Chapter 31: A Perfect Christmas

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The Christmas tour is over now and the entire band is back home in California for Christmas/New Year break.
Today is Christmas morning! Kevin wakes up first and carefully sneaks out of bed without Mitch knowing. He makes his way to the spare bedroom where he gets a pile of gifts and carries them out to the living room. He places the gifts under the tree before he turns on a yule log video on the tv. He then proceeds to the kitchen where he gets two cups of coffee ready. Once the coffee's made, he sets the cups down on the coffee table. Kevin makes his way back the hall to wake Mitch up. He crawls in bed beside Mitch and starts gently shaking him awake.
Kevin: "Mitchy, wake up."
Mitch starts to stir.
Mitch: "Hm?"
Kevin: "Merry Christmas, Mitch."
Mitch starts to wake up more.
Mitch: "Oh. Merry Christmas, Kevin."
Mitch rolls over on his back so that he and Kevin can share a kiss.
Kevin: "You gotta get up, Mitchy! It looks like Santa Claus left a little something under the tree!"
Mitch: "Oh, did he? Maybe he left some other things somewhere else..."
Kevin: "What do you mean?"
Mitch gets up out of bed and goes to the closet, where he brings out a stack of gifts.
Kevin: "Is that why you didn't wanna share your closet space with me?"
Mitch: "That may play a big part in it."
The couple walk out to the living room.
Mitch: "Aw, Kevin, this is beautiful! And you made coffee! You really are the man for me!"
Kevin laughs as Mitch lays the gifts under the tree. Kevin then gives a gift to Mitch.
Kevin: "Here. You can open the first gift."
Mitch: "Thanks, Kevy!"

A little later, there's only one gift left.
Kevin: "Last gift's for you!"
Mitch: "Alright."
Mitch rips the paper off and opens the box. He becomes very confused when he finds cat toys in the box.
Mitch: "Oh... Um, thank you?"
Kevin: "I know it seems weird, but I promise it'll make sense soon. And I might have lied to you. There is one more gift left. Let me go get it."
Kevin leaves the room. He comes back carrying something that he's hiding from Mitch.
Kevin: "Alright, Mitch, close your eyes and put your hands out."
Mitch does as told. Kevin walks up to him and places a kitten in his hands.
Kevin: "You can open your eyes now."
Mitch opens his eyes. His face lights up when he sees the kitten in his hands.
Mitch: "Kevin... You got this for me?"
Kevin: "I did. I know how much you love cats and I saw how cute this one was. I really hope you like him."
Mitch: "Kevin, I don't like him. I love him! He is the cutest little cat I've ever seen! What's his name?"
Mitch lays the cat on his lap and starts petting him.
Kevin: "He doesn't have one. You can name him whatever you want!"
Mitch thinks about it.
Mitch: "Olivier. That's what I wanna name him. Olivier."
Kevin: "That's a perfect name for a perfect cat."
Kevin kisses the side of Mitch's head as he too starts petting the cat.
Mitch: "Thank you for a perfect Christmas."
Kevin: "Hey, it wouldn't be perfect without you."
Mitch smiles.
Mitch: "Let's see how Olivier likes his toys!"
He gets a toy out of the box and moves it around on the floor. Olivier soon jumps off of Mitch's lap and pounces on the toy. Mitch and Kevin laugh.
Kevin: "He's so playful!"
Mitch: "He is! He's just like Wyatt! Except, you know, Olivier has hair."
The cat continues pouncing on the toy.
Kevin: "Just so you know, I have food, a litter box, and everything else for Olivier in the spare bedroom."
Mitch: "Sounds good. It's like we're parents now!"
Kevin: "And who knows, if this goes well, one day we might be parents to a human baby!"
Mitch: "Would you wanna have kids?"
Kevin: "Yeah. Maybe not a crazy number, but at least one or two. How about you?"
Mitch: "I don't know. I've never been interested in kids before, but since getting with you I've changed a lot. Maybe one day I'll want a kid."
Kevin: "Hey, we're not even married yet, so there's no rush. You have plenty of time to think about it. I would just love to start a family with you. I don't know how we'd do that, but if it's meant to be then it'll work out somehow!"
Mitch: "You're right. We should probably get lunch started if we want it done by noon."
Kevin: "Alright. I'll go get the cat tree so Olivier's entertained while we're busy."
Mitch: "Man, you have this cat spoiled already!"
Kevin: "Hey, he is our son!"

After lunch, Mitch and Kevin are doing dishes when Mitch looks out the window and sees something strange.
Mitch: "Kevin, i-it's snowing!"
Kevin: "What? That's impossible. We're in California."
Mitch: "Look!"
Kevin looks out the window.
Kevin: "Wow! It's really snowing!"
Mitch: "Come on! Let's go out in it!"
They put their coats on and run out in the snow.
Mitch: "This is beautiful! I never thought I would see snow in California!"
Kevin: "Me neither! It's a Christmas miracle!"
Mitch: "It seems like it always snows when we're together!"
Kevin: "It's because our love is just that powerful!"
They lean in and kiss.
Mitch: "I love you, Kevin."
Kevin: "I love you too, Mitch. Merry Christmas."
Mitch: "Merry Christmas."
They kiss again as snow continues falling around them. Both Mitch and Kevin agree that neither one of them could've asked for a better Christmas.

A/N: I'm sure most of you are aware that Mitch's cat Nino recently passed away suddenly. This is why I'm only gonna bring Olivier into this story. It's not because I wanna forget about Nino, but because I know that it's still a really sad subject for some, as for myself. I want this story to make people happy, not sad. I hope everyone understands!

R.I.P. Nino


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