Chapter 8: Caught

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The next few days Mitch and Kevin have been extra careful about keeping their relationship a secret. They haven't been meeting up at the beach or each others' houses. The only time they've spent together was at the studio, and the lack of physical contact was driving them both crazy. They knew it would only be temporary though until their band mates would find out and they could stop hiding.
Fast forward a few days, it's Friday now and Matt has a date with Sarah tonight. This, of course, makes Mitch and Kevin very happy because they'll get to spend time together alone.
At Kevin and Matt's house...
Kevin: "Hey, Mitchy! Matt's staying at Sarah's tonight, so how about you spend the night here? Or I can come over to your house. Whatever you'd like!"
Mitch: "I'm good coming to your house. As long as we're together, I really don't care where we stay!"
Kevin: "Same here. I miss you so much!"
Mitch: "I miss you more! I can't wait to kiss you!" 💋
Kevin: "We haven't kissed for so long that I forget what your lips taste like!"
Mitch: "You'll remember tonight!" 😉 
Matt knocks on Kevin's bedroom door.
Kevin: "Come in!"
The door opens.
Matt: "You don't have anyone in bed with you this time, do you?"
Matt chuckles.
Kevin: "No, and for your information, that happened one time!"
Matt: "One time too many. I'm off to Sarah's house! I'll be staying the night there. We're going out for lunch tomorrow, so you can expect me home in the early afternoon."
Kevin: "Sounds good. Have fun, but not too much fun!"
Matt: "Alright. See ya, Kevin!"
Kevin: "See ya, Matt!"
Mitch arrives at Kevin's house and knocks on the door, Kevin answering soon after.
Mitch: "Hey, Kevy! Matt's not home?"
Kevin: "Nope! He's gone!"
Mitch: "Good."
Mitch takes Kevin's face and starts kissing him passionately. Kevin kisses back, but soon breaks away.
Kevin: "Mm, Mitchy, the neighbors might see us. Come inside first."
Mitch follows Kevin inside. Kevin closes the door and pushes Mitch against it, immediately attacking his lips. Kevin keeps Mitch pinned against the door as they kiss.
Mitch: "Mm, Kevin... I like your controlling side."
Kevin: "I went too long without you."
They go back to kissing.
Kevin: "How about we take this to the couch?"
Mitch: "Sounds good to me."
They go to the living room and continue their make out session on the couch. Both Mitch and Kevin have their arms wrapped around each other.
Mitch: "I don't wanna go that long without this again."
Kevin: "Me neither. I love you so much."
They start kissing again. Mitch soon pulls away.
Mitch: "Oh, Kevin, I left my bag at the door."
Kevin: "I can get it for you."
Kevin stands up.
Mitch: "Aw, thanks, but I'll miss you!"
Mitch stands up and wraps his arms around Kevin's neck. Kevin chuckles.
Kevin: "I'll be right back."
They kiss again. When they pull apart, Mitch sees something -or someone- out of the corner of his eye.
Mitch: "... Hey, Matt."
Kevin turns around and sees Matt standing there with Mitch's bag just watching them.
Kevin: "Hey... um, what are you doing here?"
Matt: "Well, I was almost at Sarah's house when I realized that I forgot my phone, so I came back to get it. I understand why neither one of you heard the door opening. Here's your bag, Mitch."
He throws the bag to Mitch.
Matt: "So, what exactly did I walk in on?"
Kevin: "Um..."
Kevin looks at Mitch as Mitch sighs.
Mitch: "Kev, we gotta tell him."
Kevin: "You're right. Matt, we... you know how... There's no good way of telling you this, so I'm just gonna say it. Mitch and I are together."
Kevin wraps an arm around Mitch.
Matt: "Like, you're dating?"
Kevin and Mitch both nod.
Kevin: "We are."
Matt: "Was it really the two of you who I saw at the beach that night?"
Kevin: "It was."
Matt: "So I was right after all... You and Scott had me thinking I was going crazy! I knew it was the two of you, but no one believed me!"
Kevin: "Matt, if it matters at all, Scott knows nothing about our relationship."
Matt: "But you do and you lied to me. I understand why Scott didn't believe me because he didn't know about you two, but you, Kevin? You knew I was right yet you still lied to me and made me feel stupid."
Kevin: "I know, and I am so, so sorry about that. I just wasn't ready for anyone to know about me and Mitch."
Mitch: "And I wasn't either. Honestly, Matt, I didn't want Kevin to tell you or anyone, so he didn't. I'm just as much to blame."
Kevin: "Yeah, but I also didn't want anyone to know. We're both really sorry, Matt."
Matt sighs.
Matt: "Kevin, you're my best friend. Best friends don't lie to each other."
Kevin: "I know and I feel terrible! I'm so sorry, Matt. Please forgive me."
Matt thinks about it.
Matt: "Alright, I forgive you both. Bring it in!"
He opens his arms motioning for Kevin and Mitch to come in for a hug. They follow and the trio share a hug.
Matt: "Oh my gosh, you two are dating... You two are dating!"
Matt jumps away causing Kevin and Mitch to jump.
Matt: "I can't believe this! You two are actually dating! Kevin, I thought you were straight?!"
Kevin: "Well, I thought so, too, but then I fell in love with Mitch. The way I feel for him is something I've never felt for anyone before. I love him so much."
Kevin and Mitch kiss.
Mitch: "I love you, too."
Matt: "Aw! My friends are dating! How long have you been together?"
Mitch: "Not long. Maybe about two weeks?"
Kevin: "Matt, can you do us both a really big favor and not tell anyone about us?"
Mitch: "We are gonna tell the band, just once Sarah comes back."
Matt: "That won't be for another week! How can I keep something this big from them?"
Kevin: "Matt, listen to me. You can do it! Do it for me and Mitchy."
Matt: "I make no promises, but I'll try!"
Kevin: "Good enough. Thank you!"
Matt: "Yeah, yeah. Oh! I have a question for you two."
Mitch: "Yeah?"
Matt: "That morning when I caught you two in bed together, you didn't... 'you know' the night before?"
Kevin: "What? No, no, no!"
Mitch: "Of course not! We haven't done that yet."
Matt: "Okay, good. Cause if you have, I wanted to make sure you were using protection. Don't wanna be irresponsible!"
Mitch: "Says the guy who left the house without his phone!"
Matt: "Hey, there's a big difference between the two!"
Matt looks back and fourth between Mitch and Kevin.
Matt: "Aw, my friends are dating each other!"
Matt pulls them both in for another group hug.
Matt: "I'm so happy for you both!"
Kevin: "Thank you, Matt... Can you let go now? You're squeezing a little tight."
Matt: "Oh, I'm sorry!"
He lets go of them.
Matt: "Well, I'm gonna go back to Sarah's WITH my phone! You two behave while I'm gone!"
Mitch: "You don't need to worry about that. Have fun, Matt."
Matt: "Oh, we will! Bye you two!"
Mitch and Kevin say bye to Matt as he leaves.
Kevin: "I think he took the news pretty well!"
Mitch: "Yeah. Do you really think he's gonna keep this a secret?"
Kevin shakes his head and sighs.
Kevin: "No."

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