Chapter 28: Getting Permission

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Over a week later, Kevin decides to go to Scott and Mark's house to ask Scott about proposing to Mitch. Kevin knocks on the door and Mark answers.
Mark: "Oh! Hi, Kevin!"
Kevin: "Hey, Mark! Is Scott home?"
Mark: "He is. He's in the living room. You can come inside!"
Kevin follows Mark to the living room.
Mark: "Scotty, Kevin's here to see you."
Scott: "Oh, hey, Kev! I wasn't  expecting to see you!"
Kevin: "Yeah, I just decided to drop in because I actually have a question for you. It's something I need to ask you in person, not over the phone."
Scott looks confused.
Scott: "Okay, um, Mark, do you mind giving us a minute?"
Mark: "No problem. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."
Mark leaves to the kitchen.
Scott: "You can have a seat."
Kevin sits down on the couch beside Scott.
Scott: "So what's up?"
Kevin: "So... Mitch is your best friend, and I wanted to make sure you approve of this before I go any further."
Scott appears to be a mix of confused and scared.
Scott: "Approve of what? What are you talking about?"
Kevin: "Mitch and I have been dating for nine months, and I think we're both ready to take the next step in our relationship."
Scott: "As in...?"
Kevin: "As in this."
Kevin pulls the tiny box out of his pocket and opens it up, showing Scott the ring. Scott covers his mouth with his hand as tears fill his eyes.
Kevin: "Scott, are you okay?"
Scott: "Is that really what I think it is?"
Scott's eyes never look away from the ring once.
Kevin: "It's an engagement ring."
Scott: "Oh my gosh... You wanna propose to Mitch?"
Kevin: "I do. I love him so much."
Tears start falling from Scott's eyes.
Kevin: "Scott, what's wrong?"
Scott: (through tears) "My best friends are getting married!"
Kevin: "Maybe. I didn't propose yet."
Scott: "Kevin, Mitch is going to say "yes!" He loves you so much!"
Kevin: "So based on your reaction, I'd say you're okay with this? You don't think this is too soon?"
Scott: "Of course I'm okay with this! And it doesn't matter if I think it's too soon, which I don't by the way! What matters is that you and Mitch both are ready for this."
Kevin: "We are. We've talked about marriage before and we both want it. I understand that Mitch is your best friend, Scott, and I promise to take good care of him."
Scott: "Kevin, I have no doubt in my mind that you'll be the perfect husband for Mitch! I know you'll always take good care of him."
Kevin: "I promise, I will. Do I have the best friend's permission?"
Scott: "Yes! Yes! A thousand times! Yes! You have my permission!"
Kevin: "Thanks, Scott! As excited as you are, one would swear I just proposed to you!"
Scott: "Well, it's an exciting time! It's not every day your best friend walks up to you asking for permission to marry your other best friend!"
Kevin laughs at Scott.
Scott: "So when are you gonna propose?"
Kevin: "Well, we leave for Thanksgiving break in about a week, so I'm gonna ask for permission from Mitch's parents to marry him. As long as they say "yes," I wanna propose sometime soon. I don't know when, where, or how, though."
Scott: "No matter how you propose, he's going to say "yes!""
Kevin: "I really hope so!"
Scott: "He will! Aw, come here!"
Scott pulls Kevin in for a hug.

A week later...
Mitch and Kevin arrive in Arlington, Texas the day before Thanksgiving. They walk up to Mitch's parents' house and ring the doorbell. Nel answers the door.
Nel: "Mitch! Kevin!"
She hugs both of them.
Mitch: "Hi, Mom!"
Kevin: "Hi, Nel!"
Nel: "Oh, I'm so happy to see both of you! Come inside!"
The couple follow Nel inside.
Nel: "Mike! We have company!"
Mike walks into the living room.
Mike: "Hey, you two!"
Mitch: "Hi, Dad!"
Kevin: "Hi, Mike!"
Mike gives them both a hug.
Mike: "So how are things going for the two of you?"
Mitch: "Things are going just great! We couldn't be happier!"
Kevin: "We love each other so much!"
Kevin kisses the side of Mitch's head. Nel "aws" at this.
Mike: "Well, I can help you take your suitcases to your room."
Mitch: "Thanks, Dad!"
Mitch and his parents take the suitcases to Mitch's old bedroom. Kevin checks his jacket pocket to make sure the ring box was still in there. Once he feels it, he follows the others to  Mitch's room.

Mitch is currently showering leaving Kevin alone with his parents.
Kevin: "Hey, can I ask you both something?"
Nel: "Of course! What do you need?"
Kevin sits down on the couch across from Mitch's parents.
Kevin: "So... I love your son so much. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. There's no one else who I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. I know it may seem really soon, but I promise to take good care of your son. So... Do I have your blessing to marry him?"
Kevin pulls the box out of his pocket and shows Mitch's parents the ring. The parents look shocked.
Mike: "You want to marry Mitch?"
Kevin: "I do. I love him so much."
Nel: "Kevin..."
Nel's hand covers her mouth as she starts to cry.
Nel: "I didn't think Mitch would ever find a guy like you! You're so nice and caring and humble and sweet... I'm just so thankful that you and Mitch got together! You are perfect for each other!"
Mike: "Kevin, there's no man who I'd rather see Mitch marry than you. It's obvious you love each other so much. Yes, this does seem a little soon for marriage, but as long as you truly love each other, that's all that matters. But listen to me. Mitch is my son, and I love him very much. So if you hurt him, I will hurt you."
Kevin: "I promise, I will never hurt him. I will love and care for him for as long as I live."
Mike smiles.
Mike: "I know you will. You have our blessing."
Kevin smiles.
Kevin: "Thank you so much! I promise I'll take care of Mitch!"
Nel: "Kevin, we trust you. Now bring it in!"
Nel, Mike, and Kevin all share a group hug.

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