Chapter 25: Moving Out and Moving In

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About a week later, Sarah's packing her stuff ready to move out.
Sarah: "I think this is the last of my stuff."
Mitch: "Alright. Do you need any help loading up your car?"
Sarah: "Nah, I think I'll be fine. Thank you for everything, Mitch. Especially opening up your house for me."
Mitch: "Hey, it was nothing. I enjoyed having a roommate!"
Sarah: "Well, now you're gonna have a roommate and boyfriend all in one!"
Mitch: "Yeah, I'm so excited to live with Kevin! And I'm sure you and Kirstie will have a blast together!"
Sarah: "Oh, we will! It'll be girls night every night!"
Both chuckle.
Sarah: "Can I get a hug before I leave?"
Mitch: "Sure, bring it in!"
Sarah and Mitch share a hug.
Sarah: "I'm gonna miss you."
Mitch: "I'll miss you too, but you'll only be living five minutes away. And we'll still see each other pretty much every day."
Sarah: "Yeah, you're right."
Sarah gets in her purse and pulls out a pair of keys.
Sarah: "Here's your house key. Kevin will be needing it now."
Mitch: "Oh, thanks."
Sarah gives the key to Mitch.
Sarah: "Well , I guess this is goodbye."
Mitch: "Yeah. I'll see you around, Sarah!"
Sarah: "See ya, Mitch! And thanks again for everything!"
Mitch: "Like I said, it was nothing."
They smile at each other before Sarah opens the door.
Sarah: "Bye, Mitch."
Mitch: "Bye, Sarah."
Sarah leaves the house with her suitcase and bags and closes the door behind her. She loads up her car and drives off to Kirstie's house. Not long after she leaves, Kevin arrives. Mitch runs outside to greet him. Kevin gets out of the car.
Kevin: "Hello, Roommate!"
Mitch gives Kevin a tight hug.
Mitch: "Hi, Kevy!"
Kevin: "You act like you missed me! We just saw each other yesterday!"
Mitch: "But I had to go all night without you! It was lonely!"
Kevin: "Well, that's all about to change."
They break away from their hug.
Mitch: "I can help you bring your stuff inside."
Kevin: "Thanks. That'll be a big help! Most of my stuff is in boxes."
Mitch and Kevin work together at bringing all of the boxes inside. Awhile later, they have everything inside. Kevin enters the house with the last of his stuff, which is his cello case.
Kevin: "Here's Beyoncé!"
Mitch: "Yay! Beyoncé's here!"
Kevin: "I'm not really sure where you want me to go with some of this stuff. I don't know where you keep everything."
Mitch: "Um, I'll probably have to rearrange some stuff. Since Sarah's room is a spare bedroom now, I was thinking I could get rid of the bed and turn that into a music room. Right now I have all my dj equipment in the living room."
Kevin: "That'll work! So Beyoncé's going to the spare bedroom!"
Kevin takes his cello to the room. While he's gone, Mitch opens up a box. He finds a journal inside. Mitch slowly opens it up and starts reading what it says:

So today I found out that Mitch's boyfriend broke up with him. I feel bad for him because I can tell he's hurting, yet I kinda feel happy because he's single now!  I haven't told anyone this, but recently I've had a crush on Mitch. I don't know why all of a sudden I feel attracted to him. I've never had a crush on a guy before. Sure, Mitch is really feminine, but I've known him for years now! Why am I feeling this way towards him? I wish I could make this feeling go away because there's no way Mitch would ever like me back. We're friends. I should be happy that we're that close.

Kevin comes back to the living room.
Kevin: "Now we can say that Beyoncé's in our spare bedroom!"
Mitch: "Hey, Kevin, I found this journal in one of the boxes."
Kevin: "Oh, I forgot which box I put it in. I'm guessing you read it?"
Mitch: "Just a little. So you were happy when my boyfriend broke up with me?"
Kevin: "I wasn't happy seeing you in pain, but I was happy thinking that maybe we'd have a chance together."
Mitch: "And now look at us! We're in a relationship, we're living together, we're happier than ever!"
Kevin: "I never would've guessed this would be my reality. I'm so glad it is!"
Kevin wraps his arms around Mitch before kissing his cheek.
Mitch: "It's our reality. Here's your journal. I didn't know you wrote about me in it."
Mitch gives the journal to Kevin.
Kevin: "Believe me, it's only good stuff I write about you."
Mitch: "Oh, really? Like what?"
Kevin: "Like how beautiful and talented you are!"
Mitch laughs.
Mitch: "You're too sweet!"
Mitch kisses Kevin.
Kevin: "We better stop kissing or we'll never get my stuff unpacked!"
Mitch: "I'll stop kissing you now, but I expect to have kisses later tonight!"
Kevin: "I can arrange for that to happen!"
Mitch: "So how about we move your dresser into our room?"
Kevin: "Sounds good!"
They each take a side of the dresser and move it into their newly shared room.
Mitch: "I think it looks good here."
Kevin: "Alright. I'll try to find the boxes with my clothes in."
Mitch: "Oh no!"
Kevin: "What? What's wrong?"
Mitch: "I just now realized that I'm gonna need to share my closet space!"
Kevin: "Mitchell, I thought something was seriously wrong."
Mitch: "This is something seriously wrong! I have a lot of clothes!"
Kevin starts laughing.
Kevin: "I'll try to fit most of my clothes in my dresser. You're lucky I love you!"
Kevin gives Mitch a kiss.
Mitch: "I'd say! I almost had to get rid of some of my clothes!"
Kevin: "But if you had to, would you get rid of some of your clothes for me?"
Mitch: "Hm, I guess you'll never know!"

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