Chapter 10: Playground

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Kevin and Mitch weren't exactly surprised to hear that Matt told their secret. He was never a good secret-keeper. However, they both trusted Sarah and knew that their secret was safe with her.
A few days later, it's now Wednesday and today Mitch has a surprise date for Kevin. Mitch shows up at Kevin's house and rings the doorbell. Kevin answers soon after.
Kevin: "Hi, Mitch! You look really good!"
Mitch: "Why, thank you! You don't look bad yourself! Are you ready to go?"
Kevin: "Yup! My vehicle or yours?"
Mitch: "We'll take mine since I'm driving."
Kevin: "You are? You won't even tell me where we're going?"
Mitch: "Nope! You'll find out when we get there! But I will tell you that there may or may not be a pizza in my car right now..."
Kevin: "The man I love AND a pizza?! I'm liking this date already!"

Mitch and Kevin arrive at the park...
Kevin: "You know, I honestly forgot this park was here!"
Mitch: "It's really nice and quiet. Not too many people."
Kevin: "I like the sound of that."
They kiss.
The pair find a secluded spot in the park where they lay a blanket down on the ground to sit on. They soon start eating.
Mitch: "I know this isn't what you'd call 'fancy,' but there's not too many places we can go to and still be hidden."
Kevin: "Mitchy, I don't need anything fancy. I'm happy as long as I have you! Plus, I kinda like quiet places like here and the beach."
Mitch: "Me too. I like it being just you and me."
There's a moment of silence.
Kevin: "Are you worried at all about coming out?"
Mitch: "Not really. They're our band mates, so I think they'll be accepting."
Kevin: "No, I don't mean coming out to them. I mean when we come out to the public. Does that scare you at all?"
Mitch: "Oh, uh... Honestly, I haven't thought about it much. I'm sure everyone's gonna be shocked at the news."
Kevin: "Do you think it's gonna make people turn against us?"
Mitch: "Kevin, there's always gonna be people who won't accept us. If you're worried about Pentatonix losing fans because of us... it could happen. But I think our true fans will stand by us the whole way."
Kevin: "I'm not worried about the band's reaction. I'm worried about the band losing fans because of us. Our relationship is our business, not the band's. The others shouldn't have to deal with backlash from us."
Mitch: "I know, but you know how it goes. It isn't fair to them, but, unfortunately that's how it is. I really hope the others won't get backlash, but I don't know."
Kevin: "I guess whatever happens happens and we'll stick together the whole way."
Kevin takes Mitch's hand.
Mitch: "I think we'll be okay."
Kevin: "I think you're right."
They lean in and kiss.
Awhile later...
The sun is starting to set as Mitch and Kevin decide to take a walk through the park.
Kevin: (singing) "Can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are. (Speaking) Sing along!"
Mitch laughs.
Mitch: (singing) "It's enough to make kings and vagabonds-"
Kevin: "Wait, stop."
Kevin looks ahead at something.
Mitch: "You just told me to sing along!"
Kevin: "Shh."
Mitch: "What's going on?"
Kevin: (whispering) "Is that Scott and Mark up there?"
He points ahead to a couple walking quite a ways ahead. Kevin and Mitch can only see their backs.
Mitch: "I think it is."
The couple starts turning around, so Mitch and Kevin jump off the path and hide behind a tree.
Kevin: "That's definitely them."
Mitch: "Do you think they saw us?"
Right when Kevin is about to peek around the tree, Scott and Mark walk past them absentmindedly from the opposite direction. Both Scott and Mark are involved in conversation and don't even notice Kevin or Mitch.
Kevin and Mitch watch the couple walk away.
Kevin: "Phew. That was close. I don't think they saw us."
Mitch: "That's good. It looks like they're leaving now."
Mitch and Kevin get back on the path as Scott and Mark leave the park.
Kevin: "I didn't think they'd be here."
Mitch: "Me neither. I don't see anyone else around. You know what that means...?"
Kevin smirks.
Kevin: "Hm, I think you might need to tell- I mean, show me..."
Mitch: "Alright, follow me!"
Mitch runs off.
Kevin: "What?"
Kevin chases after Mitch confused.
Mitch stops at the playground, which is completely empty. It's now fairly dark and most of the light is coming from the lampposts above them.
Kevin: "What are we doing here?"
Mitch: "I wanna play!"
Kevin: "In what way?"
Mitch sits down on one of the swings.
Mitch: "Push me!"
Kevin laughs.
Kevin: "You're so childish!"
Mitch starts to pout.
Kevin: "But in an adorable way!"
Kevin gets closer to Mitch and starts pushing him on the swing.
Mitch: "Yay!"
Kevin: "What I won't do for you!"
Mitch: "You're having fun and you know it!"
Kevin: "As long as you're happy, I'm happy!"
Kevin continues pushing Mitch on the swing for awhile before stopping.
Mitch: "Hey! Why'd you stop?"
Mitch drags his feet on the ground, stopping the swing.
Kevin: "I wanna play now!"
Kevin gets in front of Mitch and starts kissing him on the lips.
Mitch: "Mm, I like this kind of play!"
They wrap their arms around each other and continue kissing. They make out for awhile before Mitch starts kissing Kevin's neck.
Kevin: "Mitchy..."
Mitch: "You like this?"
Mitch continues kissing Kevin's neck.
Kevin: "Yes..."
Mitch bites into the sensitive spot on Kevin's neck.
Kevin: "Mitchy, don't leave any marks."
Mitch: "Hm?"
Mitch continues biting into that same spot.
Kevin: "Please, stop. I don't want a hickey."
Mitch: "I thought you said you liked it?"
Kevin: "I do, but I really don't wanna have to explain a hickey to Matt."
Mitch: "Okay."
Mitch pulls away.
Kevin: "Did you leave a mark?"
Mitch examines Kevin's neck.
Mitch: "Well..."
Kevin: "Mitch..."
Mitch: "Not a very big one..."
Kevin: "Is it noticeable?"
Mitch: "Not too bad. I'm sorry, Kevy."
Kevin: "I can't stay mad at you. Come here."
Kevin pulls Mitch in for a kiss.
Kevin: "Although, you do know what this means, don't you?"
Mitch: "No."
Kevin: "If I need to walk around with a hickey, then so do you."
Kevin starts kissing Mitch's neck.
Mitch: "Mm... This feels nice."
Kevin: "Does it?"
Kevin bites into Mitch's skin.
Mitch: "Yes..."
Kevin continues biting, eventually leaving a hickey. He stands back and admires his work.
Mitch: "Is there a mark?"
Kevin: "Yup! Looks like we're matching now!"

A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for reading this! If you notice any grammar mistakes, please let me know. Sometimes autocorrect corrects things that shouldn't be corrected! Please continue reading!

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