Part 80 - An Italian restaurant in New Haven

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As Logans car pulled up outside the restaurant, he tipped the driver and got out onto the sidewalk. Logan looked at the heavy brown doors in front of him. This was Rorys favourite restaurant and his. He'd picked it deliberately. He had to win Rory back somehow and if food wasn't going to do it, then what would?

Logan walked through the front door and into the restaurant.

'Mr Huntzberger!' the jolly, Italian waiter rushed over to Logan and threw his arms around him. Not one for hugs, Logan stepped back awkwardly.

'Giovanni, how are you buddy?' Logan put one hand out for the man to shake and he took.

'All the better for seeing you Mr Huntzberger, sir. It's been such a long time since you visited us last.'

'It has indeed', Logan said. 'We've been really busy lately. We've been outta town a lot and I've got a lotta work going on, but we've certainly missed our favourite restaurant in town!'

Logan wasn't really feeling up to small talk, but he knew that charming the waiters usually got him better service and the last thing he needed tonight was to be waiting around a long time for the food to arrive. This was the first meal he'd eaten in days and despite everything, he was surprisingly starving.

'Mr Huntzberger!' Giovanni interrupted Logans thoughts. 'The glamorous miss Gilmore is already here and I would hate it for you to keep a woman waiting. Especially such a beautiful woman as her. And she does really look so beautiful tonight!' Giovanni put a hand on his chest and turned around to lead Logan over to his table. Logan laughed to himself. If he hadn't known Giovanni was gay, he might have felt slightly threatened.

When Logan arrived at his and Rorys usual table, he knew that Giovanni was correct. Even after all this time, Rory still took his breath away - especially tonight.She was wearing a short, black dress with thin straps and her short brown hair was resting on her shoulders.

'Wow, ace! You look beautiful!' Logan said, as he pulled out his chair and sat down at the table. Rory didn't say anything, she just looked down at the table and starting playing with the cutlery in front of her. Logan reached out his hand to grab Rorys, but she moved hers away.

'Can I get you both a drink?' Logan jumped out of his skin when he realised that Giovanni was still stood there. He noticed Rory visibly shake as while.
'Yes, we do sir', he said. 'I'll get a scoth. Neat. And on the rocks.'
Giovanni begun to scribble on the small memo pad in his hand. 'And for the lady?' he asked.
'I'll just get a white wine.' This was the first thing Rory had spoken said since Logan had arrived.

When Giovanni was out of ear shot, Logan begun talking. 'Rory' he said. 'Rory, look at me.' Rory lifted her head to look at Logan without saying anything. 'I said it before on the phone and I'll say it again. I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday. Those things I said...'

'Logan', Rory interrupted him. 'I've told you before I accept your apology. But what you said yesterday cut deep and I don't know that I can forgive that. And booking this fancy restaurant!'
'But, I thought it was your favourite...' Logan tried to interupt Rory, but she carried on.
'You know you can't buy me Logan.' Rory sighed. 'I thought you'd grown out of all of this! And even more..' She paused. 'I thought you knew me better!'

Noticing the tears that had now begun to stream down Rorys face, Logan instinctively tried to reach out and wipe them away, but Rory swatted his hand away.
'Ace, I do know you!' Logan began and this time Rory let him speak. 'You know I know every single last bit of you. I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.'

'And I love you too, Logan. I'll probably never stop loving you'. Now Rorys tears were getting heavy and Logan wanted to reach out and touch her, but out of respect he resisted the urge. 'But I just can't get those words out of my mind. And I just worry that if we stayed together, I'd just carry on resenting you for it.'

Logan shuddered, as he realised what Rory was trying to say.
'Wait.' He interrupted her. 'If we stayed together?' Logan could now feel a lump forming in his throat but he tried to keep it under control.

'Yeah, I'm sorry Logan.' Rory looked down at the table. It was clear she didn't want to make eye contact with him as she said this. 'And trust me, if you'd have asked me two days ago, this was the last thing I thought I'd be saying. I really still really don't want to be saying it right now.

'Then don't say it..' Logan said.

'No Logan', Rory said. 'I really don't think I can move past this. I can't be in this relationship any more.'

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