Chapter 1

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So this is my second fanfic now!!

Hope you enjoy :D


Great new year. Same school. Same friends. Same bullies.

Don't get me wrong, I quite like school, just not the people in it. Well apart from my friends, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam. I've been friends with them since I was five, we met in school, but we're all from different places, I'm the only one from London!

I have somehow woken up at 6am, my mum normally comes in and yells and me to get up because I'm too lazy to set an alarm. However, it may be because my sister has been blasting Tinie Tempah through her speakers since 5am. I don't know how she can get up so early! I do like Tinie Tempah, he's the only rapper I like, not sure why though.

I sit watching TV for a while till I realise the time is 6:45, I think I should get up. I drag my self out of bed and stroll towards my wardrobe. I grab my dark blue skinny jeans and my black t-shirt with a union jack on it. I put a thin layer of foundation and mascara on, straighten my long blonde hair and put on my red converse boots. I throw my bag over my shoulder and head downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey honey" my mum greets me

"Hey mum" I reply moving towards to cupboard, take my cereal, grab a bowl and spoon and head to the island in the middle of the kitchen and sit down.

"So, new year, you excited?" my mum asks putting on her fake excited face

"What do you think?" I respond, I am kind of happy to see my friends again, especially Louis because he went home to Doncaster the whole summer.

"Ok, well may be this year could be your year" she pretends to be all happy, I just glare at her

"How will it be my year?"

"Well, you're turning eighteen, you're going to start uni next year and you never know, maybe you could get a boyfriend too" she winks at me, why is she so obsessed with me and boys. Just 'cause i've never had a boyfriend, she's convinced every year someone will randomly fall in love with me and date me

"Why would I get a boyfriend? I mean who would date me?"

"You're gorgeous any boy would happily date you" I scold at her point, I mean thats what parents are s'pose to say right? They only say it because you're half of each of them! "Anyways I was thinking of Louis" she winks again getting up from her seat, taking our plates to the sink and washing them

"Why would I date Louis?" the thought disgusts me, I mean I love him and all, but only a friend, nothing more, he was my closest friend and everyone around us thought we were going out but we have been friends since we were two! Are you surprised we're this close?

"Well, you're always laughing around each other and enjoying each others company" she smirks at me

"Well, I don't like him in that way" I state grabbing an apple shoving it in my mouth and storming out of the house.

I hear my mum yell 'sure' as I slam the door, heading to the bus stop. I put in my headphones and put Emeli Sande's album on shuffle, her music really speaks to me. Especially Clown because it relates to my school life! I have my normal group of friends but Sharon and her little skank group bully me, they have for years, I've only ever told my older sister Jess. But, Jack, he's the worst. Always flirting with me, he knows I hate him, so why does he attempt to flirt?

I finish my apple, throw it in the bin by the bus stop, I sit under the shelter and read the sign. Only five minutes till my bus, that's not that long. I got my phone out to see I had a text from Niall

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