Chapter 56.) Cosmic

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Throughout a person's life, they are aware that there will be challenges that they'll have to face, but the real challenge is how they evolve and learn from overcoming them. As youths, we felt as if life was something simple and full of fun activities. Death wasn't on the radar but at times we were exposed to it. But life can be simple yet also complicated, and the best thing that we get out of it, if we lived a good life is dying knowing that we're as happy as we could be before our ticket is drawn.

The best thing that a person could leave this world with is knowing that they left their mark behind and touched the hearts of others for generations to come.

Life was never meant to be easy, it was meant to be a journey. That's the way Lucky felt lately the more he discussed his issues during therapy. . .

18-year-old Lucky

"Damn bol, yo ass spend three months in tha' hole and come out swole and iced out," Robert chuckled, staring at Lucky

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"Damn bol, yo ass spend three months in tha' hole and come out swole and iced out," Robert chuckled, staring at Lucky.

Lucky kept his eyes on one particular man for a moment before averting his gaze to his annoying associate. After he recovered, he was put into the hole for two months, and released back into the general population but two months of being free, one of the inmates tried to shank him in the shower but wasn't fast enough to see the salt hitting their eyes.

Of course, Lucky was the one caught in the middle of fighting and it made things worst when the other inmates lied and told the correctional officers that the shank belonged to him. He was supposed to get released two months later for good behavior and when the other inmates found out, a few became envious and figured they'd continue to test the young man. Lucky wasn't hip to the rules of being locked up yet, at least when it came to protecting himself, all other knowledge went out the window. After the fight, another charge was added and his time was pushed back.

During his three-month stay in solitary confinement, Lucky used that time to read. He wasn't supposed to have any privileges but a few of the guards had a heart and turned a blind eye to certain things. After all, he was a young teen when he was brought in, and has been fighting just to survive living in a den full of hungry hyenas. He read multiple books, worked out, worked in the kitchen, and did laundry whenever they would let him, he read the Bible front to back three times but still wasn't sure if he believed in God. Every story seemed made up and over exaggerated to him.

He read a lot about African culture and rituals the ancestors performed but made a mental note to steer clear of that. He read some Malcolm X, a few poetry books, and even read through a Spanish dictionary just because. He tried his hand with the Quran for two weeks but felt as if it was a bit out of his league since he wasn't sure what to label his beliefs. If it's one thing he would say that was true about jail and prison, many men did turn Muslim once incarcerated, but him? He didn't want to assign himself to any religion, especially not after everything he's been through.

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