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"You must be curious." I swing my legs over the edge of the bridge drinking the juice from my can. He looks at me raising a brow.

"About what?" I poke my inner cheeks taking my time to reply. "About me and Ji Eun." I see him pouting from my peripheral vision.

"Um, yeah... I mean it's alright if you don't-" Before he completes I hand him my phone, telling him to look at a particular folder in my gallery. I feel him taking glances at me while he does so. 

"You both look happy." I let out a scoff. Even I thought I was happy but that girl manipulated me so badly that I just couldn't know what happiness was. It was as if she could control my heart and mind. She is scary. 

"Who is this?" He asks pointing at the other girl in the picture. "Min ji. She tried to attempt suicide." I hear his low gasp. I play with the can. 

"Hopefully she failed. But she was in hospital for six months." He doesn't interrupt me in between and keeps listening to what I say. 

"Just before she tried to kill herself, we had a fight. Like a huge one. We said a lot of things to each other and um... there were many people who saw us fighting." I clutch the can in my hand tightly. 

"She went on the rooftop of the school. I felt uncomfortable after fighting like that. So, I decided to follow her and apologize. Ji Eun told me she'd come with me too. And as soon as we were there, she jumped." I don't realize when a tear slips from my eyes. I feel a warm touch on my hands. 

"During the school meeting, Ji Eun told everyone that I pushed her while we were fighting and she made a complete different story. Worse, everyone believed her." 

I still remember how my heart broke into pieces that day. The only person I thought would be with me turned against me. 

"Including my father. Though he settled down everything with his money. I had to go through a lot. Everyone started treating me like a murderer and it was devastating." I sniffle wiping the tears from my face. 

"But then, Min ji woke up. And she told everyone, nothing was my fault. Her reasons were different. I thought after that things would get better but they just became worse for me. Every day I had to hear how cruel I am and what not. I was blamed for something I never did." 

I don't realize when he takes me in his arms and I am already crying on his shoulders. But soon I remind myself that its not worth my tears. 

I pull away wiping those tears. I looked at him giving him a smile. 

"But you know what? When I was so close to giving up, I found someone. He just gave me an entire new life and I can never be anymore thankful to him. He doesn't even know that he saved a life. He saved me." 

I stare into his eyes as I notice a pinch of sadness in them. 

He hugs me patting my back. "I wish I was there with you." Right when he said that, I wanted to hold his hand and tell him that he was there when I needed him the most. He has always been there for me. 

But I stop myself. 

The person I met that day, was different. And I am truly thankful to him but I don't love that person. I love Jungkook. I love this man who is right in front of me. 

I don't want him to believe that I love him just because I owe him my life. 

Somewhere, deep down, I am happy he was drunk that day and he doesn't remember our very first meeting, otherwise thigs would have been very different and maybe more complicated. 

Maybe we wouldn't be living this moment. 

I click my tongue heaving out a sigh. "I should've told some other time. I just ruined the mood." He shakes his head staring at his lap.

"You made it more special. I am happy to know that you know I trust you." 

He wraps his arms around my waist leaning in for a kiss.

I feel the burden on my shoulders wash away.

It's all good with him.

When it's already too late we get inside the car driving to his place.

But as much perfect it keeps becoming, I feel a strange feeling inside my heart.

And I can bet, it's not a good one.

As I am deeply into those thoughts I feel his hand on my thighs.

"Mr. Jeon. What are you trying to do?" I tilt my head with a sly smirk tugged on the corner of my lips.

He glances at me rubbing his hand over my skin. Well, I'm sensitive to his touches. I feel goosebumps all over my body.

"Sir, are you going to answer me?" I stiffen a laugh trying to be as flirty as I can. I stress on the word 'Sir' knowing what a turn on it is for him.

When he doesn't reply me I speak again. "Sir, are you-" He squeezes my thighs lightly shutting me off.

"Stop it."

Little bit teasing wouldn't hurt, right?


"Stop what, Sir?" He looks at me narrowing his eyes. "Stop with that Sir thing Madam."

I tilt my head raising a brow.

"What if I don't want to, Sir?"

If something I'd love to do all the, it'd be teasing him. It's my favourite fun activity.

Also, he looks like a cute little bunny when he's annoyed.

"Then..." The car halts as I realize we have reached his house. He gets off his car walking towards my side.

I always thought I have two legs to walk but actually they are there to be wrapped around his muscular waist.

He literally lifts me up in his arms kissing my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck running my fingers through his silky locks.

I hear my heart beating like crazy inside my chest.

I don't realize when we are already in his room. As much as I loved to see him in this shirt, I'd love it better to rip it off.

He pushes me on the bed hovering over me. I feel like my heart is going to explode. Or maybe it's already exploded.

Wow, how am I still alive?

He trails his tongue along my jaw as I moan throwing my head back.

Before I get too distracted by him something crosses my mind. And it's important for me.

I thought he was going to confess but he didn't. What is this between us?

I hold his shoulders slightly pushing him away.
He looks at me, his face showing confusion all over.

"What's wrong?" I clear my throat wrapping my arms around his waist.

Finally, I decide to ask him myself.

"Jungkook, do you love me?"

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