Chapter 35: The Wedding Part 2

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Matt runs into Kevin's dressing room.
Matt: "Kevin! Kevin! You'll never believe this!"
Kevin: "What? Is everything okay?"
Matt: "More than okay! Your siblings are here!"
Kevin: "Are you serious? My brother and sister are here?! Kellan and Candace?!"
Matt: "Yeah, unless you have other siblings that I don't know about."
Kevin: "Oh my gosh... I haven't spoken to them for about a year! I can't believe they came!"
Matt: "They did! They said you've always been there for them, so now it's time for them to be there for you."
Kevin: "This is incredible! I'm so glad they showed up!"
Matt: "I figured you would wanna know about that."
Kevin: "Yes! Thank you so much for telling me, Matt!"
Matt: "No problem! Well, I better get back to my duty!"
Kevin: "Yeah, go ahead. The ceremony will be starting soon!"
Matt: "Good luck, Kev!"
Kevin: "Thanks! I'll need it!"
Matt: "Hey, just pretend it's only you and Mitch up there."
Kevin: "That's easier said than done."
Matt: "You'll do great!"
Kevin: "Thanks."
With that, Matt leaves.

A little later...
The ceremony is now starting. Kevin is the first one to walk up the aisle followed by the preacher and the wedding party. Once they get to their places, Scott whispers something to Kevin.
Scott: "Are you nervous?"
Kevin: "Very."
Scott: "Hey, as long as you say the right name, you have nothing to worry about."
Kevin chuckles.
Kevin: "You're not right, Scott."
Scott: "Did it help your nerves go away?"
Kevin: "A little."
Scott: "Then mission accomplished!"
Kevin just shakes his head.
Kevin: "You have the rings, right?"
Matt pulls the ring box out of his shirt pocket.
Matt: "Here they are."
Kevin: "Good."
Music starts playing. Everyone stands up as Mitch and his dad start walking down the aisle together. As soon as Mitch and Kevin make eye contact, tears start forming in Kevin's eyes. Once he makes it to the front of the aisle, Mitch and Kevin smile at each other.
Preacher: "Who gives this man to this man?"
Mike: "His mother and I do."
Mitch tries to step forward, but Mike still has his arm linked to his.
Mitch: "Um, Dad?"
Mike: "Oh, sorry."
Mike unlinks his arm from Mitch's then sits down beside Nel.
Preacher: "We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Kevin and Mitch. Kevin, do you take this man to be your husband, to love, to honor, to comfort, and to keep him in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
Kevin: "I do."
Preacher: "Mitch, do you take this man to be your husband, to love, to honor, to comfort, and to keep him in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
Mitch: "I do."
Preacher: "Now, Kevin, repeat after me. I, Kevin."
Kevin: "I, Kevin."
Preacher: "Take you, Mitch."
Kevin: "Take you, Mitch."
Preacher: "To be my husband."
Kevin: "To be my husband."
Preacher: "To have and to hold from this day forward."
Kevin: "To have and to hold from this day forward."
Preacher: "For better, for worse."
Kevin: "For better, for worse."
Preacher: "For richer, for poorer."
Kevin: "For richer, for poorer."
Preacher: "In sickness and in health."
Kevin: "In sickness and in health."
Preacher: "To love and to cherish."
Kevin: "To love and to cherish."
Preacher: "Till death do us part."
Kevin: "Till death do us part."
Mitch starts tearing up.
Preacher: "Now, Mitch, repeat after me. I, Mitch."
Mitch: "I, Mitch."
Preacher: "Take you, Kevin."
Mitch: "Take you, Kevin."
Preacher: "To be my husband."
Mitch: "To be my husband."
Preacher: "To have and to hold from this day forward."
Mitch: "To have and to hold from this day forward."
Preacher: "For better, for worse."
Mitch: "For better, for worse."
Preacher: "For richer, for poorer."
Mitch: "For richer, for poorer."
Preacher: "In sickness and in health."
Mitch: "In sickness and in health."
Preacher: "To love and to cherish."
Mitch: "To love and to cherish."
Preacher: "Till death do us part."
Mitch: "Till death do us part."
Preacher: "Now Kevin and Mitch are going to share the wedding vows that they wrote for each other."
Kevin: "Mitch, you are the kindest, sweetest, most beautiful and talented person I've ever met. I never thought in all my wildest dreams that I would be lucky enough to call you my husband. I know we're gonna have challenges to face, but as long as we're together, we can conquer anything. I love you so much, Mitch. I can't wait to start a new life with you."
A few tears fall from Mitch's eyes.
Mitch: "Kevin... You are everything I could've wanted and more. You are kind, smart, funny, talented, and so much more. This past year has been incredible for me because not only did I start dating my best friend, but now I'm marrying my best friend. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Kevin, and I can't wait for what's to come for us. I love you so much."
They smile at each other as they both let a few tears fall.
Preacher: "Now for the rings."
Matt gives the rings to the preacher.
Preacher: "Kevin, place this ring on Mitch's finger and say "with this ring, I thee wed.""
Kevin: "With this ring, I thee wed."
Kevin slides the ring on Mitch's finger.
Preacher: "Mitch, place this ring on Kevin's finger and say "with this ring I thee wed.""
Mitch: "With this ring, I thee wed."
Mitch slides the ring on Kevin's finger.
The couple hold each others' hands as they look into each others' eyes.
Preacher: "By the authority vested in me under the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss."
Mitch and Kevin pull each other in close and kiss as everyone starts cheering. The newly married couple then take each others' hands as they run back down the aisle, the entire wedding party following them.

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