Chapter 5: Beach Fun

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It's now Saturday and Mitch just dropped Sarah off at the airport. As soon as he gets home he texts Kevin saying that he's ready for him to come over. Kevin gathers his stuff then heads out the door. He has two bags with him; his work bag and another bag that's full. He loads the bags into his car then drives off to Mitch's house...

Kevin parks the car and gathers his bags before heading to the front door. He knocks and Mitch almost immediately answers.
Mitch: "Hi, Kev-"
He's cut off by Kevin smashing his lips onto his.
Mitch: "Wow! Do you greet everyone like that?"
Kevin: "Only you!"
They kiss again.
Mitch: "What's in your bags?"
Kevin: "Well, this is my work bag and there may or may not be a surprise in the other..."
Mitch: "For me?"
Kevin: "Um... sorta? You'll see later."
Mitch: "Okay, well, come on in! We can go to the living room."
Kevin: "Alright."
Kevin follows Mitch to the living room before Mitch stops abruptly.
Mitch: "Kevin, I wanna ask you something... As you know, Sarah's going back to be with her family for two weeks meaning that we have the house all to ourselves, so... Do you wanna spend the night here tonight?"
Kevin: "It depends. Do I have to sleep in her room or can I sleep with you?"
Mitch chuckles.
Kevin: "I'm kidding. Of course I'll stay! Just let me text Matt before we start the song."
Mitch: "Alright."
Mitch goes to the living room as Kevin pulls his phone out.
Kevin: (to Matt) "Hey, I'm at Mitch's house right now and we're still working on that song. It'll probably take us awhile, so I'm just gonna stay the night here. See you tomorrow! Bye!"
He puts his phone away before heading to the living room with Mitch.

