Chapter 11: Coming Out

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Mitch and Kevin have been doing lots of thinking about when, where, and how to tell the others about their relationship. They finally decided to invite the band over to Mitch's house Sunday afternoon and they'll tell them then. Although how they'd tell them is still unknown...

Mitch and his roommate, Sarah are currently at the house waiting for the others to arrive.
Sarah: "Mitch, I don't understand. Can't whatever you and Kevin need to tell us wait until tomorrow at the studio? I can come along and you can tell us all there. Why do we need a special meeting for it?"
Mitch: "Sarah, I already told you. We don't wanna waste time at the studio where we should be working on music."
Sarah: "And you and Kevin are the only people who know about this?"
Mitch: "Well... Matt does, too, but that's a story for another time..."
Mitch is relieved when he hears the doorbell ring.
Mitch: "I'll get that!"
Mitch runs off and opens the door to see Kevin and Matt standing on the other side.
Mitch: "Hey, you two!"
Matt: "Hey, Mitch!"
Kevin: "Hey, Mitchy!"
Kevin gives Mitch a quick kiss as he and Matt walk inside.
Kevin: "You ready for this?"
Mitch: "No, but I guess I'm gonna have to be."
Matt: "Just know that no matter what happens, I'll always support you both."
Kevin: "Thanks, Matt."
Mitch: "Yeah, that means a lot."
The trio walk inside. Not long after, Scott and Kirstie arrive at the same time.
Kirstie: "Hi, everyone!"
Scott: "We're here for the news! And just to make sure, it is good news, not bad news, right?"
Mitch: "It's very good news! How about you all have a seat in the living room?"
Everyone sits down.
Kirstie: "So? What is it?"
Kevin: "Well..."
Kevin and Mitch look at each other.
Kevin: "As you all know, this is about me and Mitch both."
Mitch: "And it's probably gonna be surprising to you all, so just be prepared."
Scott, Kirstie, and Sarah exchange confused glances.
Scott: "Okay, well, whatever it is we're ready to hear it."
There's an awkward silence.
Mitch: "Do you wanna tell?"
Kevin: "Okay, so... This all started about three weeks ago. Mitch and I went shopping together-"
Scott: "Oh, yeah! I remember that day! What happened that day?"
Mitch: "He's trying to tell you."
Scott: "Oh, sorry! Go on!"
Kevin: "Anyways, after we went shopping, we went to the beach and... we realized something there..."
Scott: "Wait a minute, you went to the beach? You didn't happen to be there, like, a little over a week ago, did you?"
Mitch and Kevin try to think back.
Mitch: "Um... maybe. Yeah, I think so. Why?"
Scott looks at Matt as he recalls their conversation on the phone. Matt just gives him an 'I told you so' look. Scott has an expression of pure disbelief as he glances from Matt to Mitch to Kevin.

"Relax. There's no way Matt was right! This is Mitch and Kevin. They can't be dating! They're gonna tell you something else, so just calm down!" Scott thinks to himself. Although he did find it odd that Mitch and Kevin have some 'news' to tell them.
He didn't realize he was thinking for so long until he heard Mitch saying his name.
Mitch: "Scott? Scott? Earth to Scott? Are you with us?"
Scott: "What? Oh, yeah, uh, just thinking, I guess. Back to the story."
Kirstie: "What did you realize?"
Kevin: "So, we've both felt this for a very long time, but have just recently admitted it to each other..."
Kevin and Mitch look at each other before taking each others' hands. This causes Scott, Kirstie, and Sarah to really look confused.
Kevin: "Mitch and I are in love."
Mitch: "We're dating."
Scott, Kirstie, and Sarah's jaws almost hit the floor as they witness their friends kiss each other. Matt smiling in the corner just added to the confusion.
Sarah: "Oh-"
Kirstie: "My-"
Scott: "Gosh! Matt... you-you were right?!"
Sarah: "What do you mean 'Matt was right?!' You knew?!"
Matt: "I may or may not have caught them making out."
Mitch: "So it wasn't by choice that we told him early."
Kirstie: "Now wait a minute. Are you guys being serious right now or is this a joke? Because if it's a joke, you're really good actors!"
Mitch and Kevin chuckle.
Kevin: "Not a joke. I love Mitch with all my heart."
Mitch: "I feel the same way about you."
Scott: "Matt, I'm so sorry for not believing you and thinking you were crazy. I just didn't think there was any way it could be true! I'm really sorry."
Matt: "Apology accepted. Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have believed me either!"
Kirstie: "So, Scott, you knew that they were dating?"
Matt: "What happened was I caught them making out at the beach one evening and it freaked me out so bad that I called Scott and told him about it. But he didn't believe me."
Scott: "I thought he just saw two people who looked like Kevin and Mitch. I wouldn't have believed that Kevin and Mitch would be dating, and I still can't! Kevin?!... you-Mitch-what-how... I don't know what to say!"
Sarah: "I know it's really none of my business, but are you gay?"
Kevin: "I really don't know. All I know is that I love Mitch. So much."
Mitch: "And I love Kevin. This isn't a phase and it's not like my past relationships. We're taking things slow because we really want this to work out. We like each other a lot."
Scott: "I just can't believe this! You've been secretly dating for three weeks now?!"
Mitch: "We have."
Kevin: "It's been the best three weeks of my life."
Sarah: "I am shocked! Mitch, of all people, I never expected you to end up with Kevin! No offense, Kev!"
Kevin: "None taken."
Sarah: "Honestly, Mitch, I thought you and Scott would end up together."
Kirstie: "Oh, we all thought that!"
Scott: "Other than us, who else knows about your relationship?"
Kevin: "Just Sarah Bishop because of somebody..."
Kevin looks at Matt who only smiles.
Scott: "Nobody else knows? Not even your families?"
Kevin: "Oh my gosh, my family..."
Mitch: "What's wrong? Do you think they'll not accept us?"
Kevin: "Mitchy, my family isn't exactly fond of the idea of homosexuality. They don't really support gay marriage."
Mitch: "But I don't understand. Your parents always seem so nice to me and Scott?"
Kevin: "They're the type who 'accept' homosexuals just to keep from fighting. Don't get me wrong. They do like you and Scott, they just don't agree with that part of your lives."
Mitch: "I see..."
Kevin: "I just don't know how they'll react when they find out that their own son is in a relationship with another guy."
Scott: "If it helps at all, not many people look at Mitch as a guy. No offense, Mitch."
Mitch: "None taken."
Kirstie: "Well, Kevin, even if your family doesn't accept this, you'll still have us!"
Kevin: "Wait, you all accept our relationship?"
Kirstie: "Of course we do!"
Sarah: "As long as you both love each other, who are we to tell you who you can and can't date?"
Scott: "My best friends are dating!"
Scott gets up and hugs Mitch and Kevin.
Mitch: "This was exactly how Matt reacted!"
Matt: "I ain't done reacting!"
Matt gets up and hugs the trio.
Kirstie: "We can't be left out of hug-fest!"
Kirstie and Sarah join in on the hug.
Scott: "Mitch, Kevin, I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say I wish you the best!"
Sarah: "Yes! We're all so happy for you!"
Matt: "And no matter what happens with your families..."
Kirstie: "We'll always support you!"
Kevin: "Aw, thank you guys so much! That means the world to us!"
Mitch: "Yes, thank you! I love having friends like you guys! Y'all are the best!"

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