Chapter 21: Love Always Wins

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Warning: homophobia

Two weeks later, the band's still on tour and so far it couldn't be better! Everyone's having a blast being back together with Avi! Tonight they have a show in Jacksonville, Florida. They're all currently backstage doing their own things. Matt's scrolling through Twitter when he stops at a specific post. After reading it, he gets up and searches for someone. He finds Kirstie and immediately runs up to her.
Kirstie: "Hey, Matt! What's up?"
Matt: "You have gotta read this!"
He hands his phone to Kirstie as she reads the post.
Kirstie: "What is this and why is the band tagged in it?"
Matt: "They're a church local to this area. It says right here they're planning on coming to the show tonight to protest."
Kirstie: "Protest against what? Having a good time?"
Matt: "No, they specifically call out Scott and Mitch's names in this post, and they say they're gonna protest against... against their sexualities."
Kirstie: "What? What kind of a church does this? They only have Mitch and Scott's names in their post?"
Matt: "Yes. They make it seem like their terrible people just because they're gay. I don't know what their little 'protest' is gonna consist of, or exactly where it's gonna be. They can't protest inside the venue, can they?"
Kirstie: "It's an outdoor venue. There's no space for them."
Matt: "But they could be in the parking lot. Do you think we should tell Mitch and Scott about this?"
Kirstie: "Maybe we shouldn't. I don't wanna worry them about something that might not even happen."
Matt: "Oh, I think it's gonna happen!"
Kirstie: "What about Kevin? I mean, he's technically gay. Don't you think he should know about this? Mitch and Scott, too?"
Matt: "Maybe they should. As much as I don't want this to happen, it's probably best that all three of them know. Let's go find them."
The duo head off in search of Scott, Mitch, and Kevin, who are all very frustrated at the whole situation. Even though his name wasn't listed in the post, Kevin can't help but feel targeted as well. He couldn't help but wonder "is this what Mitch and Scott dealt with their entire lives?" For the first time in his life, Kevin knew what discrimination felt like. Sure, he's dealt with racial discrimination before, but never homophobia. It felt terrible. For the first time in a long time, the band all felt nervous heading backstage before the show. None of them knew what to expect when they would get on stage. However, all their nerves went away when Avi got off stage.
Avi: "It's a normal crowd out there. No protestors or nothing."
Mitch: "Really?"
Scott: "Wow, I guess there's nothing to worry about then!"
Avi: "Yeah, you're good. The only people out there are the people who support you."
Kevin: "That's such a relief!"
Avi: "Yeah, you'll do great!"
Scott: "Thanks, Av!"
Everything was great! Until...
They heard it.
They heard a voice.
A voice speaking through a megaphone 'preaching' words of hate. Words a true Christian would never preach.
Kirstie: "What is that?"
Dre: "You've gotta be kidding me..."
Mitch: "They're here?"
Scott: "But where? The crowd looks normal."
Dre: "They're right outside the gate."
Matt: "Can you call security and make them leave?"
Dre: "I tried, but as long as they're outside the venue, there's nothing security can do."
Kevin: "So now what? The show starts in five minutes."
Dre: "Well, the show must go on!"
Sarah: "With that commotion?"
Dre: "Yes, with that commotion. But if y'all sing loud enough, you'll drown out the sound of their protesting."
Scott: "You're right. We've got this! Love wins!"
The band runs out on stage and despite the protestors, put on an incredible show! Now it's at the end of the show when it's time to sing "Run to You."
Scott: "So, we have two more songs for y'all, and for this next one we're gonna put our mics down, so y'all need to be super quiet in order to hear."
The crowd immediately silences, but not the protestors. The silence just makes it easier to hear what they're saying. The band starts singing louder than how they normally would, drowning out the sound of the protestors. Everyone was giving their all during the performance, and that definitely showed when they finished singing and the crowd started screaming. After "Hallelujah," everyone runs off stage. Scott starts crying immediately. Kevin, Matt, Kirstie, and Avi all wrap him in a hug.
Avi: "I'm sorry, Scott."
Kirstie: "They're hateful people."
Matt: "None of what they said was true."
Scott stops crying and sniffles.
Scott: "Thanks, you guys. I'm glad I have you."
Kevin: "Uh... Where's Mitch?"
Everyone looks around noting that Mitch was nowhere to be seen.
Scott: "I think I know where he might be. Follow me."
Everyone follows Scott to Mitch's dressing room. Scott knocks on the door.
Scott: "Mitch, it's just us. Can we come in?"
Mitch: "I don't wanna talk right now."
Kevin: "Mitchy, I know this is hard, but we just wanna talk with you. Please let us in."
Mitch slowly opens the door, revealing his tear-stained face.
Kevin: "Honey..."
Kevin hugs Mitch as Mitch starts crying into Kevin's shoulder.
Kevin: "Hey, it's okay, it's okay. They're gone now."
Mitch: "I a-actually thought th-that things were s-starting to get better, b-but they're not."
Mitch cries harder.
Scott: "Mitch, I know you're hurting. I am, too."
Scott wraps his arms around Mitch and Kevin.
Kirstie: "Those people are just jealous because they have no love in their hearts."
Matt: "Yeah. They wanna make other people unhappy because that's the way they are."
Mitch stops crying and sniffs.
Mitch: "It still hurts though to be targeted in that way."
Kevin: "I know exactly what you're feeling."
Mitch: "No, you don't. They didn't use your name in their post."
Kevin: "They may not have used my name, but their homophobia still hurt me."
Mitch: "You've never dealt with hate like that before?"
Kevin: "No. And you know something, that just gives me more respect towards you."
Mitch: "How?"
Kevin: "For the first time ever, I completely understand the pain you've experienced. You're so strong being able to overcome that and still be so open with who you are."
Mitch: "Thanks, Kev. That means so much to me."
Kirstie: "Just know that none of us will ever judge any of you."
Matt: "Yeah, we love you all so much."
Mitch: "Thanks."
Scott: "Yeah, thanks, guys. Bring it in!"
Everyone, including Avi, move in closer to share a group hug. Mitch, Scott, and Kevin are all so thankful to have such loving and accepting friends.

Don't spread hate. Spread kindness.

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