Chapter 33.) Back Home

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The morning sky was coated in a cocktail blue hue as the radiant sun wrapped those outdoors in its warm and luminous glow. There was a gentle chorus of birds harmonizing in the air, as the scent of flowers, barbecue, and toasted goodness lingered around the world. It was summertime, the time when music and dance were at an all-time high.

The family was back home and back to business. Some things went undiscussed during the last couple of days of the trip but the four weeks that they were away, was enough to set the tone for things. King and Renae were still trying to figure out what they wanted to do, but put their situation to the side to help Assyria celebrate her 21st birthday. Although she didn't want much or had the mental capacity for anything, she was still grateful for the fun she had. Back to work for her meant forgetting about her problems and mistakes.

She was still trying to figure out what she wanted to do career-wise but for now, she didn't mind working for Ava, after all, she did love fashion. Dajon was back to working at his Law Firm while allowing Dante to shadow some of his new practicing lawyers and sit through the mini-lectures he frequently gave. While Dante was using that time to see what the everyday life of a Lawyer looked like, Ary was back to stopping in at the tattoo shop and drawing designs.

Zaire enrolled in some short summer classes just to keep himself busy and out of trouble the way he knew he'd end up if he had nothing else to do. Yae'Shawn was out of rehab and back to living inside the house with the twins but Reign had him sleeping downstairs in the guestroom and barely spoke to him. The tension inside their home was thick as a block of cheese. Yae'Shawn had no clue what transpired on the trip but from Tamir having his jaw wired and Daewon rocking an arm split and cast, it was pretty obvious that the pair had got into some mess.

To say that Kaari was embarrassed was an understatement. She felt like the only person with common sense but felt as she was forced to choose sides. Right was right and wrong was wrong, and she knew that her twin messed up beyond measures but why did she have to get caught in the middle? All she wanted was to make money, enjoy her son, and frequently or maybe once in a blue moon, knock some sense into her husband. The loyalty he had toward Daewon was a little too much if she'd admit.

There was no way she would keep getting beat up defending a person that knew but chose not to do better. That was basically the same as a guy putting his friends in a dangerous situation just because his ego was too big to ignore something. So you'd rather die than be quiet? Was how she felt. She was almost embarrassed to claim Tamir as her husband. Good Lord, she wasn't saying that she wanted someone who could take on the world but how many times did he have to lose to Lucky to realize he just wasn't built like him? She was over it.

It was July the 11th, Ava was in her fifth-month mark and had her prenatal checkup two days once the family got back and as Lucky already knew it, her blood pressure levels were still high, and she had officially been ordered to bed rest during the remainder of her pregnancy. Lucky had half a mind to hurt her feelings and call her all types of inconsiderate and disrespectful towards their growing baby but he kept his harsh but truthful thoughts to himself.

Did that mean he'd be easy on her? Nope, she was supposed to be on bed rest and that's what was going to happen. He was only 29 and felt like an overworked and underpaid old man. While she was home with Ace and still creating in her home studio, Lucky and Kairo were back to working on the construction of the halfway center for those who were incarcerated.

"How long do think dis will take?" Kairo asked Lucky as he joined him outside of the building while the rest of the men moved in and out.

"We don't have tha' walls or actual ceilings, maybe tha' end of November... December at tha latest," he answered, looking through the blueprint again.

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