Chapter 1: Shopping

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Pentatonix is currently leaving the recording studio.
Mitch: "Hey, Scott, I was planning on going shopping. I didn't know if you would want to join me? I think Sarah's coming, too."
Scott: "Mitch, I would love to, but I have plans with Mark. I'm sorry. I promise, we can do something together another day!"
Mitch: "It's fine, Scott. I just thought I'd ask."
Scott: "Yeah, sorry again, Mitchy."
Mitch: "Scott, I said it's fine. Well, see you tomorrow?"
Scott: "I'll be here! See you, Mitch!"
Scott leaves as Sarah runs up to Mitch.
Mitch: "Hey, Sarah!"
Sarah: "Hey, Mitch! How'd practice go today?"
Mitch: "It was great! So we still on for shopping?"
Sarah: "Actually there's been a change of plans; Robert flew in town! I really wanna spend time with him cause we don't get to see each other in person too often, so if you don't mind..."
Mitch: "Sarah, I get it. Go ahead. Go have fun with Robert!"
Sarah: "Thanks, Mitch! You're the best!"
She hugs him.
Sarah: "We'll go shopping another day."
Mitch: "That's fine, Sarah. See ya!"
Sarah: "See ya, Mitch!"
She leaves. Mitch starts walking away and runs into Kevin.
Mitch: "Hey, Kevin!"
Kevin: "Hey, Mitchy! I thought you were going shopping?"
Mitch: "Well, I was, but both Scott and Sarah had to bail last minute."
Kevin: "Oh, that's too bad."
Mitch: "Meh, we'll just do it another day."
Kevin: "I can go shopping with you if you want."
Mitch looks surprised.
Mitch: "Really?"
Kevin: "Yeah! We never get to spend 'quality time together.'"
Mitch chuckles.
Mitch: "Okay, but only if I can pick out an outfit for you."
Kevin: "Fair enough. Let's go, my queen!"
The pair head off to the stores. They leave with quite a few bags.
Mitch: "I still can't believe you bought that neon shirt!"
Kevin: "You said it looked good on me!"
Mitch: "It did, I just didn't think you'd  actually buy it!"
Kevin: "Surprise!"
The two chuckle.
Kevin: "Hey, we should go to the beach! It's so pretty there and there's never many people at this time!"
Mitch thinks about it.
Mitch: "You've talked me into it. Let's go!"
Kevin: "Yay!"
Kevin takes Mitch's hand and leads him to the beach. Mitch tried not to flinch when Kevin took his hand. He was hoping Kevin wouldn't notice that he was nervous. The two arrive at the beach.
Mitch: "Wow... This is my favorite part about living in California."
Kevin: "Mine, too. So gorgeous."
Kevin looks at Mitch when he says the last part, but Mitch doesn't notice.
Mitch: "You know, sometimes there's so many people that it's hard to enjoy the peace and calmness of the beach."
Kevin: "Agreed. Hey! Follow me! I wanna show you something!"
Mitch: "What? Where are we going?"
Kevin: "Just follow me! You'll see!"
Kevin again takes Mitch's hand and leads him to another section of the beach.
Kevin: "Back here."
Mitch: "Wow! It's like your own private beach!"
The two are now on a section of the beach where the sand goes back further  and there's plants in either side.
Kevin: "It's not that private when the beach is packed, though. But I enjoy it when it's like this. I sometimes come here when I'm writing a song or just need time to myself."
Mitch: "I get that. Wait a minute... Did you just show me your secret hideaway?"
Kevin: "Maybe... I thought I could trust you with it since you're one of my best friends."
Mitch: "Best friend?"
Kevin: "Of course! I consider everyone in the band my 'best friend.'"
Mitch: "Oh."
He can't help but seem disappointed.
Kevin: "You okay?"
Mitch: "Yeah, I'm fine."
Kevin: "Really? You don't seem fine. Mitch, if something's bothering you, you can tell me."
Mitch looks at Kevin.
Mitch: "Kevin, I don't want you to hate me."
Kevin: "What? Why on earth would I hate you? Mitch, I love you!"
Mitch: "Kevin, I love you, too... but as more than a friend."
Kevin: "What?"
Mitch sighs.
Mitch: "I'm in love with you. I'm sorry, but I am! I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't wanna ruin our friendship. I mean, there's no way we could possibly be together-"
Kevin: "Whoa, whoa, whoa... Why is there no way we could be together?"
