days working in the dine. Now I can send Luna to school in few months.

Kai Blackstone

I ran my hand in my hairs frustrated as hell. I removed the tie around my neck and entered my penthouse.

Stupid people's can't make a good presentation for a simple meeting. I came all the way from Florida to New York for such a deal. They are just annoyingly waste my time.

From my cold eyes, they all shut up as I walked out of the meeting. I am moving to New York in few weeks and the progress is not good. I have to make it good. If not this cold and hard behaviour from me, I won't be here where I am now. The most famous bachelor billionaire.

I opened the door to my room and stopped walking in seeing the decoration. My room is decorated in romantic setup making me boil in anger because only one person is capable of doing this.


Speak of the devil.

Annie Gibson

The most annoying, clinging bitch. Sorry for the bad word because she is. She has been on my back for three years now. I don't have interest in her and I have made it clear to her. But she doesn't understand the English I speak. She claims she loves me and needs to give us a chance. I know she is nice but I can't see her more than a friend. She helped me a lot in business but she is just a friend and business partner.

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