Chapter 12: Easy Love

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The next day at the studio...
Now that the band knows about their relationship, Mitch and Kevin are ready to share their song with them.
Kevin and Matt are the last ones to arrive at the studio.
Matt: "So, Kevin, you ready to see Mitch?"
Kevin: "Get the teasing out of your system now because we have work to do."
Matt: "Hopefully you can focus on the music and not the love of your life!"
Kevin: "Matt, we're here."
They arrive at the door to the studio. They go inside and see that the others are already there.
Scott: "Mitchy! It's your boyfriend!"
Scott starts making kissy lips.
Kevin: "What's wrong with you people?"
Mitch: "Hi, Kevy!"
Kevin: "Hi, Mitchy!"
Kevin goes over to Mitch and gives him a quick kiss. Scott and Kirstie both go "ooh."
Mitch: "Alright, show's over. I have the song that me and Kevin wrote together right here for you guys to read. It's called "Easy Love.""
Mitch lays the paper down on the table as everyone gathers around to read it.          

                       "Easy Love" 
I used to be emotional but the ups and downs have brought where you are right now
I couldn't see a little
I couldn't breathe a little
Always another consequence never confidence when I was out with friends
I couldn't see a little
They never let me breathe a little

But you came around
Showed me what love's about
Thought I'd never wanna settle down
But with you, I do
Wish I knew from the start
Love this good won't fall apart
Giving up would be the hardest part
Cause with you...

I get that easy easy easy love
I get that easy easy easy love
You give me that easy easy easy love
I get that easy easy easy love

I used to lay awake at night thinking "oh my god, this love ain't right"
I couldn't breathe a little
They never let me sleep a little
Now I can't go to sleep for the right reasons
Cause we're too busy running on every feeling

It's true, you came around
Showed me what love's about
Thought I'd never wanna settle down
But with you, I do
Wish I knew from the start
Love this good don't fall apart
Giving up would be the hardest part
Cause with you...

I get that easy easy easy love
I get that easy easy easy love
You give me that easy easy easy love
I get that easy easy easy love

Once everyone is done reading the song, Scott's the first one to speak up.
Scott: "No wonder you didn't want us to read this sooner. This would've given your relationship right away!"
Kevin: "I'm gonna take that as a complement!"
Kirstie: "These lyrics are so good!"
Matt: "They are! So who's gonna be singing lead? I'm assuming Kevin's gonna be beatboxing and I'll be bass?"
Kevin: "Sounds good to me! Mitchy, would you wanna sing lead?"
Mitch: "I've been thinking about it, and if it's okay, I'm gonna pass up lead."
Scott: "How come? It's your song."
Mitch: "It's just that fans think I'm not in a relationship, so it might seem kinda weird to them if out of the blue I sing lead on a love song. I don't wanna lie to the fans, but I also don't want them to find out about us this soon."
Kevin: "I agree with that."
Matt: "So, Scott, Kirst, who wants to sing lead?"
Kirstie: "I nominate Scott."
Scott seems surprised.
Scott: "Really? Why me?"
Kirstie: "Because you're already in a relationship. Maybe fans will think it was written about you and Mark."
Mitch: "I love your way of thinking!"
Scott: "Well, sure! Of course I'll sing lead! That's alright with you, Kevin and Mitch?"
Mitch: "Fine with me!"
Kevin: "Me too! Alright. So for the beginning of the song..."

Later in the evening, the crew's leaving the studio.
In the parking lot...
Kevin: "Hey, Mitch, are you doing anything later?"
Mitch: "Nope! You have something in mind?"
Kevin: "Well... Actually, I have something on my mind that I wanna discuss with you. Do you wanna meet at the beach after dinner so we can talk?"
Mitch: "Yeah, is everything okay?"
Kevin: "Everything's fine between you and me, it's just, well, I'll explain later."
Mitch: "Alright, see ya then!"
Kevin: "See ya!"
They part ways.

Later at the beach...
Kevin is already at the secret spot when Mitch arrives. Kevin is just sitting staring ahead.
Mitch: "Hey, Kevy!"
Kevin slightly jumps as he looks at Mitch.
Kevin: "Oh, hey, Mitchy."
Mitch: "Sorry to scare you. What were you watching?"
Kevin: "Oh, you're fine. I was just watching the ocean. There's something so peaceful about it."
Mitch: "There is. Mind if I sit down?"
Kevin: "Be my guest!"
Mitch sits down beside Kevin.
Kevin: "Come closer."
Mitch cuddles into Kevin's side as Kevin wraps his arms around him.
Mitch: "What do you wanna talk about?"
Kevin: "I'm worried about telling my parents about us. What if they don't accept us? I love you, but I also love my parents. I want them to be happy for us, but I honestly don't know if that's gonna happen."
Mitch: "I get that you're worried, but neither one of us know how they're gonna react. I hope they'll be accepting, but I really don't know. When do you wanna tell them?"
Kevin: "I don't know. I wanna tell them soon, but also in-person. I don't want them to find out through a phone call. It'll be hard to tell them in-person, though, since my parents live in Kentucky and yours in Texas."
Mitch: "I know. Well, we'll figure something out. Until then, let's just enjoy this."
Kevin: "You're right."
Kevin hugs Mitch closer and kisses the top of his head.
Mitch: "And remember what the band said; no matter what happens with our families, they'll always support us."
Kevin: "That does make me feel better. I feel like we're all a big family anyways."
Mitch: "We are."
Mitch leans up and kisses Kevin.
Regardless of what happens between him and his parents, Kevin will always have Mitch. Knowing this made Kevin worry a lot less about coming out.

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