Mitch: "What do you mean? I'm gay and you're straight."
Kevin: "I never said I was straight. People just assume I'm straight cause I've only ever been in love with girls before. I never actually said it, though."
Mitch: "Wait, what?"
Kevin: "Listen. I've only ever been in love with girls before. But then I started feeling the same feeling towards a guy. Only this feeling is so much stronger than what I've felt before."
There's a silence.
Kevin: "Mitch, you're the guy I'm in love with."
Mitch just stares.
Mitch: "Are you serious?"
Kevin takes in a deep breath.
Kevin: "I am... I... I love you, Mitch."
Mitch: "I love you, Kevin."
The two drop their bags and hug each other. Mitch buries his head into Kevin's neck as Kevin rests his head on top of Mitch's.
Kevin: "I love you."
Mitch: "I love you. So much."
The two continue hugging.
Kevin: "So does this mean that we're, like, together?"
Mitch: "I would love to be with you. Yes! Yes, I want us to be together!"
The new couple hug each other tighter.
Kevin: "I am so happy!"
Mitch: "Me, too!"
Mitch then thinks of something.
Mitch: "Kevin?"
Kevin: "Yeah?"
Mitch: "Can we not tell anyone about us yet? Like, not the band or anyone? I just don't know how they'd react."
Kevin: "I get it completely. They're gonna be shocked. Actually, 'shocked' is an understatement."
The two chuckle as they pull away from each other. There's now silence. The only thing heard is the ocean waves.
Mitch: "As much as I don't wanna leave you, I should get going. Sarah's probably wondering where I am."
Kevin: "Matt's probably doing the same with me. The joys of having roommates! Just kidding. I love Matt. Not how I love you, but as a friend!"
Mitch: "Kevin, I understand."
Mitch chuckles as he starts gathering his bags.
Kevin: "Whoa... what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I made you carry your own bags? Let me help!"
Kevin picks up the bags so Mitch only has one.
Mitch: "Ooh, very gentleman-like!"
Kevin: "Anything for my queen!"
Mitch: "Why, thank you, my servant!"
Kevin: "Servant?! If you're my queen then I should be your king!"
Mitch: "You're my prince first."
Kevin: "How can I be your king?"
Mitch: "I think asking me out would get you there."
Kevin: "Are you hinting?"
Mitch: "Maybe..."
Kevin: "Okay, Mitch Grassi, will you go out with me?"
He looks Mitch in the eyes.
Mitch: "Yes, I will go out with you, Kevin!"
Mitch kisses Kevin's cheek.
Kevin: "I'll plan our first date."
Mitch: "Aw, I can't wait!"
Kevin: "Am I king now?"
Mitch: "Hm, we'll see."
Kevin chuckles.
Kevin: "I'll walk you to your car."
Mitch: "Thanks, Kevy!"
Kevin: "No problem! And don't worry, I'll keep our secret safe, Mitchy."
Mitch: "Thank you."
Kevin kisses the top of Mitch's head.
Kevin: "Let's go."
At Mitch and Sarah's house...
Mitch enters the house to see Sarah and Robert on the couch laughing and eating pizza.
Sarah: "Oh, hey, Mitch!"
Mitch: "Hey, Sarah! Robert!"
Robert: "Hello, Mitch!"
Sarah: "Where were you?"
Mitch: "Shopping. Kevin went with me."
Sarah: "Kevin? I didn't think he was much of a shopper."
Mitch: "He proved us both wrong! I even talked him into buying a few things!"
Sarah: "Good for you! Oh, Mitch, do you mind if Robert stays here with us? It'll only be until Friday, so three nights."
Mitch: "Where's he sleeping?"
Sarah: "Well... there's the couch or my bed is big enough for two people..."
Mitch: "Yeah, yeah, that's fine. Just keep your hands off of each other. Gotta go. Bye!"
He runs off, leaving Sarah and Robert very confused.
Sarah: "What was that?"
Robert: "I was wondering the same thing. I've never seen him so happy or energetic!"
Sarah: "I know. It's not like him. Oh, well. Enjoy it while it lasts!"
Mitch was hoping that Robert staying there would be a good distraction for Sarah until she leaves back home to her family in Pennsylvania on Saturday. Hopefully she or Matt won't catch on to the 'little secret'...

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