Chapter 13-lilly

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Freya,me and Jose all held back a laugh after mothers threat and when mother calmed down she looked at us sheepishly and apologised for her behaviour thats when we all cracked up mother was confused at first but then she too cracked up and we all had a drink except mom who was a ghost and Freya who was drinking grapejuice due to her pregnancy.

I then told Freya if she would like me to find out if her pregnancy was going good she agreed and I used the new ultrasound machine I had brought to help pregnant women out and relive them.of there worries for there babies I put some gel on Freya's stomach and then I began checking the baby and the heart beat but when I heard another heart beat from the first and saw two babies I looked at Jose in anger and he blushed knowing that he was caught.

Freya saw our exchange and got worried and asked what was wrong that snapped me out of my anger towards jose and reminded me that I had a patient I then told Freya that she was carrying two babies and because Jose couldn't keep it in his damn pants the babies were both developing at the same time and because of this her pregnancy was going to be hard and she would need to make a decision that was not only safe for her but also safe for her two babies and that would be weather she had a c-section or a normal birth.

Freya looked confused and I explained that if she had a normal birth she would tire herself out after pushing out one baby and that could put the second baby im danger causing death I then explained that csection was a birthing process where I would need to cut open her womb and take the babies out that way.

And if she did a csection then both her babies had a equal chance at life and a better chance to survival but once I stitched her up she would need to take it easy for six weeks that meant no working whatsoever Freya thought about it and agreed to a csection

I told her to write it down that she gave me permission to perform a csection when it was time for her babies to be born I then printed the baby ultrasound and gave Freya the image she asked me if I knew what the babies were and I.told her I did she asked me what the babies were I told her that it was daughters.

Freya was excited and so was Jose I told him to take Freya to there room and meet me immediately he did as I asked and once he was gone I put my ultrasound machine away and I went to check on the injured male he was asleep and I touched his forehead feeling that he had a fever so I immediately got a flannel and put it in cold water covering his forehead I did this for a while until the fever subsided.

Then I put on a fireplace I found dried wood and I lit the flame using lint and once it came on the outhouse began to warm up over the next few days I stayed with the patient and me and Freya grew crops and more medicinal herbs.

we also had Jose add a cooker in the back room away from the patient we also added another level to the outhouse with fathers help and we added a pump next to a well that was still holding water I added more things to my new clinic more technology I had also been watching tutorials in how to perform a csection safely.

A few more weeks went by then a few months and Freya became tired so mother told her to rest Jose called his dad one day to help him with the builds because with Freya getting closer to her due date Jose was having a hard time concentrating and I heard his dad asking in the phone the location of the place he was and when Jose told him the other line became quiet and in a strangled voice Jose's dad said he would be down in a few days.

I knew Carlos found it hard to believe that his son was inside the clinic that his late wife and him met and I didn't blame him because had I been in his shoes I would feel the same a few days went by and Carlos had come he knocked on the door and Jose had opened it.

I could see from my examination room of how hesitant Carlos was and I worried he would go away again but when he stepped through the door followed by two men that looked like twins and two teenagers a bit older then me and Jose I wondered if the boys were my brothers too but they couldn't see me I could hear them talking and Carlos was saying

"where do we need to go son and who else is here i can smell a famillier scent do you smell that Vincent and keiran how about you both Kyron and kaiden"

"It smells like her but she's not here but I can also smell one of them keiran the brotherhood"

"I know Vincent its potent and I smell not only the brotherhood and her but I smell a wiccan her scent is mixed with Jose and that fuckboy William cockalberry"

"The wiccan is my fiance father,uncle and brothers the brotherhood is a patient here at the clinic and the other smell that reminds you all of mom is our baby sister"


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