Chapter 34: The Wedding Part 1

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Mitch and Kevin are getting married tomorrow! The entire wedding party is at rehearsal at the beach right now, where the couple plans on getting married. Scott, Kirstie, Matt, and Sarah are all a part of the wedding party.
Kevin: "Well, I think rehearsal went great!"
Mitch: "It did! Thank you for walking me down the aisle, Dad."
Mike: "No problem, Mitch. I'm so glad you want me a part of the wedding."
Mitch: "Of course I do! You're my dad! Mom, are you ready for tomorrow?"
Nel: "Honey, I am more than ready!"
Mike: "Your mom was already crying."
Nel: "Well, my baby's getting married! I have reason to cry! Mitchy, I am so happy for you!"
She goes up to Mitch and kisses his cheek.
Mitch: "Mom, please, watch my hair!"
Nel: "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy! I wish you and Kevin nothing but happiness for the future!"
Kevin: "Thank you so much, Nel!"
Nel: "Kevin, you're marrying my baby! Call me mom!"
Mike: "Speaking of which, I don't know if this is a bad subject, but are your parents coming to the wedding tomorrow, Kevin?"
Kevin: "We honestly don't know. We sent out invitations to all of my family, but no one responded."
Nel: "Maybe they will show up."
Kevin: "I hope so. But if not, I won't let that ruin our day! Tomorrow's gonna be about celebrating our love for each other. Nothing will get in the way of that!"
Mitch: "Aw..."
Mitch and Kevin lean in and share a slow kiss. Everyone starts "awing," making the couple pull apart.
Mitch: "Really, guys?"
Kirstie: "Hey, you're just so cute together!"
Scott: "Mitch, Kev, when I look at you two, I see me and Mark. You're so in love and I'm so happy that you're getting married tomorrow! Oh, Nel, I'm gonna join you. The tears are coming!"
Nel: "Come here, Scott."
Nel gives Scott a hug as he starts crying.
Mike: "Tomorrow is gonna be beautiful!"
Kevin: "It is! Then after that it's Bora Bora, baby! I can't wait for the honeymoon either!"
Mitch: "I know! It's gonna be so pretty! (Whispers something to Kevin) Maybe I'll bring a bikini with me..."
Scott: "Oh my gosh, Mitch! I heard that!"
Matt: "Your parents are even listening!"
Mitch: "Well, I was trying to be quiet!"
Sarah: "Next time try a little harder."
Kevin: "Okay, I think it's time we leave."
Kirstie: "Are you embarrassed?"
Kevin: "A little bit."

Later at home...
Mitch and Kevin are getting ready for bed.
Mitch: "Kevin, did I embarrass you when I said about bringing a bikini with me to our honeymoon?"
Kevin: "Maybe a little. I just wasn't expecting you to say that."
Mitch: "Sorry. I was hoping you'd be the only one to hear."
Kevin: "If it would've been just the band there, I wouldn't have cared. I just hope your parents don't think I'm with you for just one reason because I'm not."
Mitch: "Kevin, I know that and they do, too. Believe me, they wouldn't have let you marry me if they had reason to believe that you were taking advantage of me. They know you're a good person."
Kevin: "I guess I'm just not as comfortable talking about my sex life as you are."
Mitch: "Well, I'm not comfortable talking about it with everyone. For instance, I would never talk about it with my parents!"
Kevin laughs.
Kevin: "That's good. I'd be worried if you did!"
Mitch: "The only person who I share it with is Scott. We discuss our sex lives with each other just because we're best friends and we tell each other everything."
Kevin: "Well, you two are closer than most friends. I can't imagine discussing that with one of my friends, like Matt or Avi. That would get awkward REALLY quick!"
Mitch starts laughing.
Mitch: "I can see it now! Avi cringing the entire conversation and Matt pretending he knows what you're talking about when he really doesn't!"
Kevin: "Now you know why I keep these things private!"
Mitch continues laughing.
Mitch: "I do! Wow! We should get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow."
Kevin: "That we do! Goodnight, Mitchy."
Mitch: "Goodnight, Kevy."
They crawl in bed and turn the lights out.

The next day...
Today is the day when Mitch and Kevin get married! Everyone's currently at the beach as the guests start arriving. Sarah and Matt are in charge of greeting the people and telling them where to sit. A man and woman walks up to Matt.
Matt: "Hi, thanks for coming! Sit wherever you'd like, but the front row is reserved for immediate family."
Woman: "Alright, thank you! I hope this won't cause any problems, but Kevin and Mitch don't know we're coming."
Matt: "Oh, that's fine! We have plenty of food! But do you mind me asking, how do you know Kevin and Mitch?"
Man: "We're Kevin's siblings. I'm Kellan and this is Candace."
Matt: "Kevin's siblings? I, um, didn't think any of his family was coming?"
Candace: "Well, we weren't going to, but we thought about it and knew it was only right to be there for our brother."
Kellan: "He's always been there for us, now it's time for us to be there for him."
Matt: "Oh, well, that's great! Kevin will love knowing you're here! Like I said, sit anywhere!"
Candace: "Thank you."
As the two walk away, Matt runs over to Sarah.
Matt: "Sarah, Kevin's siblings are here!"
Sarah: "Really? They're here?"
Matt: "Yes! They weren't planning on coming, but decided last minute to come!"
Sarah: "Well, that's great! Kevin will be so happy!"
Matt: "He will! I gotta go tell him! Where is he?"
Sarah: "Probably in his dressing room."
Matt: "Alright, I'll be right back! Cover for me!"
Sarah: "No problem!"
Matt runs off looking for Kevin to tell him the news.

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