Chapter 18: Album Release

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About a month later, Pentatonix's new original album "The Lucky Ones" is ready to be released! They're all currently at Scott and Mark's house, which is decorated for the album release. They even have balloons in the shape of letters that spell out "The Lucky Ones."
Kirstie: "Look at all these social media comments! The fans love the album!"
Matt: "This one says they love "Love Me When I Don't!""
Scott: "That's good considering we'll be performing that song later on the Kelly Clarkson Show."
Kirstie: "I can't wait to see Kelly again!"
Mitch: "She's so nice!"
Kevin: "And she'll be interviewing us! We usually never get interviewed!"
Kirstie: "I'm so excited!"
Scott: "I'm gonna set up the computer for the livestream."
Scott sits down on the couch and sets up the computer.
Kevin: "Well, Mitchy, the album's released now."
Kevin wraps his arms around Mitch from behind.
Mitch: "I know. I'm so happy that the fans are enjoying it!"
Kevin: "Me too."
Kevin gives Mitch a sweet kiss on his neck.
Kirstie: "You two are so cute!"
Scott: "Alright, guys, the computer's ready for the livestream!"
Everyone gathers around the couch so that they can all see the computer. Scott starts the livestream.
Scott: "And we're live!"
Kevin: "Hey, everyone!"
Kirstie: "Hi!"
Mitch: "Wow, we have so many viewers already!"
Scott: "So I guess we'll just jump right into this. What do y'all think of the album?"
Matt: "And the "Happy Now" music video?"
Kirstie: "This one says they love "Coffee in Bed!""
Mitch: "Fun fact, Scott actually wrote that song about his boyfriend, Mark!"
Scott: "I did, and the band loved it!"
Kirstie: "It's so good!"
Kevin: "This one says "Anchor" is their favorite. I'd have to agree with you!"
Scott: "Mitch wrote that one."
Mitch: "I wrote it a few years ago and we just haven't released it until now."
Kirstie: "It's so good!"
Scott: "If y'all have any questions, just type them in the comments."
Kirstie: "This isn't a question, but someone says "Avi's touring with you! Yay!""
Matt: "Yay is right!"
Scott: "We are so excited to have Avi back on tour with us! He's like a brother to us all."
Mitch: "Y'all should come to one of our shows!"
Matt: "Someone asks "what's your favorite song from the new album?" That's like choosing a favorite child. I love them all so much!"
Scott: "Me too. However, I'm kinda leaning towards "The Lucky Ones" just because that one's so personal to me in so many ways."
Mitch: "I agree with that."
Kirstie: "Someone says "Easy Love" is such a good song! Who wrote it and how was it inspired?""
Matt: "Mitch and Kevin wrote it-"
Kevin punches Matt's leg where the camera can't see.
Matt: "A-about Scott and Mark! Yeah, isn't that right, Kevin?"
Kevin: "Yeah... You see, Scott and Mark are the best couple, so I decided to write a song from their perspective, and Mitch helped me with it. Right, Mitch?"
Mitch: "Right, Kevin. That's all very true! Next question is..."
The band finishes the livestream and are later on the set of The Kelly Clarkson Show. They're all currently in their shared dressing room...
Kirstie: "I can't wait to perform! I'm excited for the interview, too!"
Scott: "Kelly is the sweetest person!"
Matt: "And she's so humble! She's the best!"
Meanwhile, Mitch and Kevin are talking.
Mitch: "Ready for our first live performance as a couple?"
Kevin: "You bet! Although, no one can know that we're dating. Not even Kelly."
Mitch: "I know."
Kevin and Mitch kiss. At first it's just a short kiss, then they lean back in and share a much longer kiss that's soon interrupted by the door opening. They jump apart as one of Kelly's crew members comes inside to let the band know there's five minutes left until their interview.
The band makes their way to the stage.
Kelly: "Welcome back! Our next guest is a Grammy Award winning acapella group who just released their second original album TODAY and it's called "The Lucky Ones!" Please welcome Pentatonix!"
Everyone cheers as the band walks out on stage. They take turns hugging Kelly before taking a seat.
Kelly: "Hi! How are you?"
Scott: "We're good! How are you?"
Kelly: "I am great! So, "The Lucky Ones"... I listened to the entire album earlier today, and I was blown away! I mean, this is acapella?! It is so good!"
Scott: "Aw, thank you!"
Kelly: "So, I know I just mentioned that this is your second original album. How is this album different from your first?"
Scott: "Yeah, it is different in so many ways! I remember when we were recording our first album, we had no idea what we were doing! We were like little babies going into writing sessions! We were so scared! But now, I feel like we all have matured so much since then, and that really shows through our music. The songs are so much more personal to us, too."
Kelly: "Yeah, definitely. And you recently announced a summer tour, which is super exciting! And you have a very special guest on tour with you! Would you like to announce who that is?"
Scott: "Yes! So we'll be starting a summer tour in two months, and our former bass singer, Avi Kaplan will be joining us on the tour! He'll be performing his own original music!"
Everyone cheers.
Kelly: "Wow! That's amazing! It'll be like a family reunion!"
Scott: "It will! We can't wait!"
Kelly: "I'm so happy for y'all! Coming up, Pentatonix will be performing a brand new song off of their new album! Stay tuned!"
The camera stops rolling.
Kelly: "I'm so happy to see you guys again! What's new?"
Scott: "Oh, you know. We've been really busy with the album. Soon we'll be getting ready for tour."
Kelly: "Yeah, I really wanna go to one of your shows! I remember watching y'all on The Sing Off and thinking "they're gonna make it far!" Now here you are! I'm so proud of you guys!"
Kevin: "Thanks so much, Kelly!"
Kirstie: "Yeah, you're the best!"
Kelly: "Aw, thanks you guys!"
A cameraman comes over letting the band know it's time for them to go over to their mics.

Kelly: "Here to perform a brand new song from their new original album "The Lucky Ones," please welcome back Pentatonix with "Love Me When I Don't!""
Everyone cheers as the band starts singing.

When all my sanity's gone
The demons are strong
I put you through hell
You know me too well
But you bring me home
Cause you always know
How to love me when I don't
When I'm too hard on myself
I don't ask for help
When I'm not okay
I push you away
But you pull me close
Cause you always know
How to love me when I don't

Everyone again cheers as the band finishes the song.
Kelly: "That was incredible! Their new album is out today, so go buy and stream that now! Pentatonix, everyone!"
Kelly gives each member a hug.

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