Chapter 21-lilly

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Kyron and Kaiden had to share there dorm  but grandmother  let me have my own dorm  and as soon as I walked in I saw it fully furnished everything looked quaint and cute and had an old school feel which I didn't  mind  at all  because the decor  of the room  matched the exterior of the school  and had the rooms been modernised  too much then   it would  feel weird.

I mean OK a computer and TV aswell as a few other electrical  items  could be  added and personally designed so they could  fit the interior  of the room  without looking too out of place as I thought of  what I could do to make the room more homey and modern yet classic  my dorm room door opened and in walked grandmother.

Grandmother  looked at me with many emotions  with love being the main one and  she took a seat on the bed next to me and said

"Oh sweetest lillith your so beautiful  you remind me of my late daughter and your mother your a perfect mix between  her and Carlisle  Florissa  was my pride and joy  she was hardworking, kind, caring ,mischievous ,goofy and most of all she was pure your  mother never like seeing people  upset   and would approach anyone  who looked down

I always  worried about  this and I felt her kindness would hurt her  in the end but despite  all my worries she  was never hurt for being  kind people and supernaturals loved her when she died many attended  her funeral and we appreciated  every good thing that was said about her.

When she met your dads  she was happier  then before glowing  and when that witch cynthia  made her leave Carlisle just so she could obtain  him thats when I saw florissa  change  she seemed duller and sadder  your other dads  tried but the only thing that could make her better was Carlisle  but since he never knew why  she left he didn't know how to react the dipnut he never saw nor felt the pure love Florissa  had  for him as he was that dense but when she died he felt it  all and her feelings.

I  felt sad for my dad  after I heard the story and I did want to hate stepmother but  I had nothing  but the words of a anguished  mother who hated her brothers child for what ever reason  and since I had only met her I wanted to see for sure who she really  was before I trusted  her.

Grandmother  asked me if I like the room to which I replied I did but  I would like to add modern  things to the room  I waited  to hear a sneer or a tut of disgust  but Grandmother  laughed saying  it was my room now and I could  change  it however I liked  that suited me and my satisfaction I smiled and said  thank you  but Grandmother  laughed again and said  I didn't  need to thank her as we were family and if I had any questions  then I could ask without fear.

I like how she was trying to  get along with me and so I gave her the benefit of the doubt and test asked her about the school being mixed  or girls only  Grandmother  smiled and told me that it was a mixed school and  girls got same opportunities  as boys .

Even more then boys as she hated sexist difference  between  males and females  she told me when she opened the  school she decided  to add change to masochistic  thoughts about women  being the weaker sex due to there gender I smiled  inwards because of  mine and grandmother shared  options  of schools that treat girls differently.

When grandmother  left I slept so soundly  but as I lay sleeping  my mind kept going back to  mr silver hair and ice blue eyes  he was haunting  my every  thought  and I wondered if  I could ever  get to know his name and if  I would meet him again.

It was a few days after I found out I was an enchantress and  beginning this University  that had a side for high school aged students and that was where I currently  studied at the moment   is where I met my first two real  freinds called  Jenna and Nala.

How we met is funny  it was day one of starting the Academy/University  and my first class was  in room 101 it said basement  so I  tried to find the basement  and  caught Jenna And Nala coming from the Boys locker room with a bag at first I thought they were stealing and  I planned to  pretend  I hadn't seen anything  and go my own way but my rotten luck  got me caught.

What happened  was  my  heel had  gotten caught on the  side of the huge  banister  and I had fallen down  and cracked  open my head  And i guess I had Screamed  so Both Nala and Jenna  came to check on me  and when they saw me unconcious  they called  a healer who Took me straight away.

When grandmother  had heard of the incident she became Frantic  and rushed to the infirmary  worried and of course Nala and Jenna had both stayed with me and of course they found out  i was related  to the headmistress  but they stayed quite  and as I reassured  her I was fine and had a tumble  thats it grandmother  still wouldn't  give in it took a while and several  reassurances to convince her I was fine only then did she leave  alot more  relaxed.

When I finally  saw Nala and Jenna I thanked them and asked them to join me in my room  after I was discharged  they loved my room  and said I was lucky  I smiled and then asked them what they had done to the boys locker room and they stayed silent  because  I guess they worried about being expelled since they knew I was the principles granddaughter  but I told them they were safe .

Nala was the one  to tell me  about how  she liked a boy in the school and she went to the locker room to leave a love note  and  thats where she saw  Jenna  Vandalising a boy called brians locker   when I asked  jenna why she did that she told me he  dated her in summer break and after doing it (sex)he dumped her .

jenna said he was her first  and how he had broken  her heart but jenna explained  she was a Bad Ass and didn't spend summer crying  over him and decided to get even so all summer she met guys hooked up and  dumped  them.

  when she  started here she found out  he was a student  too and so she stalked him and found his locker  and she made sure to humiliate him  by spray painting  that he had a  tiny schlong(penis) and had no Game  she called him a plain old plain Jane who was clumsy and dumb I burst out laughing  and  so did  nala and thats how we became bestie.

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