Awhile later, they have a song called "Easy Love" written.
Kevin: "I think we're done!"
Mitch: "I'm so happy with how this turned out!"
Kevin: "Me too! Mitchy, thank you for giving me that 'easy love.'"
Mitch: "Hey, you give it right back!"
They both kiss.
Kevin: "Now that we got our work done, how about we go get something to eat then head to the beach?"
Mitch: "I love the sound of that!"
Kevin: "Great! I'll pack my stuff up."
They both get up from the couch. Mitch starts to walk away, but Kevin stops him.
Kevin: "Oh, Mitchy! Make sure you bring your swimming clothes!"
Mitch: "Swimming clothes? I don't suppose this is what your little surprise is?"
Kevin: "Maybe... There is more to the beach than our little hideout, you know!"
Mitch: "Kevin, this all sounds great, but aren't people gonna see us together?"
Kevin: "The beach is never too busy off season. I don't think there will be many people there."
Mitch: "I just don't want people to find out about us yet."
Mitch walks over to Kevin and takes his hand.
Kevin: "Mitch, if you're really concerned about it then we don't have to go swimming."
Mitch shakes his head.
Mitch: "No, I wanna go."
Kevin: "You sure?"
Mitch: "Yeah. It'll be starting to get dark, right? Hopefully no one will recognize us."
Kevin: "We'll be fine."
Kevin kisses Mitch.
Mitch: "I'm gonna get my stuff."
Kevin: "Alright. We can take my vehicle."
At the beach...
The sun is starting to set when Mitch and Kevin arrive. They take their beach bags and start walking down the shore.
Mitch: "There's, like, nobody here."
Kevin: "It's the perfect place for us!"
Kevin takes Mitch's hand as they continue to walk.
Kevin: "This looks like a good spot."
Mitch: "Is there really a bad spot at this time?"
Mitch starts laughing.
Kevin: "Hey, we don't want the waves to take our towels away!"
They set their bags down. Kevin takes off his shirt and pants leaving him in his swimming trunks. Kevin catches Mitch staring at his abs.
Kevin: "Like what you see?"
Mitch looks up at him.
Mitch: "What? Oh, um... maybe..."
Kevin chuckles as Mitch blushes.
Kevin: "Hey, don't shy away from me now! I was just joking. Sorry if I embarrassed you."
Mitch: "No, no, you're fine."
Kevin: "Are you gonna take your shirt off?"
Mitch: "Uh, yeah..."
He looks around the beach.
Kevin: "Mitchy, there's no one else around. Are you okay?"
Mitch: "I'm just a little... nervous."
Kevin: "Why? We've seen each other shirtless before."
Mitch: "Yeah, but it's different now. We're in a relationship and... I just want you to like me."
Kevin: "Mitchy, why wouldn't I like you! I love you!"
Kevin realizes something.
Kevin: "Mitch... Are you self conscious about your body?"
Mitch: "... Kind of... It's just, I know I'm a lot thinner than most guys, and I don't have abs. I just have ribs that stick out."
Kevin: "Mitchy, your tiny, petite frame is one of the many things I love about you! You're perfect just the way you are! And I'm not dating you because of your body, I'm dating you because you're an amazing person! You're beautiful inside and out."
Mitch: "Kevin... Did you rehearse that?"
Kevin: "Nope, I guess the truth just comes naturally."
Mitch smiles as he hugs Kevin.
Mitch: "Thank you, Kevin! What did I do to deserve you?"
Kevin: "You were yourself and I fell in love with you."
Mitch smiles as he pulls away to take his shirt and pants off. This time Mitch catches Kevin staring. Mitch smirks.
Mitch: "Like what you see?"
Kevin: "I do!"
There's silence.
Kevin: "Race you to the ocean!"
Both run as fast as they can across the sand until they reach the water. Kevin gets there first.
Mitch: "No fair! You got a head start!"
Kevin: "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you."
Kevin swims over to Mitch and picks him up bridal style, Mitch wrapping his arms around Kevin's neck.
Mitch: "Where are you taking me?"
Kevin: "Wherever you wanna go."
Kevin leans down and gives Mitch a sweet kiss before dunking him under the water.
Mitch: "Kevin!"
Mitch swims away from Kevin, splashing him in the process.
Kevin: "I was just playing, Mitchy! Do you forgive me?"
Mitch: "No."
Mitch crosses his arms.
Kevin: "I know what will make you forgive me..."
Kevin goes under water and swims up to Mitch. Mitch lets out a shriek when Kevin wraps his arms around his waist and lifts him up out of the water.
Mitch: "Put me down!"
Kevin: "Nope!"
Kevin starts kissing Mitch's shoulder. Mitch starts giggling.
Mitch: "Kevin! I want down!"
Kevin: "Not yet."
Kevin moves up to kissing Mitch's neck.
Mitch: "Please, Kevin?"
Kevin whispers in Mitch's ear.
Kevin: "Do you forgive me?"
Mitch: "Yes, I forgive you."
They both start kissing passionately.
Kevin: "You don't want down anymore?"
Mitch: "Not if you keep kissing me like that."
They continue kissing. This goes on for quite awhile until a particularly large wave washes over the pair, knocking them both down.
Kevin: "Whoa!"
They both start laughing.
Mitch: "Are you okay?"
Kevin: "I'm fine. You?"
Mitch: "I'm good. I didn't even see that wave coming!"
Kevin: "Well, we were very distracted!"
They swim up to each other and kiss. Kevin notices that Mitch shivers.
Kevin: "Are you cold?"
Mitch: "A little."
Kevin: "Maybe we should head home. It's pretty dark anyways."
Mitch: "Sounds good."
They get out of the water and go back to their bags. They get their towels and dry off before heading back to Mitch's house.
At the house...
Mitch and Kevin are both showered and ready for bed.
Mitch: "I had a lot of fun today."
Kevin: "Me too."
They both crawl in bed and start cuddling.
Kevin: "Mitchy, do you ever wonder how things will be once people find out about us?"
Mitch: "Sometimes. I hope things won't change to much."
Kevin: "I really just hope that people will accept our relationship. Let's be honest. I'm the last person in the band that people would expect to be in a same-sex relationship."
Mitch: "How about we have this conversation another time and just enjoy being together? Plus, I'm really tired."
Kevin smiles.
Kevin: "Alright. Goodnight, Mitchy."
Mitch: "Goodnight, Kevy."
They kiss before going to sleep.

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