My story

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I told him everything, and he listened.

"Um well I was the daughter of some nobles, I can't remember who but I stayed in a mansion way smaller than this but one day my father came home and I was locked out. I decided to venture out into the forest near my home. I was only 6 at the time. I was found by a couple of big older men. I screamed but they covered my mouth and took me. Then they started to inject some things into me and hit me. I went through that for eight years and then over the past month I was supposed to be sold to some guy in Spain or something so they stopped hitting me but kept injecting things into me. then two days ago they took a metal stamp and heated it up. Then they put it on my back to mark me as some sort of noble thing from them. I was supposed to be sold today if they hadn't run out of needles and left me there and if Sebastian wasn't there I would me in Spain bring abused. I just want to say thank you." I finished my story and Ciel looked at me.

"Can I see this mark?" He asked. He was curious. I don't know if I should. But he's curious. He looked like he understood when I mentioned it earlier.

"Um, yes. Yes you can."

I opened the back of the dress enough for him to see it. I heard him gasp. He closed the dress and turned me towards him.

" Jessica."


"I have the same mark that you do."

I looked at him. And he showed me.

"Young Master, It's time for your afternoon tea. I also brought along some extra for Miss Guest too." Sebastian entered without knocking and saw Ciel with his mark showing and me just sitting there. "Young Master, what happened in here while I was gone?"

We both just stared at him blankly. Ciel quickly fixed his shirt and I fixed my dress.

"What do you mean Sebastian?"

Sebastian glared at me and poured the tea then left. Ciel laughed and I followed suit.

"Jessica. Would you rather be a maid or something else?"

"What would that something else be?" He gestured for me to come closer and he whispered in my ear.

"My friend."

"I would love to Ciel."

He smiled and he gave me a hug. Then I was free to go.

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