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"Why the fucking hell is she here?" Jungkook whisper yelled at his betrayer friend who baited him with a set of his new play station and lured him to come to his house only to know that he's going to spend his entire weekend with you.

He didn't sign up for this.

"Calm down. I invited her because... It would be fun to do something together. Wouldn't it?" He scoffed rolling his eyes and instantly looking at you who's now having a verbal fight with Jennie.

"C'mon, one day wouldn't hurt? Aren't you my dear friend? Can't you do this much for me?" Taehyung showed his puppy eyes using the tactic of emotional blackmail but Jungkook was far away from his trap.

"Excuse me? Do I know you? Sorry, I came here by mistake. I'll leave." He started collecting his Jacket to leave the house instantly but Taehyung stopped him. "Hey, if you do this, I'll give my new play station to you." Lol, he can buy his own.

"I don't want." Taehyung panicked thinking of better things to give him while holding his arm tightly. "How about the brand new headphones which you couldn't find in market just yet?" And this is the thing he really wants.

He stares at Taehyung for a while before speaking. "Deal?" A wide smile forms on his lips. He shows up his thumb to Jungkook. "Deal."

So the things are settled with Jungkook. Taehyung succeeded in convincing him to spend his weekend along with you. What about you?

"You know what? I'll better go to my house and whine on the couch all day that I'm getting bored." You say throwing a death glare to your friend to whom you were grateful a second ago for bringing you to Taehyung's house.

"Y/n, why spoiling your weekend because of Jungkook. Not like you're going to be alone with him. I and Taehyung would be here too." She looks at you with little hope in her eyes.

"To be honest I wouldn't give a damn fuck if you or Taehyung would be around or not. The fact that Jungkook will be together with us, is what that's bothering me. There I said it... And if I hurt your feelings I'm not even sorry. It is what it is." Okay, let's pretend that you said nothing. She looked at you with a cute pout on her face. And you had to look away to not fall into her traps.

"Y/n-ieeee. Can't you do this much for me? It's not even that big. Please." Crossing your arms you shake your head firmly. "No." She bites her lips thinking of another ideas and there she got.

"Free food from me for two weeks." That is something you would fall for but to her surprise you shook your head. "I'll buy my own food." She sighed silently thinking of other ways and there she got one again.

"I'm gonna give you the brand new PlayStation you wanted for a while." Well, you can buy that for yourself but it's not in the market yet. And you just want to have it so why not.

You bear him everyday for free. Today you're going to get something to bear him. That's not a bad deal.

"Promise?" You said raising a brow as her lips curved up into a smile. "Promise." You nodded and turned around. As soon as you locked eyes with Jungkook, you both rolled your eyes throwing the attitude you both had on each other.

"Y/n, it's nice to see you here." And instantly your lips curve up to form a smile. "Thanks for inviting."


"Order anything, my treat." Taehyung who was sitting across the table chirped enthusiastically while you were too busy shooting burning glares at Jungkook and so was he.

All of you decided to go out instead of being at the house and here you were in the restaurant for lunch. Jennie was sitting beside you and Jungkook was sitting in front of you with Taehyung sitting beside him.

"Will you both please stop killing each other with your eyes?" Said Jennie clearly annoyed with the tensed atmosphere. "Huh, I'm not looking at him. He's not worth my eyes." With a sassy reply you smirked staring down at your plate.

"Right, I'm too handsome for you to resist. You wouldn't be able to control yourself if you look at me." He smirked at you as your head snapped towards him. Is he high or something? Resist him? Woah. He's not even that handsome. Yes he is buy not that you can't resist him.

He and his fake assurance to himself. Fly Jeon Fly. "The stray dog out of my house looks better than you." He hisses tilting his head.

"Get your eyes checked sweetie. Or maybe your taste is just too bad." You internally scream at him for calling you with that hell of a nick name. Like, what's sweet in you and even if there is, you never showed him.

"Just because four cheap girls roam around you doesn't mean you're handsome." He ran his hands through his hair leaning on the table in front of him.

"Seriously. You need to get your eyes checked. They are not four. They are four thousand." You scoff playing with the fork. "Then four thousand stupid girls with no brains." The other two were just looking at you both blankly because this time the fight started over nothing. Wait... That's not a fight. That's you insulting him and him simping over himself.

"Maybe one day you'll lose your brain too." He winked at you making you roll your eyes for the nth time today. "Fuck off." He scoffs leaning back on his chair. "Fuck off to you too." You clicked your tongue leaning over your chair crossing your arms.

"Jerk!" Muttering that under your breath you looked out of the window. "Mind saying that louder?" Jungkook glared at you through gritted Teeth.
What? He really wants you to repeat? Sure. His loss anyway.

"I said you are a pervert nasty man." And you literally said that loud enough for other people to hear. They gave weird looks while all the three on the table were taken aback by your action.

"Y/n, did you just-" You tilt your head smiling at him creepily. "yes. Now say one more word and I'll scream that again." His eyes darken as he looked at you. "Do that again and I'll make you regret?" You pouted furrowing your brows. "And mind telling me how'd you do that?"

He bit his lips as a small smirk formed on his lips. Oh no. You can already see it coming.

"Bet you don't wanna know." The food already arrived. Both Taehyung and Jennie were eating while not even blinking their eyes. They feared they'll miss some interesting scenes if they do so.

What great friends we have here.

"Oh, there's nothing you can do that's why you can't tell." You smiled in victory staring at him straight.

"Good in provoking." Jennie whispered silently to her friend. "Right, what's gonna happen next?" He said munching his chicken leg piece fondly.

"Nah Kitten. I'll spank you."

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