Chapter 13: Getting the Courage

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The next day...
Everyone's back at the studio, this time recording songs for their new album.
Matt: "Wow! That take was amazing!"
Scott: "It was! Since we've all done so well, how about we take a break then be back in fifteen?"
Kirstie: "Sounds good to me!"
Kevin: "Mitch, can I have a moment alone with you? I wanna talk to you about something."
Scott: "You only have fifteen minutes, so I wouldn't start anything too hot."
Kevin: "Shut up!"
Everyone laughs as Kevin throws his jacket at Scott. Scott scrambles to get the jacket off of his head.
Scott: "Ow! The abuse!"
Mitch: "Sure, Kev. Let's go."
Mitch and Kevin leave the studio.
Kirstie: "They're so cute together!"

Outside the building, Mitch and Kevin find a bench to sit on.
Mitch: "What do you wanna talk about?"
Kevin takes in a deep breath.
Kevin: "Mitchy, I need to tell my parents about us. I don't know if you're ready or not to tell yours, but it's driving me crazy keeping something this big from them."
Mitch: "Okay, well, when do you wanna tell them? I thought you said you didn't wanna tell them over the phone?"
Kevin: "I don't, which is why I'm gonna look into getting a flight to Kentucky. Hopefully I'll be able to find one that leaves within a few days."
Mitch: "Well, make sure you get two plane tickets."
Kevin: "What? Why?"
Mitch: "I'm coming with you!"
Kevin: "Really? You actually wanna come along?"
Mitch: "Of course I do! We're in this together."
Kevin: "But, Mitch, I don't know how my parents are gonna react. They might not be too happy about this."
Mitch: "So?"
Kevin: "So they might say some things that'll hurt you. I don't wanna see you hurt because of something stupid my parents said."
Mitch: "Kevin, we're in this together. If you have to go through this, then so do I. Plus, maybe they'll be more understanding if they see us together."
Kevin: "I really don't know about that last part, but it's worth a shot!"
Mitch: "Great!"
Mitch hugs Kevin.
Kevin: "Just please remember they might not approve of us. If that's the case, they might get angry, my dad especially."
Mitch: "Kevin, if they don't approve of our relationship, are we still gonna be together?"
Kevin: "Of course we are! I love you so much! It's gonna take much more than my parents to keep me from loving you!"
Mitch: "Then we have nothing to worry about. If they accept us, that's great! If not, it won't change anything between you and me. We'll always have each other."
Mitch takes Kevin's hand.
Kevin: "You're right. Thanks for telling me that, Mitchy. I love you so much!"
Mitch: "I love you, too!"
They kiss.
Kevin: "Now let's get back in the studio before Scott starts thinking we're doing something else..."
Mitch chuckles.
Mitch: "Good thinking."
They get up and head back inside.
By the end of the work day, the band has multiple songs recorded for their new album.
Scott: "I have to say, I'm especially proud of "Happy Now!""
Kirstie: "That one's really good!"
Matt: "When are we gonna film the music video for that?"
Scott: "Dre told me the end of next week."
Kevin: "We should be back in plenty of time."
Scott, Kirstie, and Matt exchange confused looks.
Kirstie: "Where are you going?"
Kevin: "Mitch and I are gonna try to find a flight to Kentucky so we can tell my parents about our relationship. Hopefully we can find one that leaves in a few days."
Matt: "You're really ready to tell your parents?"
Kevin: "Yeah. I need to get it off of my chest."
Mitch: "And I wanna be with him the whole way."
Kirstie: "Well, we wish you the best!"
Matt: "Yeah, I hope it goes well for you."
Scott: "And just remember that regardless of the outcome, you'll always have us!"
Kevin: "Thanks, Scott! Y'all are like my second family!"
Matt: "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?"
Kirstie: "I am! Group hug!"
The band shares a group hug.

Later at Mitch's house...
Kevin knocks on the door and Sarah answers.
Sarah: "Hey, Kevin! I'm assuming Mitch invited you over?"
Kevin: "He did. He invited me to spend the night, so of course I couldn't say 'no!'"
Sarah: "Oh, well, that explains the bag. I hope I won't be third-wheeling."
Kevin: "Oh, you'll be fine! I'll be sleeping in Mitch's room anyways."
Sarah: "I figured. Well, come in! I'm sure Mitch is anxiously awaiting you!"
Kevin follows Sarah inside.
Sarah: "Mitch! Your boyfriend's here!"
Mitch walks out the hall.
Mitch: "Hi, Kevy!"
Kevin: "Hi, Mitchy!"
Mitch runs up to Kevin and kisses him on the lips.
Sarah: "Aw! You're so cute together!"
Mitch: "Kev, how about we take this to my room where there's not an audience?"
Kevin chuckles.
Kevin: "Sounds good."
Sarah: "Sure! Leave me all alone!"
Mitch: "Do you wanna watch us make out?"
Sarah: "On second thought, your room sounds like a good place for you both."
A little later in Mitch's room...
Mitch and Kevin are sitting on Mitch's bed talking.
Kevin: "So, I found a flight that leaves for Kentucky on Friday morning, so three days away. I already got two plane tickets."
Mitch: "Sounds good, thanks. I'm excited, yet nervous."
Kevin: "Ugh, tell me about it. I can see it going one of two ways; either they'll completely surprise me and be accepting of us, or the opposite..."
Mitch: "I guess we'll find out on Friday."
Kevin: "Yeah."
Mitch lays down beside Kevin.
Kevin: "Have you thought about when you wanna tell your parents? I'm assuming you wanna tell them in person, too?"
Kevin follows Mitch's lead and lays down beside him.
Mitch: "I haven't thought about it too much. I would like to tell them in person, although I'm not as worried about mine as I am yours."
Kevin: "You're lucky to have such accepting parents."
Mitch: "Yeah. I've taken it for granted most of my life, so sometimes I forget that there are parents who aren't as accepting. I'm not proud of the fact that I've done that."
Kevin: "So you think your parents will be okay with this?"
Mitch: "I'm sure they will be. They obviously already know that I'm gay, plus, they've always seemed to like you."
Kevin: "That's good to hear. I'll look into getting a flight from Kentucky to Arlington. Hopefully there will be one available when we need it."
Mitch: "Hopefully."
Mitch leans in and kisses Kevin.
Kevin: "Mm, what flavor is your chapstick?"
Mitch: "Cherry. You like the taste of it?"
Mitch smirks.
Kevin: "I do. So much that I want more of it!"
Kevin pulls Mitch in for a long kiss. They wrap their arms around each other.
Kevin: "Cherry is a good flavor on your lips."
Mitch: "Thanks. I'll make sure to always have it on."
Kevin: "Then I'll always wanna kiss you."
Mitch: "That wouldn't be so bad."
Kevin: "No, but it might start to make the band uncomfortable."
Mitch: "They're not here now..."
Kevin: "True. So you're all mine..."
Kevin kisses Mitch.
Mitch: "Mm... I like the sound of that!"
Kevin smiles as he crawls on top of Mitch, straddling him. The couple continue kissing, forgetting about all their worries. Unfortunately for them, the peace would only be short-lived...

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