Chapter 2: Slow

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The next day, everyone arrives at the studio at the same time.
Scott: "So, I wrote this song for Mark, and I didn't know if you'd all consider having it on the new album? I have it right here for you to read! It's called "Coffee in Bed.""
Everyone gets in a huddle and reads the lyrics. Mitch and Kevin can't help but both smile. The lyrics made them think of each other. The silence is soon broken, though.
Kirstie: "Scott, this song is adorable! It needs on the album!"
Matt: "I don't know how you do it, but you write the best songs!"
Scott: "Aw, thanks, guys! You're making me emotional!"
Kirstie: "Mitch, Kevin, what do you think?"
Kevin: "I think it's perfectly written! The lyrics seem so special!"
Mitch: "They do! I love it, Scott!"
Kirstie: "I want a boyfriend just so I can write amazing songs!"
Scott: "Kirst, you already do that!"
Matt: "Let's work on the song!"
Leaving the studio...
Sarah runs into Mitch again.
Sarah: "Mitch, just so you know, I'm gonna meet Robert at the park, so I won't be home for a little bit."
Mitch: "Sounds good to me. When do you plan on coming home?"
Sarah: "I don't know. Sometime after dinner. Maybe seven/seven thirty?"
Mitch: "Okay. Have fun!"
Sarah: "I will! I don't know what you're planning on doing, but have fun, as well!"
Mitch: "Oh, I will! Bye!"
Sarah: "Bye!"
She runs off.
Matt: "Kev, I just wanna let you know that I'm going on a date with my girlfriend tonight."
Kevin: "Ooh, nice... Where are you taking her?"
Matt: "Well, I was thinking dinner and a movie. The movie doesn't start until eight o'clock, though, so I probably won't be home until, like, eleven-ish."
Kevin: "That's fine. Have fun with your girlfriend!"
Matt: "I will! What are your plans for tonight?"
Kevin: "Oh, um... not sure! We'll see what happens!"
Kevin was thinking about asking Mitch out, but of course he didn't tell Matt that.
Matt: "Oh, okay. Well, see ya, Kevin!"
Kevin: "See ya, Matt!"
Matt gets in his car and drives off. Kevin pulls his phone out and texts Mitch. Even though they're both in each others' sight, they don't want anyone seeing them together.
(Italics is text)
Kevin: "Do you have any plans for tonight?"
Mitch: "Nope. How about you?"
Kevin thinks about it.
Kevin: "Well, would you maybe wanna go on a date tonight?"
Mitch comes over to Kevin.
Mitch: "Kevin, I would love to!"
Kevin: "Really? You would?!"
Mitch: "Of course! I mean, since we're together now..."
Mitch takes Kevin's hand, but pulls away quickly when he hears Kirstie laughing. He looks back and sees her and Scott talking.
Kevin: "Don't worry. We won't be seen. I was thinking about going to the beach if that's okay with you?"
Mitch smiles.
Mitch: "Of course it's okay with me! I love the beach! It's like our special place."
Kevin: "How about I pick you up at six? I gotta get some stuff at home."
Mitch: "That's fine with me! I'll be waiting!"
Kevin: "Alright. See you then!"
Mitch: "See ya!"
At Mitch's house...
Mitch showers and changes into black pants and a black shirt with polka dots. Pretty soon the doorbell rings. Mitch answers the door and sees Kevin.
Mitch: "Hi, Kevin!"
Kevin: "Hi, Mitch! Wow, you look good! Not that you ever don't, but you look especially good!"
Mitch chuckles.
Mitch: "Thanks, Kevy! You look goo, too!"
Kevin: "Thank you. Are you ready to go?"
Mitch: "Yup! Let's go!"
The two get in Kevin's car and he drives them to the beach. They go to their private spot and eat dinner, which happens to be sushi.
Mitch: "How did you know I like sushi so much?"
Kevin: "I remember you saying it."
Mitch: "Really? When?"
Kevin: "Um, a few years ago."
Mitch: "A few years ago? Have you liked me for that long?"
Kevin: "Maybe... I used to think it was just a phase, but instead of the feeling going away, it only got stronger."
Mitch: "Kevin... I had no idea!"
Kevin: "But look where we are now! How long have you liked me?"
Mitch: "About a year. It was the longest year of my life! I mean, I thought you were straight, so I didn't think there was any chance at us getting together!"
Kevin: "But I was in love with you the whole time."
Mitch: "Yeah..."
Kevin: "I love you, Mitch. It just feels right when we're together."
Mitch: "I know. I feel so alone without you. I love you."
Mitch cuddles into Kevin's side and rests his head on his shoulder.
Mitch: "You don't mind me here, do you?"
Kevin: "No, I love you here!"
Kevin wraps an arm around Mitch and pulls him closer. The two are now looking at the ocean.
Mitch: "I could get used to this."
Kevin: "Me too. Just you, me, and the ocean."
Mitch: "The sunset, too."
Kevin: "Yeah."
Kevin starts rubbing his hand up and down Mitch's arm.
Mitch: "Kevin, I have something to ask you."
Kevin: "What is it?"
Mitch: "Can we take this slow? I rushed into all of my past relationships and none of them worked out. I want ours to last."
He looks at Kevin and Kevin looks at him.
Mitch: "I want to be with you forever."
Kevin: "I want is to be together forever too, Mitch. I'm fine taking things slow."
They look into each others' eyes.
Kevin: "Mitch, I have a question for you now."
Mitch: "Yeah?"
Kevin: "... Is this moving too fast?"
Kevin leans into Mitch and soon their lips are connecting. When they pull away they just stare at each other.
Mitch: "No... that's the perfect speed."
Mitch takes Kevin's face and pulls him into another kiss. The kiss is long and slow. When they pull apart they're still only inches apart.
Kevin: "No woman has ever made me feel this before. I love you."
Mitch: "I love you, too... come here."
Mitch lays down on his back and pulls Kevin with him. Kevin lands beside Mitch on his side.
Kevin: "What are you doing?"
Mitch: "Laying beside you. Is that okay?"
Kevin: "Yeah, but is this too fast?"
Mitch: "This? We're just laying beside each other. Nothing's happening."
Kevin: "True."
Kevin cuddles into Mitch and wraps an arm over him.
Kevin: "I love you so much."
Mitch: "I love you, Kevin. I still can't believe you like me."
Kevin: "Mitch, I don't like you. I love you! And if any of us is shocked, it's me. I didn't think you would ever fall in love with me!"
Mitch: "Why? I've always been gay. I thought you were straight until yesterday!"
Kevin: "I'm gay for you, Mitchy!"
Mitch chuckles.
Mitch: "Oh my gosh..."
Mitch gets a text and looks at it.
Mitch: "It's from Sarah. She and Robert are on their way home. I don't wanna go..."
Kevin: "I know, but it's probably best that you do. They'll get suspicious if you're not home."
Mitch: "Yeah."
Kevin: "Are you gonna get up?"
Mitch: "I guess so..."
The couple gets up and walks back to Kevin's car. Kevin drives Mitch home and parks in front of his house.
Mitch: "Thank you so much, Kevin! I love being with you!"
Kevin: "Same here. I wanna do this again soon."
Mitch: "Me too."
They lean into each other and share an intimate kiss.
Mitch: "Bye, Kevin. I love you!"
Kevin: "Bye, Mitchy. I love you, too!"
Mitch gets out of the car and waves to Kevin as he drives off. He goes inside, but is only alone for about five minutes before Sarah and Robert return.
Sarah: "Hi, Mitch! How was your evening?"
Mitch: "Um... kinda boring."

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