Chapter 32-lilly

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I woke up  in the morning  remembering  all that had  happend and  I felt awful  because on one hand I had lost my sister and in the second  hand I had gotten  my powers  and even  now I could feel the soft humming of magic running  through my body and in my veins so in the morning  I decided  to go for a run in the forest  as my magic  kept asking  that  I enter the forest  so I did.

Once in the forest I took a seat on the  grass  and I closed my eyes and began meditation   I shut down every thought  in my  mind and concentrated  on  just the sound of the  earth breathing  in and out then I  concentrated  on the  wind blowing through the  trees  and the bird  singing  my mind was at peace    when I was done meditating  I got up to leave but as I got up  to leave I heard water  running  so I ran towards the sound until I reached a stream and a water fall I took out my  bottle  and began filling  it  up.

I was so busy filling  up my bottle  that I hadn't even noticed  anyone else in the forest it was only until I  turned to leave did I spot a  man  coming out of the water  he had  long  dark hair and  a fantastic  physique  his  body looked like it had been  sculpted by the world  renowned  sculptor   I knew I was  being rude  watching someone  have  a bath  but for some reason  I couldn't  remove my  eyes .

The man got into the water again  and  then came up for air  when  I was about to leave my  brain made me stop and I saw the man get out of the water  he was butt ass naked and   he had a fine ass  my mouth opened  and closed and I felt like a dying fish  the man then took a seat in the  grass and I got a perfect view  of that big solid  hunk of  man meat and  once I saw that  I  wanted it my body was reacting so bad  and forcing  me to  approach  the man  but I was too much  of a virgin  coward.

I ran like lightning  and   I ran blind   its only when I fell in a deep ditch  and sprain my ankle  did I realise  that I was in deep shit   I tried to get out  but  my ankle  hurt so bad that I stopped trying and I began to call for help  at this point  my hair had also  come out of my hair tie and was  covered in  mud   I cried for help feeling hopeless because I had no flares no nothing   and my magic  had only  come yesterday  so i had no idea on how to use it  yet.

When all hope felt lost  I heard leaves crunching and again I  called for help this time   thankfully  I had  someone  come to help but when I saw it was the same  man who was bathing in the stream  I almost blushed  but then he said in his deep voice

"Hello are you  ok  I heard you calling  for help"

"No I aren't please help me I sprained  my ankle  and I can't move I.need to return home or my grandmother  and fathers  will get very worried "

"OK hold on  I am coming  down"

The man  came down   into the ditch and  thats when I noticed  his towering height he then bent down and examined  my foot and when he was finished  he   looked at me and said 

"Your ankle  is indeed sprained  and its also getting dark  how far is your home  Beautiful  Rose "

"Not far a few miles from the forest  its a castle  I think grandmother  called it FLORENCE CASTLE it was named after her great great great great grandfather"

"Oh wow I have heard of the castle   anyway  my name is Silas and who are you"

"I am lillith  i think we met last night were your clan the Hells Demon Hounds clan"

"Yes and I remember  you  your princess lillith  Louise myraide  small world Beautiful Rose i didn't  think princesses  liked getting  dirty"

"Most don't  but I love  nature I loved getting filthy , hiking,meditation, gardening  you name it I love it anyway what are you doing in the forest "

"Ahh well my  shower broke and I wanted to get  clean but there was no showers available  so I came to the stream back there and  bathed its quiet so i didn't  need to worry about  peeping toms or peaking  pennies now let's make you  better because i want to dance with you tonight"

I blushed  and  as silas removed my socks and shoes  his very touch on my bare skin  made my eyes flutter and my pussy clench  his touch was soft  erotic  electrical  that a moan slipped  out  I saw silas look up and his eyes that were orange became golden he looked at me intensely  and then looked down  andvhealed my  foot.

I thanked  him and tried to get out of the ditch  but it was too slippery  silas grabbed me before I could  fall again  and he told me to climb on his back and hold his neck I did as he asked  and he got us out of the ditch in one go  as soon as we were out  I let go of silas  and almost  fell in the ditch again but silas  had grabbed me by the waist   we   gazed into each others eyes and  something  passed between us  like a connection.

When we snapped out of the trance we were both in  silas walked with  me home we talked and laughed  and as I approached  the back entrance  I turned around to see silas walking  off .

I ran to him and tapped his shoulder  he turned to look at me  and  I knew the clans were watching   so when he turned to  look at me I kissed his cheeks  and thanked him for saving  me  he took my hand and placed  a chaste kiss on it and replied it was he who had gained the pleasure  of  meeting  and saving  me  I ran inside blushing and smiling  and I didn't see father and bumped into him.

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