Chapter 26: Hickey

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A/N: Mentions of sex. As usual, nothing graphic!

It's been over a week now since Sarah moved out and Kevin moved in. Things are going great for Mitch and Kevin! Right now Kevin's sitting on the couch writing song lyrics. Mitch walks up behind him and starts kissing his neck.
Kevin: "Mm... Hey, Mitchy."
Mitch: "Hi, Kevy! Like this surprise?"
Mitch continues kissing Kevin's neck.
Kevin: "I do. Come sit down beside me."
Mitch walks around the couch and sits down beside Kevin. They lean in and start kissing.
Kevin: "You're such a good kisser."
Mitch: "I can say the same about you."
They start kissing again. Kevin pushes Mitch onto his back so that he's laying down on the couch. Kevin the proceeds to crawl on top of Mitch, kissing him the entire time. Mitch starts moaning as Kevin starts kissing his neck. In that moment, everything was right for the couple. However, when Mitch tries to take off Kevin's shirt, Kevin pulls away from Mitch.
Mitch: "What's wrong?"
Kevin: "I... Mitch, I just don't think we should go that far yet."
Mitch realizes what Kevin's referring to.
Mitch: "Kevin, I am so sorry! I was just lost on the moment! I forgot we were going slow! I'm so sorry, I-"
Mitch sits up so that Kevin can sit beside him.
Kevin: "Mitch, it's fine. I'm not mad. Please don't feel bad. We never really talked about... You know..."
Mitch: "About sex?"
Kevin: "Yeah, about... sex..."
Mitch: "Kevin, it's only awkward if we make it awkward."
Kevin nods.
Mitch: "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Kevin: "Mitch... You see, my parents have taught me a lot of things growing up. I obviously don't agree with all that they've taught me, but one thing that I do agree with them on is not to have sex before marriage. I'm not saying it would be a sin for us to have sex now, I'm just saying I don't think it's a good idea. I don't want our relationship to become one entirely based on sex."
Mitch: "Kevin, you know I'm not with you for that reason. But I understand what you're saying. It's not something we need to do right now."
Kevin: "I really want our relationship to work out."
Mitch: "I do, too. I'm sorry again, Kevin. In my past relationships, I've always had sex at this point. Sometimes  I forget that our relationship is different, but in a good way."
Kevin: "Hey, no need to apologize. I understand."
They look at each other for a few seconds.
Kevin: "Mitch, since we're on the topic, can I ask you a question?"
Mitch: "You can ask me anything."
Kevin takes a deep breath.
Kevin: "Have you ever... have you ever considered marriage?"
Mitch: "Marriage? Like, marrying each other?"
Kevin: "Yeah."
Mitch: "Well, I've thought about it before. The truth is, I never thought that marriage was for me. I couldn't imagine being with one person for the rest of my life. But then I got with you. Now I can't imagine being with anyone else for the rest of my life. I love you, Kevin. So much. And I would love to marry you one day."
Kevin: "You would?"
Mitch: "Yes. You're the love of my life!"
Mitch takes Kevin's hands in his.
Kevin: "Mitch, I would love to marry you, too! I've never loved anyone as much as I love you!"
Mitch smiles.
Mitch: "So we both wanna get married?"
Kevin: "It seems like it! I know we've only been dating for a little over six months, so I don't plan on proposing anytime soon."
Mitch: "Hey, at least we know we both want this!"
Kevin: "I promise we'll get married someday."
Mitch: "I'll be looking forward to it!"
They lean in and kiss.
Kevin: "You know, sex and kissing are two different things. What do you say we continue our make out session?"
Mitch: "I say oh yeah!"
They lean back in and start kissing. Kevin moves down and starts kissing Mitch's neck.
Mitch: "Kevin... This feels so good!"
Kevin: "I'm glad."
He starts sucking on the skin, leaving a mark. Kevin then moves back up to Mitch's lips and they start kissing again.
Kevin: "I love you so much."
Mitch: "I love you, too."
They share another slow kiss.
Mitch: "My turn now!"
Kevin: "Hm?"
Mitch starts kissing Kevin's neck.
Kevin: "Mitch..."
Mitch: "You like it?"
Kevin: "Yes... You're gonna leave a mark."
Mitch: "You left one on me."
He starts sucking on his neck.
Kevin: "Fair enough."

The next day...
Today is Scott's birthday! To celebrate, the band (along with Sarah) is coming over to Scott and Mark's house for a birthday party. Mitch and Kevin arrive at the house with gifts. Scott answers the door.
Scott: "Hello, Lovebirds!"
Mitch: "Hey, Scotty!"
Kevin: "Happy birthday!"
A puppy runs up to the couple.
Mitch: "Aw, who's this little guy? Did Kirstie get another dog?"
Mitch and Kevin start petting the dog.
Scott: "This is Bubba! Mark got him for me for my birthday!"
Mitch: "No way! You have a dog now?!"
Kevin: "He's so cute!"
Bubba jumps up at Kevin.
Kevin: "Yes, you are! You're so cute!"
Scott: "Well, you can come inside. We have pizza. The gifts can go in the living room."
After eating, Scott opens up his gifts.
Scott: "Thank you all so much for the gifts!"
Everyone says "you're welcome."
Mark: "I'll get the cake!"
Sarah: "So, Mitch, Kevin, how's it going living together?"
Kevin: "It's going great!"
Mitch: "We're loving every minute of it!"
As they lean in to kiss, Sarah notices something.
Sarah: "Kevin, I think you have some pizza sauce on your neck."
Kevin: "I do?"
Mitch examines Kevin's neck.
Mitch: "Oh, um... That's not pizza sauce..."
Sarah: "Then what is it?"
Matt walks by and sees Kevin's neck.
Matt: "Dang! No wonder you two were anxious to move in together!"
Sarah: "Is that what I think it is? You two are wild animals!"
Kevin: "For your information, we were just kissing!"
Kirstie: "Whoa! Nice hickey, Kevin!"
Kevin: "It's not just me! Mitch has one, too!"
Matt: "That doesn't help your case."
Kevin searches Mitch's neck.
Kevin: "Where'd yours go?"
Mitch: "I kind of used concealer on it."
Kevin: "It's there somewhere!"
Matt: "Kev, there's no need to get angry! We understand you don't know how to use makeup!"
Matt, Kirstie, and Sarah start laughing.
Mitch: "Y'all are mean!"
Sarah: "Hey, now that I moved out, what happens in your house stays in your house!"
They continue laughing.
Mark: "Cake's ready!"
Kevin: "Oh, thank God!"

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