Chapters 59-lily

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Wow I  thought  once the ex winged demon  told me of the curse I began  thinking  about how I could help him and his home because I had no idea what curse  had been put on the village  nor did  I  know  where the cursed item was when I asked  the man what item  was given to the king   he told me  that there hadn't  been an item.

My heart sank because a curse without the item being cursed  was a indication  that my ancestor had used a  higher power  magic  my fathers  told the winged demons to   take a seat  in the courtyard and   when they did  my fathers   Vincent and Keiren  used there faemage power  and put them in a forcefield.

I Teleported to the academy  library  and began searching  on spells all my.mstez helped it was cade who had found  a spell in what seemed  like a diary  it was  dated too long  ago I read the entry and lights switched on in my head

Dear diary

I feel weakness  i know its because  of  the curse I put on an entire village  that didn't deserve  it  my aim was for the four that had dishonoured  such young ones  it all happened  when I was meditating in the woods.

I could hear frantic running  and saw a hooded  figure  when they approached  me  the hooded figure  had  removed the hood and I saw a 16years old  she was in tears and had a golden box of gems she  had marks on her and her elegant  clothes were torn.

I  then saw dried blood   on her legs that I only saw glimpses of  the image ingrained itself. In my  mind I became enraged  and demanded  that she tell  me what happend  the girl broke down and told me of how her and sisters were dishonoured  by  there own brothers .

She told of there fathers treachery  after  he had poisoned there  mother  she told me that the sisters were lied too and then the worst happened  she  told me of   how she wanted to end  her and her sisters  lives so they could be freed  my eyes teared up and I told the girl that I would curse those who had  hurt them  but  the curse would affect the entire  villagers  also.

I took a  big ring and  began hexing and  cursing  it  and I made it so that the  curse couldn't  be broken by anyone else but my  kin my blood  the next day  I went to the village  and  cast a spell the spell would freeze everyone  in  time and   they would remain  young   in the day they would be  human but in the night they would  become  demons.

i then  sealed the village  off  with a very  powerful  magic and turned all the girls in the village  and  the palace to stone so  until my blood came along the girls would never be violated  again  this was a curse that took too much magic and  slowly slowly  my  magic began to wane  I grew weaker and weaker  until I could feel my body dying.

I knew my future enchantress would need help so that is why I wrote this  the curse cannot be broken by just undoing  it  the  evil that these  horrendous men had committed was one that tainted there souls  the only way  you can free these innocents of the village and girls  is to strip the souls of all four  evil doers this magic is dark  but  only my future enchantress can do  along with the mates she has claimed .

What you will need is  written  some herbs  are still grown in the home of Flabosnia  but others you need from  the dragon realm,the phoenix  lands,the vampire  home the wolf packs  and the  mages land

Mages land-singing flower
Phoenix realm -the Berry bomb  and phoenix  feather
Dragon  lands -silver and gold scales
Wolf  lands -pure  snow white  fur(rare wolfs)
Vampire blood

Mix with the herbs  and   remember. What you need to do  only strip souls  of the  four  and undo what my magic had  done   destroy the four after you strip there souls   or they can become  immortal  to kill  do it straight after  you take there souls.

Then summon the grim reaper and hand him the souls  of the four only a mage can summon the grim reaper once everything  is done  the curse will be lifted and  the girls will become  human again   please fix what I had done please free the innocent

Yours Esmerelda Myraide

Good luck my kin do not attempt  it alone  take your chosen mates  with you  only then will you succeed

I read the entry and  was stunned at my fate because  I had mates of every kind written in the diary  I had Tyrone  who was a  phoenix ,silas and ilas  who were  both a silver and gold dragon,cade who was a mage,luca who was a pure white snow wolf  and hunter who was the  vampire I began to think this had been preplanned  but the date was too long ago.

Tyrone  was the first  he half shifted  and used his golden beak  to  pluck out a feather  ,silas and  ilas transformed  into dragons and had cade remove one of there scales  luca  had shifted and hunter removed  some fur  the hunter cut himself  and gave me his  blood   cade then opened  up his pouch and removed a singing  flower and  Tyrone had a plastic  baggie of  berrybombs
I Teleported  to my old clinic and took out the herbs  selected  in the diary.

Then  cade Teleported  us to a different  location  and we saw cauldrons and  crushing stones  it also had different   liquids when I asked  cade what the place  was  he told  me that it was his mother's   potion lab  and she gave it to him  before  she died  when I asked him if he ever used it  he told me  he often uses it   for  creating  new potions.

I kissed cadevon his lips  and  told him it was perfect   he gave me a sexy smile and  me and  all my mates began working on whart my ancestor had written we followed the directions  and the potion was almost done  I had a feeling  my ancestor  had forgotten  something   and then I thought  of   phoenix  tears.

  I asked  Tyrone if he could  cry for me he said he would try  and when he succeeded   I grabbed his tear and threw it in the potion it began bubbling and turned  pink just as it was written  in the   diary when the potion was done we Teleported  to the kingdom  and  saw how  bad it looked  I could feel the magic  of my ancestor meband my mates  kissed  before entering  the place
And once  we were in  more winged demons cane for us   but my mates and me used the same surge of magic and turned them into  humans.

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