Chapter 16: Back Home

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After lunch, Mike, Nel, Mitch, and Kevin are upstairs.
Nel: "So for tonight either you can both sleep in Mitch's room or, Kevin, you can sleep in Jessa's old room."
Mitch: "We're good with sleeping together."
Kevin: "Yeah. Not in that way, but, you know."
Mike and Nel chuckle at Kevin's awkwardness. Mitch opens his bedroom door as the four walk inside.
Mitch: "Oh my gosh! This room has barely changed!"
Mike: "It's pretty much the same as when you left. No SpongeBob blanket, though."
Mitch: "I think that's because I have it in L.A.."
Everyone laughs.
Nel: "Oh, Mitch! I was recently going through Jessa's old room, and you wouldn't believe some of the pictures I found in there! Come and see!"
Mitch follows Nel to his sister's old bedroom, leaving Mike and Kevin alone in Mitch's room.
Mike: "Kevin, I don't wanna be that father to give 'the dad talk,' but I do wanna talk with you."
Kevin: "Of course! What do you wanna talk about?"
Mike: "Has Mitch told you much about his past relationships?"
Kevin: "Not much. He's just said that the guys weren't that nice to him. He's never went into detail."
Mike: "Okay. I don't wanna go into detail either. Mitch never told me directly some of the stuff, but you know how word gets through the grapevine."
Kevin: "Yeah."
Mike: "All of his exes started off really nice. Then they just went downhill. Some lost interest in him and were cheating while others only wanted him for one thing. My point is, I know you're not like that. I can tell you truly love Mitch."
Kevin: "I do. I love him so much. There's no one else who I'd rather be with. And I promise I'll always love and take care of him."
Mike: "I trust you, Kevin. You're a good guy."
Kevin: "Thank you."
Mike smiles.
Mike: "How about we join the other two? I'm sure Nel's probably reminiscing at this point."
Kevin chuckles as they leave Mitch's room.

That night in Mitch's room...
Mitch and Kevin are getting ready for bed.
Kevin: "So I was looking for flights to L.A., and the earliest one is in two days."
Mitch: "Sounds good. I'm sure my parents won't mind us staying an extra day."
Kevin: "Your parents are so nice! I can't believe how they just accepted me into the family!"
Mitch: "I told you they'd like you! They always have."
Kevin: "It's just a relief knowing that our parents know about us now."
Mitch: "Yeah. Although I wish your parents would've been more accepting."
Kevin: "Hey, don't let them bring you down. Your parents accept us, so that's great! Please don't let my parents, mostly my dad, get to you. Hopefully one day they'll come around."
Mitch: "You're right. Sorry, Kev. I think I'm just tired."
Kevin: "It's okay. We should probably get to bed, though."
Mitch: "Good idea."

Two days later, Mitch and Kevin return home from Texas.
At Kevin and Matt's house...
Kevin enters through the front door as Matt rushes over to greet him.
Matt: "Kevin! You're back! How'd it go with the parents?"
Kevin: "Hey, Matt! It went really well with Mitch's parents! They seem really happy for us!"
Matt: "That's good! What about your parents?"
Kevin just sighs and Matt immediately understands that it didn't go well.
Kevin: "Let's just say that it didn't go as well with mine."
Matt: "Oh, I'm sorry, Kev. Were your parents angry?"
Kevin: "If angry includes kicking your own son out of the family, then, yes, they were very angry. Well, my dad was."
Matt: "What?! He can't kick you out of the family!"
Kevin: "He wants nothing to do with me now. He thinks I'm a disgrace. And the worst part is how he treated Mitch. He called him a whore and then slapped him! I get so mad just thinking about it!"
Matt: "Mitch isn't a whore. I mean, yeah, he's slept with a lot of men, but that was how long ago?"
Kevin: "That's what Mitch said! Thank you!"
Matt: "I didn't think your dad was so... hot-headed."
Kevin: "Yeah, you've never seen him angry."
Matt: "I'm really sorry they didn't accept you. But you said that Mitch's parents did?"
Kevin: "Yes, they were so happy to find out that we're dating! They're such nice people! Mitch is really lucky to have parents who are so accepting."
Matt: "That's good."
Kevin: "They even accepted me into their family!"
Matt: "Wow! They must really like you!"
Kevin: "They must. I'm just glad that I still have a family who loves me."
Matt: "I'm sure your dad still loves you. It may not seem like it right now, but I'm sure he does."
Kevin: "He just has an odd way of showing it. I'm gonna go unpack."
Matt: "Alright."
Kevin walks away to his room to unpack his stuff.

A/N: Sorry that was kind of a short, fill-in chapter. I promise, things will get better! Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed and please continue reading!

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