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Him. The blonde haired kidnapper. Alois Trancy. He put his hand out and smiled. "It seems Ciel gave you something too. I wonder, are you two..." He jumped into my room and laughed. "together?"

"It's none of your business." I growled.

"Ah, it's complicated."

"Why do you hurt people?" He turned to face me. my hands into fists.

His face went somber, it almost glowed.

"Isn't it fun to hurt?" His smile was back as he places his finger on my lips and traced them. I pushed him away.

"Well, no it isn't fun to hurt!" I lashed out at him, yelled at him.

"You don't understand it, you never will"
His smile started to fade. My heart rate slowed down as I saw him break. Tears flowing from his eyes.

"Maybe if you told me I'd understand."

"No." his voice was crisp and clear.


"You're useless to me." he slapped me and sent me to the ground. "Just another, useless, test subject. I should kill you," he laughed. "Even better, you should kill yourself." He smiled and jumped out of my window and I stayed in a ball on the floor. My cheek and heart hurting,

The One Who UnderstandsWhere stories live. Discover now