Chapter 43 -lily

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In  the evening  after spending  the day in the library  and  music studio  i went to train in the  weapons  studio  i tried all the   weapons I knew  and  began practicing  with it  I attacked  the moving  targets  with a gun  and got in perfect  shots when I saw a monster target i  began using  swords  to fight back    I got nicked a few times  but it wasn't  too bad  I could mend my  wounds with vodka and  a bandage.

After training  I went for a walk in the garden  and saw many beautiful   trees and flowers  in bloom  i then saw a garden care taker plants  some  flower roots  i asked if I could  join in and the lady smiled  she gave me  three  flower roots  and I  planted  them   I read the label  that told me I had just planted  scented rose bushes  in the colours blue,yellow  and fucia pink.

When  I got up after  planting  the scented  rose trees   I  began to walk away  but suddenly  I felt some danger  I turned to see the garden care taker  coming at me  with  garden scissors I  dodged the  weapon and   it got stuck  in the bark of a tree  as the Gardener  tried  to remove the  clippers from the  tree I  kicked her  upwards  knocking  her  down  but suddenly  she removed her  clothing and right in front of me I saw the demon  that I had seen in my dreams.

The demon  hissed and  snapped at  me  its many  gnarled  tenticals  tried to   knock me off  balance  and make me fall so it could have the advantage  but I never gave up   I  took out the gun I had borrowed  from the weapons  studio  and began  shooting  at the creature  it let out a terrifying shriek. And  blew up    covering me I  black gunk  the gunk smelled toxic and  after accidentally  smelling the toxic  vapors  I passed out.

I lay on the garden grass  for god know how long and I could hear my fiance's  looking for me  there frantic  voices  yelling at everyone  to find me and look  everywhere  the sky was becoming  dark and  began raining  the cool rain hit the gunk and it began burning  I screamed  in agony  hearing my scream I saw everyone enter the garden  and  they split up it was Tyrone,Silas  and  Hunter  who had found  me  Tyrone was about to. Pick me  up but hunter stopped  him telling  him that I was covered in a thick  back glob of toxic gunk.

Hinter told  them to remove  my clothing  immediately  the removed  my  clothes and    left me in a bra and panties  hinter then got a plastic  wallet and put all my  clothes inside it  Tyrone screamed  at the maids tonbring a robe  she left and returned  with one almost immediately.

Tyrone wrapped   it around  me and  took me to his room  silas followed  him  i was laid on the bed  as Tyrone asked silas to take out som clothes  for me  silas returned  with a silk nighty  and Tyrone dressed me up once I was changed  silas sat on one side of me where as Tyrone sat onnthenother.side of me  the presence comforted me as drifted in and out of consciousness  and everytime I drifted into  consciousness  I saw  memories   that didn't belong to  me.

I saw Tyrone  as a young man  messing around with  his freinds and  an older gentleman  he was happy  then the  memory  changed to seeing  silas  laying on the grass talking to  his carbon copy  that I realised was   no one other then   ilas the twin that died I looked at ilas  he was so handsome and   his aura was so pure  he had  bronze eyes  and I wondered  what   his dragon would look like   eventually  I saw  both  Tyrone and silas on stage  and they began singing  I somehow had the eurges to  sing too  so I did  I sang the song thru had  and soon I came back  to my own mind and body  and I sang  the song.

I heard startled gasps  and words that I couldn't  make out  something told me  to touch the hand that silas wore  his  ring and I did I could feel silas  holding my hand and runbimg  circles on them and I began sing chanting  as I touched the  ring  I could feel it becoming hotter and I  could feel  silas trying to pull away.

  Tyrone also tried to unlatch my hand from silas but to no avail  the energy  that left me concentrated solely on the ring  the image I kept seeing  was the ring  melting  and  becoming  another form  like thstbif a tall built man just like silas I  saw bronze eyes and  soft luscious  lips  I saw aristocratic  facial  features  and  a muscular  body I saw  a permanent  smile  and joyful personality  I foresaw  a  type of crafting   talent  and then I passed out.

I had no idea how long I had been passed out  but   it felt as if my body was frozen in time  I couldn't  move or speak or  anything  I  often  felt heat flushes when someone  sat with me  and  the calloused  hands always  let me know it  was  Tyrone  he often lay besides  me and   my body  came alive with a fire  that I had only ever experienced once with silas.

I knew it was my second heat instantly  
Being close to  Tyrone  my eyes  fluttered  open and  I began stripping  all my clothes  and   discarding  of them   I then stood over a startled  Tyrone  and began touching  myself until I combusted  my orgasm   dripped out of me   and onto Tyrone  then my body began burning  and I  nearly  fell but Tyrone  grabbed me in time  he then brought  me onto him and I began ripping off  his shirt.

I became  barbaric,uncivalised biting and scratching tyronesslready  sexily scarred  body  and   I began kissing each scar that  Tyrone had  and he had many from what I don't know  but I feared that Tyrone  had been tortured   once upon a  time everytime my kiss landed on a scar Tyrone hissed  and moaned and I wanted more.

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