Chapter 24: Word Gets Out

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A week later, the band's at the studio discussing songs for their upcoming Christmas album!
Scott: "A song that I think would be really fun to do is "The Twelve Days of Christmas!""
Kirstie: "Aw, that one's so much fun!"
Kevin: "We should totally do that one!"
Mitch: "What would be really cool is to do a different music genre for each number in the song!"
Kirstie: "That's a good idea!"
Matt: "It is! A Christmas song that I've always loved as a kid was "Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer." I think we'd do really good with that song!"
Scott: "What would be cool is if we could mash that and "Run, Run, Rudolf" together!"
Mitch: "I never thought of that! That's a good idea!"
Kirstie: "Another song that would be really fun to cover is "Jingle Bell Rock!""
Matt: "Also, I think we could do really good on "We Need a Little Christmas!""
Mitch: "That's a fun one!"
Kirstie: "Yeah, I really like that song!"
Scott: "Great! At least we have some ideas! Before we start arranging any songs, how about we take a fifteen minute break?"
Everyone agrees and goes their separate ways. Sarah arrives at the studio to talk to Mitch.
Sarah: "Hey, Mitch, I wanna talk to you."
Mitch: "Alright. I'm all ears!"
Sarah: "So, you told me the other day that Kevin's planning on moving in with us?"
Mitch: "Yeah."
Sarah: "Well, I was talking to Kirstie about it, and she actually offered for me to move in with her."
Mitch: "Really? Are you going to?"
Sarah: "I'd want to if it's okay with you. It's not that I don't like Kevin. It's just that since you two are dating, I'd kinda be third-wheeling."
Mitch: "Hey, whatever you wanna do I'm okay with it."
Sarah: "Thanks, Mitch. And Matt's okay with this?"
Mitch: "Yep! He told us to do whatever makes us happy!"
Sarah: "That's good to hear. I wish you and Kevin the best!"
Kirstie: "Um, guys, you might wanna see this..."
Kirstie runs over to everyone else with her phone. She shows them a picture of two people.
Matt: "Who are they?"
Kevin: "That's me and Mitch at the beach. Was that on our anniversary?"
Mitch: "I think so. Who took that picture?"
Kirstie: "I don't know, but it's all over Twitter and Instagram."
Mitch: "I can't believe someone took a picture of us kissing."
Kirstie: "Based on these comments, most people are already spreading rumors that you're dating."
Kevin: "I just don't understand how we didn't see someone taking a picture of us!"
Scott: "Kevin, based on that picture, I don't think you or Mitch saw much of anything around you."
Mitch: "Hey, you weren't there."
Scott: "And im thankful for that."
Matt: "So now what? It seems like the fans think you're dating. Are you gonna tell them that you are?"
Kevin: "Well, I don't know that there's much to tell. It seems like the fans have already figured it out."
Mitch: "Yeah. It's not the way I wanted them to find out, but in a way I feel kind of relieved."
Sarah: "Are you gonna confirm your relationship to the fans?"
Kevin: "I guess we should. It would only be right."
Mitch: "How about after we leave here we tell the fans that we are dating?"
Kevin: "Sounds good to me."
Kirstie: "Sorry the fans found out that way."
Kevin: "Ah, it's fine. I know it wasn't your fault that that picture got out."
Scott: "On the bright side, everyone seems super excited about you two being a couple!"
Mitch: "Oh, they're gonna go nuts when we confirm all of this."
Matt: "Hey, the fans want content, so they're getting content!"

Later, Mitch and Kevin go to Kevin's house. Matt still isn't home, so it's just the two of them at the house.
Kevin: "Are you ready for this?"
Mitch: "As ready as I'm gonna be!"
Kevin gets his phone out and starts recording himself and Mitch.
Kevin: "Hey, everyone!"
Mitch: "Hi! It's Mitch and Kevin here!"
Kevin: "We recently found out that there's been a rumor going around about us dating on social media, and a picture to go with it. I don't know how the picture got out, but for those of you wondering, yes, it is Mitch and I in the picture. As for the rumor, we're here to tell you that it is true. We are dating and we're happier than ever!"
Mitch: "We've been together for six months now and it's been the best six months of my life! We were trying to stay low-key about our relationship, but since all this happened on social media, we decided it was only right to tell y'all about us."
Kevin: "So, you guessed it! We're a couple now! We love each other so much!"
Kevin and Mitch share a quick, sweet kiss.
Kevin: "And we also love you guys so much! We'll see you around soon! Bye!"
Kevin stops recording. Both Kevin and Mitch post the video to each of their social media platforms.
Kevin: "Now the hiding is over. Everyone knows about us now."
Mitch: "I'm so happy about that! Next thing to do is move in together."
Kevin: "I'm ready for that! When do you want me to move in?"
Mitch: "Anytime really. Apparently Sarah's moving in with Kirstie, but I don't know when."
Kevin: "Oh, I didn't mean to kick her out of the house."
Mitch: "You didn't. She just decided that since we're a couple she wanted to give us space."
Kevin: "As long as she's not mad at me."
Mitch: "She's not. I promise."
They sit down on the couch and start kissing. They're so lost in their kiss that they don't even hear Matt coming in the house. Matt walks in the living room and sees the couple kissing. He takes the blanket that's laying over the back of the couch and throws it on top of Mitch and Kevin, completely covering them. Matt exits the room proud of his work.

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