Chapter 32: Happy New Year!

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Mitch and Kevin are currently making a guest list for their wedding.
Mitch: "I think that's it for my family."
Kevin: "Alright, now for our friends!"
Mitch: "Um, aren't you forgetting anyone?"
Kevin: "I don't know, these are your relatives!"
Mitch: "And what about yours? Aren't you gonna at least invite them?"
Kevin: "Mitch, I haven't spoken to any of my relatives since coming out. I doubt any of them would wanna come anyways."
Mitch: "Maybe they'll change their minds!"
Kevin: "You really think my parents will? You saw the way they reacted to us coming out."
Mitch: "Yeah, but that was in the heat of the moment. They've had a long time to cool off, so maybe they feel better about it now."
Kevin: "Then why haven't they answered my calls or texts? I'm trying to make things right between us. They're the ones distancing themselves."
Mitch is silent.
Kevin: "I'm sorry. I don't mean to take my frustrations out on you. I'm just disgusted with the entire situation. Do they really think our relationship is that much of a disgrace that they practically disown their own son?"
Mitch: "Kevin, I'm sorry. If you really don't want to, I won't make you invite your family. I just think that no matter how much they dislike us, we should still do the right thing and invite them."
Kevin thinks about it.
Kevin: "I suppose we could. They don't know we're engaged, though, so I hope they don't flip out when they get a wedding invitation."
Mitch: "You wanna invite them?"
Kevin nods.
Kevin: "Yeah. Let's invite my parents. I wanna also invite my brother and sister."
Mitch: "Are they aware of our relationship?"
Kevin: "I don't know. I've tried calling and texting them, but neither one will respond. That's what makes me think that my parents already told them about us."
Mitch: "I really hope your family comes to the wedding."
Kevin: "Me too."
Olivier runs up to the pair and starts meowing.
Mitch: "What, Olivier?"
Mitch sees a cat toy beside the cat.
Mitch: "Do you want this?"
Mitch takes the mouse toy and throws it in the air. Olivier jumps up and hits the toy with his paw.
Kevin: "He's a football player! He spiked the mouse!"
Mitch: "He's a talented cat! Olivier, catch!"
Mitch takes another toy and again throws it in the air. Olivier again jumps up and hits the toy, knocking it to the ground.
Kevin: "He is so cute!"
Mitch: "He's the best gift I've ever received!"
Kevin: "I'm glad."
Kevin leans in and gives Mitch a kiss.

The next day...
It's New Year's Eve! To celebrate, the band and Sarah are coming over to Mitch and Kevin's house for a New Year's Eve party.
Matt: "2021, here we come! Wow! I just rhymed!"
Scott: "This year is gonna be great! I have a feeling lots of good things are gonna happen!"
Kevin: "Oh, they will! Starting with me and Mitchy getting married!"
Mitch: "That'll be the best part of my year!"
They lean in and kiss.
Kirstie: "Aw, you two are so cute! I can't wait for your wedding!"
Mitch: "Oh, that reminds me! We have wedding invitations for y'all! Let me get them!"
Mitch leaves the room.
Scott: "Kev, I still can't believe you and Mitch are getting married! If someone would have told me a year ago that you two would end up together, I would have never believed that person! I'm so happy for you both!"
Kevin: "Scott, please tell me you're not gonna cry again."
Sarah: "Again?"
Scott: "Well, when he told me about wanting to marry Mitch, I might have gotten a little emotional."
Kevin: "'A little' emotional?"
Scott: "Fine, I cried. But I had a good reason to!"
Mitch comes back with invitations.
Mitch: "Here's an invitation for everyone."
He passes the invitations out to his friends.
Mitch: "And the wedding is on February fourteenth."
Kirstie: "Aw, you are getting married on Valentines Day!"
Kevin: "We are! We can't wait!"
Kevin and Mitch kiss.
Matt: "Alright, enough of this lovey dovey stuff. Let's eat!"

Scott: "It's almost time to count down!"
Kirstie: "Everyone, take a handful of confetti!"
Everyone grabs confetti and gets ready to count down to midnight.
Mitch: "We're almost into a new year."
Kevin: "And I can't wait to spend it with you."
Matt: "Here we go!"
Everyone: "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, happy new year!"
Everyone throws confetti into the air as they cheer. Mitch and Kevin lean in and share a slow kiss after throwing their confetti.
Kevin: "Happy new year, Mitchy."
Mitch: "Happy new year, Kevin. I think this year is gonna be really special for us."
Kevin: "It will because we'll get to spend it together."
They lean in and kiss again.
Kevin: "I love you, Mitchy."
Mitch: "I love you, Kevin."
Scott: "It is officially 2021! The first day of the new year!"
Sarah: "This year is gonna be awesome!"
Kirstie: "It will be! I have a feeling lots of good things will happen for Pentatonix!"
Matt: "Oh, yeah! Maybe a summer tour, maybe even a Christmas tour!"
Mitch: "We'll be doing Christmas tours for the rest of our lives."
Matt: "True!"
Kirstie: "And there will be lots of new music!"
Sarah: "It's gonna be awesome! And don't forget about the first married couple in the band!"
Matt: "The first two people to get married in the band are marrying each other! How crazy is that!"
Kevin: "It is crazy!"
Mitch: "But in the greatest way! I'm so happy to be marrying my best friend! No offense, Scott."
Scott: "None taken."
Kevin: "This is gonna be the best year in so many ways!"
Scott: "It is! And who knows what else will happen! But I do know that it'll be great! To 2021!"
Everyone: "To 2021!"

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