Chapter 17: Happy Now

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It's now Friday and the band is super excited to be filming their very first music video for their new original album! They're currently on the set of "Happy Now" getting their makeup done.
Mitch: "Kevy, aren't you getting any colorful makeup on?"
Kevin: "Me with colorful makeup?"
Mitch: "You'd look really good!"
Kevin: "Thanks, Mitchy, but I don't think so. I'll stick with no makeup."
Mitch: "Alright."
Kevin: "That eye shadow looks really good on you, though! Although you look perfect without any makeup."
Mitch: "Aw, thanks, Kev!"
Kevin and Mitch kiss. They're interrupted by Matt clearing his throat loudly.
Kevin: "May we help you?"
Matt: "No kissing. You're gonna ruin your makeup."
Mitch: "Nobody said you had to be watching us."
Matt: "It's kind of hard to ignore that."
Kirstie: "Matt, leave them alone. They're in looove!"
She draws out the word "love."
Mitch: "Thank you, Kirst!"
Scott enters the room.
Scott: "Wow! Let me just say that we all look good!"
Kirstie: "Thanks, Scott! Tiffany did really good with our makeup!"
Scott: "That she did! And how are the love birds doing over here?"
Mitch: "Good until someone interrupted our kissing..."
Scott: "Matt?"
Matt: "What makes you think it was me?"
Scott: "It was, wasn't it?"
Matt: "Maybe..."
Scott: "Mitchy, he's just giving you a rough time."
Matt: "And making sure you don't mess up your makeup."
Kevin leans in closer to Mitch and whispers something in his ear.
Kevin: "We can do our kissing later."
Mitch: "Sounds good."
Their manager, Dre enters the room.
Dre: "Alright, time to film! Scott, we'll do your solo scene first."
Scott: "Sounds good!"
Dre and Scott leave the room.
Scott: "Be right back!"
He waves to the others.
Many scenes and many, many takes later, the entire band is now ready to film their scene together.
Scott: "Alright, let's do this in one take! We've got this!"
Kevin: "On the count of three!"
Pentatonix: "One, two, three, PTX!"
Kevin: "Okay, maybe that wasn't necessary, but let's do this!"
Everyone gets in position as the camera starts rolling.

                       "Happy Now"
"Is it illegal to move on without you?
Am I allowed to when I'm without you?
Is it illegal to dance like In about to?
Am I allowed to when aim without you?
I wanna be happy now.
I wanna be happy now.

Is it okay if I laugh until my chest hurts?
Wanna remember how to surrender?
Is it okay if I drop some of the pressure?
Have an adventure. Give me the keys.
I think I wanna be happy now.
I think I wanna be happy now.

Is it illegal to move on without you?
Am I allowed to when I'm without you?
Is it illegal to dance like I'm about to?
Am I allowed to when I'm without you?
I wanna be happy now.
I wanna be happy now.

Is it illegal to move on?
Is it illegal to move on?

Am I happy now?
Right now.
With or without you.
Right now.
Am I happy now?
Just me.
Me, myself, and I.
Am I? Am I?

Is it illegal to move on without you?
Am I allowed to when I'm without you?
Is it illegal to dance like I'm about to?
Am I allowed to when I'm without you?
I wanna be happy now.
I wanna be happy now.

Is it illegal to move on?
Is it illegal to move on?

Am I happy now?
Right now.
With or without you.
Right now.
Am I happy now?
Just me.
Me, myself, and I.
Am I? Am I?

Now, no more holding back.
Left that in the past.
Grateful for the lessons that I learned cause now.
Cry because I'm laughing.
Fall from all this dancing.
All because I know I know I'm happy now.

Am I happy now?
Right now.
With or without you.
Right now.
Am I happy now?
Just me.
Me, myself, and I.
Am I? Am I?"

Director: "Cut!"
The camera stops rolling as everyone starts cheering.
Dre: "That was great! You guys did amazing!"
Kirstie: "Thank you! I can't believe we did it in one take!"
Dre: "Now after we edit the video, I think everything's ready for the premiere of "The Lucky Ones!""
Everyone cheers again.
Matt: "I can't wait for our summer tour in three months!"
Scott: "And the album release is just a month away!"
Dre: "Speaking of which, we have some exciting news for y'all regarding the tour..."
Kirstie: "Really?! What is it?!"
Dre: "Well, you know how there's always an opening act for tour?"
Kirstie: "Yeah."
Dre: "Well, someone extra special will be joining you for this tour..."
Scott: "Beyoncé?!"
Mitch: "As an opening act?"
Scott: "You never know! It could happen!"
Kirstie: "Who is it? The suspense is driving me crazy!"
Dre: "Avi Kaplan!"
Pentatonix: "Avi Kaplan?!"
Kevin: "The Avi Kaplan that was in our band?!"
Scott: "Our Avi Kaplan?!"
Dre: "Yes, your Avi Kaplan! He agreed to open for your summer tour!"
Kirstie: "Dre, how dare you keep a secret like this from us?!"
Dre: "Sorry, but I gotta do what I gotta do!"
Matt: "I've never toured with him before! It'll be like a family reunion!"
Mitch: "I can't wait to see Avi again! It's been so long!"
Kevin: "He's gonna be shocked to find out that we're dating!"
Scott: "He's gonna be furious with the two of you when he finds out you've kept a secret that big from him."
Mitch: "Meh, he'll get over himself."
Mitch and Kevin kiss.
Matt: "Hey! Do I need to get on your case again?"
Mitch: "Filming's over. We can kiss all we want now!"
They kiss again.
Kirstie: "Do you think Avi will appreciate watching them kiss all the time?"
Scott: "Nah."
Kevin: "Hey, we can control ourselves!"
Mitch: "We're gonna have to for tour."
Kirstie: "You're not gonna tell the fans about your relationship yet?"
Mitch: "Not this soon. We wanna try to keep it a secret the entire tour."
Kevin: "Yeah, that way during VIP all the questions won't be directed to just the two of us."
Matt: "Good thinking."
Kirstie: "You don't need to worry about us letting your secret out."
Scott: "Our lips are sealed!"
Mitch: "Thanks, guys."
Kevin: "Y'all are amazing!"
Scott: "We know!"
Everyone laughs.
Kirstie: "I can't wait for tour!"

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